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Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Donald Trump's Federal Indictment Won't Change His Winning Trajectory

Even with former US President Donald Trump having been indicted for having stolen classified presidential records from the White House, it won't change his full trajectory to victory for the Republicans' presidential nomination and the presidency itself next year. Current US President Joe Biden, even while projecting broader confidence, isn't going to know what'd hit him and the Democratic Party writ-large to knock them well out of power so quickly. Part of the reason would be the total thining out of their base; as well as the Supreme Court gearing itself up to chuck out both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in their full entireties. By the close of 2023, these laws won't even be in effect any further.

The first priority for the Republicans upon taking total congressional control in January 2025 is to repeal both those aforementioned laws from the federal dockets so completely before even passing out tax cuts for the yet wealthiest American individuals and enterprises. Now the reason for doing it in that order is that it will utterly kill off a blue-colored wave election in 2026, and quite fully allow the GOP to continue imposing its will on us with complete impunity. It will also mean that Trump'll have the space he needs to change the Constitution just to his own benefit. His first target: that's the fuller 22nd Amendment. Ditch that and he (or thus another family member) will be in office forever.

Quite thus then, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. For the faction trying to regain the power which it'd lost is the very same one that tore the whole country apart back during the American Civil War. So granted the issues aren't the very same as then, but yet the attitude and animosity absolutely are.

More specifically, the faction I'm so referring to is that of the old plantation owners, who today are yet mostly corporate titans. Its overtly racialized reactionism and total dedication to White Supremacy is what's broken now back into the mainstream again after being quite sidelined for a good nearly 70 years.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1968 Is The Wrong Comparison For 2020

I have no patience for those voices who claim that 1968 is the year for us to compare 2020 to in terms of dynamic similarities, as it's the wrong analogy. The right election years to compare 2020 to are 1980 and 1992. 1980 and 1992 were years of immense change in how certain regions had aligned themselves politically. Some states, like California. were Republican-leaning swing states prior to 1992; while others, such as Texas, had been Democratic-leaning swing states prior to 1980. 2020 is shaping up to be a year along those same dynamics again. 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Both Donald Trump And The NDC-Controlled DNC Are Beginning To Panic

It's no secret that both Donald Trump and the NDC-controlled DNC are beginning to panic given how the electorate has largely discredited them. People want action not platitudes, as that's what put Trump in the White House in the 1st place. The reason for Trump's panicking is that he's losing ground in polls posted by Fox News, his main media outlet. As for the DNC, the fact that it's losing ground with the party's progressive grassroots and unable to control the "narrative" is making them panic. They also are losing ground with the electorate at large, just like Trump.

NDC - New Democrat Coalition
DNC - Democratic National Committee

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Petitions For The People's Lobby

For those who are new to viewing this blog (1st of all, welcome), the People's Lobby is an advocacy organization that fights for the voices of the American people who aren't part of the elite. I've been in contact with the organization's sole director/administrator, Dwayne Hunn, for the last year or so. He's got 2 petitions up for signing and sharing, so if you have a chance: please do so. The petitions are here and here.

The first petition is about getting law makers to raise the effective taxation level of the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations. Increasing their rate will help to close the budget gaps we're currently facing as a result of the Republican's tax-cuts. It will also make it so that we have the money to establish the Medicare-for-All system and tuition-free public colleges that Bernie Sanders had advocated for back in 2016.

The other has to do with creating a World Service/Jobs Corps as a 21st-Century recalibration of the Peace Corps. This would give Americans the opportunity to engage in an additional form service to country to serving in the Military. This would be a better use of our foreign policy resources, as it's a great way for us to engage in soft-power diplomacy. Plus we'll get the added advantage of winning the hearts and minds of people in the countries we're aiding. Especially when the living conditions foster an environment for political and/or religious extremism. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 Is Going To Be 1 Hell Of An Interesting Year

There’s no denying that because of the outcome of the 2018 midterms, 2019 is shaping up to be a real interesting ride now that Donald Trump is practically cornered. How much more mayhem he’ll cause is still a massive unknown, but 1 thing is definitely clear, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. What happens now is dependent on what he chooses to use next as a conveniently placed distraction.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Seeing The Left Destroy Itself

I know that I wrote about how the Right was destroying itself last year, but I think it's time to give the Left its due. The biggest problem is that the "leadership" is doing everything humanly possible to prevent anything meaningful from being enacted. This is a massive problem when the Democrats are holding America hostage just to fatten Corporate America's wallet (the GOP notwithstanding), while only pretending to care about the issues that actually matter to the electorate. At this point the Democratic National Committee has lost its mind, only carrying on (until about last week or so) Hillary Clinton's post-election media tantrum. Be it about Donald Trump's supposed connections to Russia, or how everyone who voted for someone other than Clinton as a mysogynist. That's just a couple of examples, but it paints the picture of how badly out-of-touch the "Left" (and I'm being very generous to the Democratic Party's current leadership) has become. Until there's a revolt from within, there's no way for the left to actually assert itself in America's political dialogue. Especially when we're fighting the very worst elements of the far-right.

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