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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Donald Trump's Federal Indictment Won't Change His Winning Trajectory

Even with former US President Donald Trump having been indicted for having stolen classified presidential records from the White House, it won't change his full trajectory to victory for the Republicans' presidential nomination and the presidency itself next year. Current US President Joe Biden, even while projecting broader confidence, isn't going to know what'd hit him and the Democratic Party writ-large to knock them well out of power so quickly. Part of the reason would be the total thining out of their base; as well as the Supreme Court gearing itself up to chuck out both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in their full entireties. By the close of 2023, these laws won't even be in effect any further.

The first priority for the Republicans upon taking total congressional control in January 2025 is to repeal both those aforementioned laws from the federal dockets so completely before even passing out tax cuts for the yet wealthiest American individuals and enterprises. Now the reason for doing it in that order is that it will utterly kill off a blue-colored wave election in 2026, and quite fully allow the GOP to continue imposing its will on us with complete impunity. It will also mean that Trump'll have the space he needs to change the Constitution just to his own benefit. His first target: that's the fuller 22nd Amendment. Ditch that and he (or thus another family member) will be in office forever.

Quite thus then, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. For the faction trying to regain the power which it'd lost is the very same one that tore the whole country apart back during the American Civil War. So granted the issues aren't the very same as then, but yet the attitude and animosity absolutely are.

More specifically, the faction I'm so referring to is that of the old plantation owners, who today are yet mostly corporate titans. Its overtly racialized reactionism and total dedication to White Supremacy is what's broken now back into the mainstream again after being quite sidelined for a good nearly 70 years.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Why Shaming Republican Candidates For Their Bigotry Won't Work

The Democrats and media are correct in calling out the unequivocally bigoted campaign rhetoric coming from numerous Republicans, but at this point, it's very moot. Now this is by many of these heads openly taking that shame, and turning it into a badge of honor. Some on the left have every incentive to pin this spike in hateful speech on Donald Trump, but they're thoroughly going after the wrong person.

Trump is the figure who's been blurting the quieter part of the Republican Party's numerous coded and bigoted tropes out loud, which had invariably marked a change in tone. But he's not the cause for all of this, especially not the direct one. That honor falls onto greater figures of yesteryear. These are people such as James Buckley and Robert Welch, both of whom had entirely opposed the ending of segregation and the onset of Civil Rights. Doing so starting right back in 1954 with the ruling of Brown v. Board. 

So for all this bigoted horseshit that Republicans have been saying on the campaign trail, it's a clear sign that the party so taking a chapter out of Trump's playbook. But at the same time, it's also a sign that all these new Dixiecans are picking up from where their Dixiecrat ancestors were stymied in the 1960s and 1970s. Trying to get rid of the Civil Rights laws which outlawed Jim Crow. All with its unremittingly mandated segregation and discrimination.

For Republicans, it's not so much about gaining power as a party, it's about a section of America seeking total revenge for what it determines as encroachment on its rights: the White South, specifically of its elites. Some members of this clique have a thoroughly long history of using such bellicose language whenever they don't get their way. To them, it's about preserving a power structure which can actually only run smoothly upon the suffering of non-Whites, especially Blacks. They and Hispanics/Latinos are overwhelmingly targetted for either their dark skin tones, or for speaking in the wrong language, or both. Bear in mind, this is only a small fraction of this group which we're talking about, not the overwhelming majority.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Donald Trump Will Be Elected President In 2024

A lot of people need to avoid falling into a false sense of confedence that Joe Biden, or whomever runs in his place on the Democratic national ticket, will be (re)elected in 2024. NO HE/THEY WON'T! Donald Trump will be "elected" (more like implanted) in 2024 instead.

Trump is going to become president through a combination of cheating from vote suppression and legislative undermining of popular will. We can fight this to the nth degree, but it's not going to change the reality that Trump is going to win and by a bigger margin in the electoral college than he did in 2016; although with a smaller percentage of the popular vote. This is not so much minority rule as it is White Supremacist reign returning. Returning after a nearly 60-year hiatus.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Donald Trump's Continued Hold On The Republican Party

It shouldn't be lost on anyone that Donald Trump us still pulling the strings behind the Republican Party's descent into fascism. This is why Republicans in Congress are fighting tooth and nail to ensure that no commission is set up for investigating the 01/06/2021 attack on the Capitol. Having the commission up and running means that some of them are likely going to be implicated in the attack's prior planning. It'll also illustrate that some figures in the Republicans' congressional leadership had also been in communication with then outgoing Trump about effectively executing the uprising.

Seeing both Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell squirm at the bill's passage in the House of Representatives indicates that they likely know something in how the attempted coup was allowed to happen in the first place. So be sure to watch this pair and their seconds-in-command in the coming days as these 2 are clearly trying to cover up any potential involvement of both themselves and anyone else in their respective conferences. They're also the gateway to Trump himself (who's doing everything he can think of to keep himself out of prison), who's leading the base to force those Republicans in power to be part of his cover up effort.

Don't think that Trump isn't aware of his deteriorating legal situation, or the fact that he's likely going to be in prison, because he definitely is. If a commission is set up by Congress to investigate the uprising of 01/06, it might illustrate his level of involvement in addition to the congressional Republicans' leadership's knowledge of the event's commencement and when they knew about it.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1968 Is The Wrong Comparison For 2020

I have no patience for those voices who claim that 1968 is the year for us to compare 2020 to in terms of dynamic similarities, as it's the wrong analogy. The right election years to compare 2020 to are 1980 and 1992. 1980 and 1992 were years of immense change in how certain regions had aligned themselves politically. Some states, like California. were Republican-leaning swing states prior to 1992; while others, such as Texas, had been Democratic-leaning swing states prior to 1980. 2020 is shaping up to be a year along those same dynamics again. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Donald Trump And The Republican Party's Race-Baiting Shows

This is a truth lost on no one, which is that Donald Trump is flailing in the various polls that have come out. This would also explain the reason for his and the Republican Party's continual race-baiting; they have nothing to run on, except for that. The economy has gone out the window and with the Trump Administration's bungled response to COVID-19, no one in their right mind would want to keep the Republicans in power. Dishonest, corrupt and incompetent; those are the best words to describe the Republican Party these days. The fact that they're being brazenly open about their not bothering to govern is a travesty in itself.

Trump and the Republicans turning to race-baiting illustrates that they've acknowleged that their credibility has disappeared and that they need a scapegoat of some kind to serve as a perfectly placed distraction. No amount of lying can get them out of the jam they're in, and they know this. The only way for them to save what power they do have is for the Democrats to nominate a candidate that no one wants as an alternative. This is classic Republican campaign tactics at work: make someone else the problem, make something else the issue. This didn't help the Republicans in both the 2006 and 2018 midterm elections, nor in the 2008 presidential election. Those 3 election cycles saw the Republicans take steep losses at the polls from having nothing to campaign on. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Republicans And Likud Have Gone Too Far

Recent actions taken against 2 Democratic Representatives by both the Republicans and Likud have gone way too far. Likud is to blame on the following reason: Under Benjamin Netanyahu's "leadership," they've institiuted an entry ban for 2 duly elected Democratic Representatives just because they had the temerity to call out their continued violations of international law at the request of the Trump Administration.

But what really blows this out of the water is some anti-Semitic comments from Donald Trump himself and the opening that it's given to anti-Semites to come out accusing American Jews of disloyalty to both America and Israel by voting Democratic, and not Republican, electorally. There are going to be more lines like this coming from Republicans over the next several months, primarily those who are either running in their 1st election, or present incumbents running for re-election.

How this ties back to Likud if it's only Republican surrogates campaigning on Trump's behalf is fairly simple: Many of the conspiracy theories being thrown out by Trump's camp have also been used by Likud for years; especially with regards to the question of who is a Jew. The Likud-led governing coalition in Israel has had several rank-and-file memebers come out falsely accusing American Jews of not being Jewish at all, and of being disloyal to their homeland by openly criticizing it. That premise is complete and utter horseshit.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mitch McConnell Going Full Racist

Just when we've thought that we already hit rock bottom with regards to Mitch McConnell, he always manages to prove us wrong. Yesterday, apparently, was no exception. In the video below, you'll see just how low he managed to sink.

In the end, it really comes as little surprise that he decided to go with that racist low-blow. Don't assume that this is a first for McConnell because sadly it isn't by any stretch. The fact remains that he's one of those, as I like to call them, Cranky Old White Guys (Translation: Angry Old White Men). If you run a search on either Google or Bing, you can find several million examples of McConnell engaging in racist conduct.

If McConnell's commentary illustrates anything, it's that the Republican Party at-large has a racism problem. This is also a sign that the party is dying from within after having moved so far to the right that it's no longer within the mainstream anymore. We're likewise seeing the conservative movement coming apart at the seams, too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Petitions For The People's Lobby

For those who are new to viewing this blog (1st of all, welcome), the People's Lobby is an advocacy organization that fights for the voices of the American people who aren't part of the elite. I've been in contact with the organization's sole director/administrator, Dwayne Hunn, for the last year or so. He's got 2 petitions up for signing and sharing, so if you have a chance: please do so. The petitions are here and here.

The first petition is about getting law makers to raise the effective taxation level of the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations. Increasing their rate will help to close the budget gaps we're currently facing as a result of the Republican's tax-cuts. It will also make it so that we have the money to establish the Medicare-for-All system and tuition-free public colleges that Bernie Sanders had advocated for back in 2016.

The other has to do with creating a World Service/Jobs Corps as a 21st-Century recalibration of the Peace Corps. This would give Americans the opportunity to engage in an additional form service to country to serving in the Military. This would be a better use of our foreign policy resources, as it's a great way for us to engage in soft-power diplomacy. Plus we'll get the added advantage of winning the hearts and minds of people in the countries we're aiding. Especially when the living conditions foster an environment for political and/or religious extremism. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 Is Going To Be 1 Hell Of An Interesting Year

There’s no denying that because of the outcome of the 2018 midterms, 2019 is shaping up to be a real interesting ride now that Donald Trump is practically cornered. How much more mayhem he’ll cause is still a massive unknown, but 1 thing is definitely clear, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. What happens now is dependent on what he chooses to use next as a conveniently placed distraction.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why We Should Still Turn Out Regardless Of What The Republicans And Their Far-Right Goons Do To Keep Us Away From The Polls

From voter suppression to voter intimidation, it’s pretty clear to see that the Republican Party is growing desperate to hang on to their status as America’s majority party. That reason alone is exactly why we need to still come out and make our voices heard in the upcoming midterm election in 2 weeks. If you live in a Republican-controlled state, don’t let yourself be intimidated out of exercising your right to vote.

As Barack Obama correctly pointed out in a video on Youtube, voting is the only way to improve our already dire circumstances. Now is not the time to become disengaged. Let’s answer his call by heading out to the polls on November 6.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Seeing The Left Destroy Itself

I know that I wrote about how the Right was destroying itself last year, but I think it's time to give the Left its due. The biggest problem is that the "leadership" is doing everything humanly possible to prevent anything meaningful from being enacted. This is a massive problem when the Democrats are holding America hostage just to fatten Corporate America's wallet (the GOP notwithstanding), while only pretending to care about the issues that actually matter to the electorate. At this point the Democratic National Committee has lost its mind, only carrying on (until about last week or so) Hillary Clinton's post-election media tantrum. Be it about Donald Trump's supposed connections to Russia, or how everyone who voted for someone other than Clinton as a mysogynist. That's just a couple of examples, but it paints the picture of how badly out-of-touch the "Left" (and I'm being very generous to the Democratic Party's current leadership) has become. Until there's a revolt from within, there's no way for the left to actually assert itself in America's political dialogue. Especially when we're fighting the very worst elements of the far-right.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Reign Of The Incompetent

Seeing that it's been almost a month since Donald Trump's been in office, and it's been nothing but non-stop incompetence. Pitiful, as it makes George W. Bush actually look competent in comparison. Luckily this is temporary, as we got the 2018 Midterm Election coming up in a little more than a year from now. In the meantime, we have to keep organizing and pushing to bring the change we desperately need.

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