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Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Russia Invading Ukraine Is A Dumb Move

For all the news banging around about Russia targetting Ukraine, no one should be all that surprised about an invasion. This happening was long in the making since 2014.

For Russia itself, this was a dumb move strategically as it's going encourage the growth of something it sought to cease: the further expansion of NATO. It'll kick into overdrive for 2 additional Scandanavian nations' push to join the alliance: Sweden and Finland. At the moment, these are neutral nations, but with actions going as they are, it'd be a non-surprise to see them clamoring to join.

Russia will come out of this in a worse position than when it in. America will use whatever leverage it has with Israel and China, which can cut the former out of the global trade and arms markets. Not only that, the war in Ukraine is exceedingly unpopular among the Russian people. The younger generations are getting information through social media sites like TikTok and Vkontakte rather than consuming the propoganda that's broadcasted on Russian state media.

Ordinary Russians are seeing the body bags that are coming back from Ukraine, and they're pissed off about it. They're beginning to protest against the war, which is scaring the living crap out of Vladimir Putin. As an autocrat, there's nothing more threatening than peaceful protests.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Christopher Steele's Dossier - What I Got Wrong About It

 I know that I wrote a piece a few years ago about how Christopher Steele having lied about Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election; about it working on Donald Trump's behalf. I need to come clean and say that I was wrong, dead wrong. Steele was by no means a puppet for the Ukrainians, or for that matter the Clinton 2016 campaign, to tar both Trump and Russia in a neo-McCarthyist manner. When the intel community used his dossier and kept coming to him for additional information, it meant they considered him a credible source for Russia's activities. It turned out that Robert Mueller's investigation was able to use the information Steele provided to convict several figures in Trump's orbit and disprove the Trump Administration's lies about the Trump 2016 campaign's involvement.

Russia did apparently have some sex videos that it could use to blackmail Trump, but not even those would have mustered a yawn. People would be disgusted to see them, but not thoroughly outraged. Sex scandals have been common in our electoral politics since the 1990s, which means they largely don't pass the smell test for qualifying as a scandal at this point; that is unless there's some other egregious factor involved. I think what does get lost in all of this though is that, while certainly compromised, Trump still had more leverage on the Russians to blackmail them with. Don't forget, he was 1 of the Russian elites' primary vehicles into the U.S. economy starting in the 1980s. What also gets lost in the noise, which I bought into, is the extent to which Bill Barr had been less than forthcoming about Trump's involvement.

Barr's complete disregard for proper procedure and truth gave Trump a sense of impunity. By falsely declaring that Trump was cleared of any Obstruction of Justice charges and then going to great lengths to hide the fact that it was a lie fed into Trump's false narrative that he was innocent the entire time. A federal judge for the D.C. district court ruled earlier today that the Justice Department had to publicly release a memorandum with Barr's false evidence. Whether that happens or not isn't the question to be asking, the question we should be asking ourselves is what did Barr have to gain in keeping that memo hidden; and moreover, what his intent was, too. Should there be a criminal element to this, he needs to be held accountable.

Barr's actions also played right into the contents of Steele's dossier; just like Trump's. Steele warned us that something was amiss with Trump 2016, and many on the left and right (including the author of this blog) ignored it. And to all my readers, I can't apologize enough for that. From now on, I'll try to be more judicious in verifying sources before spouting off like I did back during Trump's term in office. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

How Vladimir Putin Is Playing With Fire Violating American Airspace

It's obvious that Vladimir Putin's Russia has been throwing a self-destructing tantrum ever since Joe Biden became president. If Putin thinks invading American airspace to harass fishing boats is his ticket to success, he's delusional. If anything, he's going to provoke a JFK-like response from Biden, which would further complicate an already deteriorating relationship between America and Russia. Don't be surprised or shocked in the slightest should war threats come eminating from Washington to Moscow if Putin decides to escalate matters even further (which he will). These types of threats are not to be taken lightly as we're talking about a war between the nations with largest nuclear weapons stockpiles.

Unless Putin really wants an exchange of nuclear launches, he should quit these provocative escalations before innocent people get killed. Lobbing 1 at the Kremlin's men's room is the last thing we need. America is going to respond, it's a matter of when, not if, and how. We'll have to keep a close eye on this situation as it continues unfolding.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The DNC Is Making The Same Mistake It Did In 2016 By Trying To Ram Joe Biden Through As Nominee

It's not a surprise by any stretch that the Third Way (New Democrat Coalition) controlled Democratic National Committee is trying to ram Joe Biden to the party's presidential nomination; running rough-shod over the protests of the progressive grassroots. But that is a big mistake on the DNC's part, as it's repeating the same mistake it made with Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Before we go into that old tizzy, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

To start with, let's look at how the DNC let complacency take root by forcing Hillary's nomination. They figured, via a pied-piper campaign strategy, that they could get the public to vote for her through their own disgust with Donald Trump's caustic rhetoric; and we all saw how that played out. They also started taking certain constituencies' votes for granted and ran the most tone-deaf campaign, which was also turning off voters. But the biggest mistake it made was that the people wanted continuity, more of the same failed incrementalism that the public was beginning to tire of. For those reasons above, that was what incentivized certain parts of the electorate into either backing Trump (the least qualified presidential candidate in US History) or 3rd-party candidates, or simply staying home and not vote at all. It's undeniable that there were also other factors that played into Hillary's loss; everything from Russian interference in the election to the Republicans cheating by rigging electoral outcomes in their own favor (vote suppression, manipulating voting machines, etc.).

But we shouldn't lose sight of the central premise that the DNC severely miscalculated just how incensed the electorate actually was at the time; incensed with essentially being held hostage (and bullied into voting for the "candidate" [aka Hillary]) and then being left behind once the voting was done. By making so many derisive comments of their own, the Democrats pissed away all the votes they needed in order to win. Calling anyone who didn't vote for Hillary, during both the primaries and the general, mysogynists and "Bernie Bros" created so much ill-will that the progressive grassroots didn't turn out as heavily as they had done in both 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket. Trump and the Republicans exploited this rift to snatch the presidency.

As for the Russians, it's easily confirmable to say that the Republican Party colluded with them in 2016. However, that fits into a larger pattern that's been described on this blog once before. There's a likelihood that they won't be able to play the peripheries in this year's election like they did last time. Not because of Donald Trump's bumbling, but because of the intelligence community and social media giants' due diligence in weeding out potential misinformation campaigns.

All of that said, we can't ignore the other inconvenient fact, which is that the DNC is doubling down on the same failed strategy this time, only substitute Hillary with Biden. The Corporate Dem Establishment is still up to its old antics yet again upon Bernie Sanders. They're trying to do everything humanly possible to undermine his campaign, and if they succede, they'll be setting themselves up to lose. This is why we need to fight them off again, as they shouldn't be given the chance to hold us hostage again.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 Is Going To Be 1 Hell Of An Interesting Year

There’s no denying that because of the outcome of the 2018 midterms, 2019 is shaping up to be a real interesting ride now that Donald Trump is practically cornered. How much more mayhem he’ll cause is still a massive unknown, but 1 thing is definitely clear, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. What happens now is dependent on what he chooses to use next as a conveniently placed distraction.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Low For Donald Trump

There’s no question that Donald Trump is feeling the tightening of the noose that Robert Mueller has tied around him. Several people whom Trump had prior business ties with are being indicted, or already convicted/allocuted, have exposed the web of corruption that surrounds him. Mostly that corruption comes from the Republican Party itself and the various interest groups it has ties with.

That corruption was exploited by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but not necessarily to Trump’s benefit. The fact is that Putin has next to no leverage over Trump, which has been illustrated time after time over the past year or so. The only candidate that Putin would’ve had leverage over was Hillary Clinton, as I’ll explain below.

The reasons that Putin would’ve had leverage over Hillary would be her email server (which was unencrypted for the first 3 months of 2009) and both his and his cronies’ donations to the Clinton Foundation. Donations to the Clinton Foundation would’ve been a backdoor to a President Hillary. Putin knew this and could use both the server and foundation to blackmail her into doing his bidding.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Donald Trump Has Listened To The Neocons By Ordering The Bombing Attack On Syria

This is getting to be way too out of hand, us attacking another country without an of provocation. Granted, Bashar al-Assad is no angel, but there's no excuse for launching the attack. Now unless there's some intel that I or the American people don't know about, this was outright stupid and dangerous.

Donald Trump should not have listened to the Neocons, and is now going to turn America into a target for new terror attacks, as well as potential counterattack by Vladimir Putin's Russia. There's no point in heeding the council of the same people that brought us into Iraq.

I've got a new video up on Youtube, calling on everyone to get in contact with their Representatives and Senators in Congress. You can find their links on these websites:

Also, hit me up on Facebook and/or Twitter, and tell me your thoughts.

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