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Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

How Democrats Should Campaign In 2024

The Democrats are going about campaigning on Joe Biden's behalf against Donald Trump in the most boneheaded way possible. Painting the latter as either too extreme or racist/sexist/xenophobic is surest way of ultimately losing in 2024.

Democrats need to start running on how much of a real do-nothing president Trump was while in office. They should run on how badly he mismanaged a once in a century disease pandemic and the devestation it'd caused. Just like they should be running upon how he gutted inner city spending, giving us all a crime wave (one which is on the waning end) not seen since the 1980s. Also like that partial government shutdown he caused from late 2018 to early 2019 that lasted for 5 straight weeks.

To put it another way, all the Democrats need to do is run entirely upon Trump's own record as president if they seek to win on November 5.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Donald Trump's Federal Indictment Won't Change His Winning Trajectory

Even with former US President Donald Trump having been indicted for having stolen classified presidential records from the White House, it won't change his full trajectory to victory for the Republicans' presidential nomination and the presidency itself next year. Current US President Joe Biden, even while projecting broader confidence, isn't going to know what'd hit him and the Democratic Party writ-large to knock them well out of power so quickly. Part of the reason would be the total thining out of their base; as well as the Supreme Court gearing itself up to chuck out both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in their full entireties. By the close of 2023, these laws won't even be in effect any further.

The first priority for the Republicans upon taking total congressional control in January 2025 is to repeal both those aforementioned laws from the federal dockets so completely before even passing out tax cuts for the yet wealthiest American individuals and enterprises. Now the reason for doing it in that order is that it will utterly kill off a blue-colored wave election in 2026, and quite fully allow the GOP to continue imposing its will on us with complete impunity. It will also mean that Trump'll have the space he needs to change the Constitution just to his own benefit. His first target: that's the fuller 22nd Amendment. Ditch that and he (or thus another family member) will be in office forever.

Quite thus then, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. For the faction trying to regain the power which it'd lost is the very same one that tore the whole country apart back during the American Civil War. So granted the issues aren't the very same as then, but yet the attitude and animosity absolutely are.

More specifically, the faction I'm so referring to is that of the old plantation owners, who today are yet mostly corporate titans. Its overtly racialized reactionism and total dedication to White Supremacy is what's broken now back into the mainstream again after being quite sidelined for a good nearly 70 years.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Russia Invading Ukraine Is A Dumb Move

For all the news banging around about Russia targetting Ukraine, no one should be all that surprised about an invasion. This happening was long in the making since 2014.

For Russia itself, this was a dumb move strategically as it's going encourage the growth of something it sought to cease: the further expansion of NATO. It'll kick into overdrive for 2 additional Scandanavian nations' push to join the alliance: Sweden and Finland. At the moment, these are neutral nations, but with actions going as they are, it'd be a non-surprise to see them clamoring to join.

Russia will come out of this in a worse position than when it in. America will use whatever leverage it has with Israel and China, which can cut the former out of the global trade and arms markets. Not only that, the war in Ukraine is exceedingly unpopular among the Russian people. The younger generations are getting information through social media sites like TikTok and Vkontakte rather than consuming the propoganda that's broadcasted on Russian state media.

Ordinary Russians are seeing the body bags that are coming back from Ukraine, and they're pissed off about it. They're beginning to protest against the war, which is scaring the living crap out of Vladimir Putin. As an autocrat, there's nothing more threatening than peaceful protests.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Donald Trump's Increasingly Violent Rhetoric Will Undermine Republicans In 2022

As the 2022 midterm election draws closer, the Republicans are looking less likely to retake Congress. The reason is simple, Donald Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric, which is leaving them dangerously exposed. One example is the recent pledge to pardon all participants in the attack on the Capitol on 01/06/2021. The message that sends is: Be as violent as possible for me and I'll ensure your lack of any accountability.

It's this rhetoric that is  worsening just about everyone's fury of our current system of both government and governance, albeit in the most misguided way possible. By continuing to sow doubt and chaos, Trump is still consistently sending (conscientiously/subconscientiously or not — a very interesting debate at that) overtures to some of the most violent White Supremacy and White Power extremists. He's signaling them that they should be ready to act upon his cue to snuff out any opposition by Americans at-large.

What this means for the Republicans is that their chances of victory on 11/08/2022 are slipping away from them due to the electorate being turned off by Trump's rhetoric. He's doing this by inserting himself as the sole focus of the party's campaign instead of President Joe Biden. Using this as a platform for lying about how 2020 was stolen from him, he's alienating the very swing voters who the party's desparately trying to court for the general election.

Trump is attempting to use the midterm campaign to exact revenge against those who voted to impeach him early last year, and continue to call for him to face any kind of accountability. That drive for exacting revenge in Republican primaries means that the party will field his handpicked extremists as their general election candidates, which will hurt the party itself in the end. This is a final result of the John Birch Society's newest reincarnation, the MAGA movement, taking over the Republican Party.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Kyrsten Sinema Is Seeking Joe Biden's Job

Kyrsten Sinema's gumming up the works on Joe Biden's agenda, while frustrating and/or infuriating, is not all that surprising by any stretch. The reason for her obstruction is glaringly obvious: she's aiming for Biden's job. That's right, Sinema wants to be president.

The fact is that Sinema is the last real dying breath of the corporatist New Democrats. Think about how much time she's been spending with big-dollar donors instead of working to pass legislation. These big-dollar donors include big business, trade groups, etc., and they want Biden's agenda killed as it's too closely aligned with that of congressional progressives.

Sinema is much easier to control by comparison as she's been a "Team Player" by moving the Democratic Party further to the right. Under her leadership, the Democratic Party becomes the oppositionary far-right party to Donald Trump and his lackeys in the Republican Party. When that happens all bets are off.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

New Exploding War Between Israel & Palestine

This recent violence between Israel and the Palestinian paramilitary organization Hamas is very worrying. It's as if Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist allies have found a new justification to eradicate the Palestinian people in their entirety. Before we get to that though, let's clear something up: Israel, like all nations, does have the right to defend itself against would-be aggressors. However, under Netanyahu's leadership, Israel's response has once again become overkill.

The goal looks to be collective punishment of the Palestinians for standing up to several illegal Israeli settler landgrabs in the 4-5 months prior to the recent outbreak in violence. Instead of blocking action on Israel's overreaction, America should put its foot down and tell it to end its landgrabs for good. This is what's fueling it, and Joe Biden, as America's president, has the clout to do so right now. He (Biden) shouldn't bother listening to AIPAC (which, for the record, is the domestic mouthpiece for Likud in America) with its lectures about how any criticism of Israeli policy is anti-Semitic/anti-Semitism. The 2 are not interrelated, despite what AIPAC says to the contrary. In fact, they're very different from each other.

The Palestinians need a voice at the table, and America would be in a position to facilitate that if it would quit buying into the lie that Israel is the aggrieved victim in this saga when it's very clear that it's the actual aggressor. It's also time for America to quit dragging its proverbial feet in engaging in some tough love on Israel; clearly laying out the law by saying that using the Holocaust to justify genocide and apartheid is wrong. This rings especially true given how modern Israel was born in the wake of the Nazis' nearly successful attempt to exterminate Europe's own Jewish population during WWII. It's not helping Israel's cause in becoming a non-pariah on the world stage.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Joe Biden's 100-Day Mark Speech

Joe Biden's 100th day in office will be on April 30, and it's good to see the progress we've made thus far. 200 million shots of the COVID19 vaccines in American arms is good, but we need to make sure that Americans are getting fully vaccinated as quickly as possible. Biden is right to be pushing for a more ambitious program of big government spending that is sorely needed. Americans who aren't wealthy are getting badly squeezed financially and they need relief. Child care, preschool, college tuition, etc. Pretty much any big expense you can think of is eligible for the previous short list of goods and/or services that most Americans eithr can't easily, or at all, afford. Biden is right that it's well past time for Corporate America and the wealthiest Americans to start paying their fair share of taxes, especially when many have paid nothing due to various loopholes in the tax codes. Tax cheating is keeping our country from functioning at all, and it needs to quit.

Another relief to hear from Biden is that he plans to wind down the war in Afghanistan so that we can start bringing our troops home from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. At least that's his goal. Just to be clear, it's going to take some careful calculations by high command to pull this off; and we all know how risk-adverse they are. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing; it's just how they're trained to think. Minimize risk as much as possible so that it doesn't give the enemy an advantage, and at the same time, cover our own asses in case something goes sideways. Here's the thing about the top military brass, many of them are among the smartest people we'll hear about. That being said, it's good to know that the troops are finally going to start coming home.

The fact is that we've gotten quite a bit done under Biden's leadership so far. Much more so than during Barack Obama's first 100 days in office. It's not that Obama did nothing, he did quite a bit, but other than dealing with the banks and auto companies, his list of accomplishments was not as big. I will admit this right now, I was wrong about Biden's not being able to get anything done. I was wrong to underestimate him, he's been a lot more effective at getting progressive policies through than the previous 2 (Obama and Bill Clinton) put together.

Friday, April 23, 2021

How Vladimir Putin Is Playing With Fire Violating American Airspace

It's obvious that Vladimir Putin's Russia has been throwing a self-destructing tantrum ever since Joe Biden became president. If Putin thinks invading American airspace to harass fishing boats is his ticket to success, he's delusional. If anything, he's going to provoke a JFK-like response from Biden, which would further complicate an already deteriorating relationship between America and Russia. Don't be surprised or shocked in the slightest should war threats come eminating from Washington to Moscow if Putin decides to escalate matters even further (which he will). These types of threats are not to be taken lightly as we're talking about a war between the nations with largest nuclear weapons stockpiles.

Unless Putin really wants an exchange of nuclear launches, he should quit these provocative escalations before innocent people get killed. Lobbing 1 at the Kremlin's men's room is the last thing we need. America is going to respond, it's a matter of when, not if, and how. We'll have to keep a close eye on this situation as it continues unfolding.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Republicans Caught Flat-Footed Trying To Oppose Biden

 It's not lost on anyone that Joe Biden and congressional Democrats have been running circles around the Republicans in Congress with great success thusfar. While it is great to see that, it's also a warning sign, too. Here's how: It's a warning sign by illustrating just how broken our system of governance has become; and with 1 of the 2 major political parties out to lunch, fixing it is going to be a real challenge. The first means of getting control of our nation from the hijacking done by the far-right is to rein in corporate excess and wealth inequities that have been driving its extremism.

So far, the Republicans seem content on embracing this far-right extremism and making it their party's brand; rejecting the will of the rest of the electorate in the process. To them, the far-right's extremist conduct and rhetoric is their ticket back into power in 2022. That and extreme gerrymandering. Whether all of that will work or not isn't the question we should be asking ourselves. The question we should be asking ourselves is how to go about changing the culture in Washington, DC so that the Republicans have no other choice than ditching the far-right for good. That is going to take some time, and a few electoral losses, for the Republican Party to ultimately reach that conclusion. In the meantime, many veteran Republican senators and representatives are heading for the exits as they don't see any reason to remain in an environment that encourages the worst abuses of power for personal gain. Essentially they're tired of being forced into concentrating on scoring political points instead of doing their actual job, which is governing and keeping tabs on the current issues of the day to craft policy.

It's the 1 fact that Democrats in Washington are beginning to recognize, they need to start moving the government's policy-making closer to where the people are. If they keep remaining responsive to this fact, it'll help them hold strong in the 2022 midterm election; maybe even gain seats in both chambers (the incumbent party has pulled off this result 4 times in US History: 1806, 1818, 1934 and 2002). Should the Democrats continue to successfully illustrate actual governance and productivity looks like, it'll help them make the case that the Republicans should not be given any lever of power given that they don't govern at all and their party has become the unproductive do-nothing party. 10 years of Republican mismanagement has taken a heavy toll on us all, and so far the Democrats have demonstrated that they understand that point very clearly. They recognize now in 2021 that they screwed up badly in 2009 and 2010 by going by the old manual of crafting legislation, which did little to help people as the economy began to recover from the worst throes of the Great Recession.

As for the original premise of this blog post, the fact is that Republicans are not just opposing the vast majority of the electorate when trying to obstruct Biden and the Democrats. They're also opposing their own base who actually supports what Biden and the Democrats are doing with their new trifacta. Biden is able to connect with them, making it easy for them to understand what's being churned out of Congress. The other problem the Republicans are also running into is that Biden is nowhere near as polarizing as either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton were when they were running for president (or in Obama's case, as president). And because he's nowhere near as polarizing, it's next to impossible to get their based all riled up in anger. Republicans have demonstrated time and again that they have nothing to offer and are bankrupt of ideas; that is with the exceptions of lowering taxes on the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations and expanding deregulation of the economy.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1968 Is The Wrong Comparison For 2020

I have no patience for those voices who claim that 1968 is the year for us to compare 2020 to in terms of dynamic similarities, as it's the wrong analogy. The right election years to compare 2020 to are 1980 and 1992. 1980 and 1992 were years of immense change in how certain regions had aligned themselves politically. Some states, like California. were Republican-leaning swing states prior to 1992; while others, such as Texas, had been Democratic-leaning swing states prior to 1980. 2020 is shaping up to be a year along those same dynamics again. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bad News That's Going To Plague Joe Biden

The MeToo movement has taken center stage yet again in this year's presidential campaign, and not in a way that's going to help Joe Biden become our next plausible president in November's election. As shown below on Krystal Ball's discussion on The Hill's YouTube channel, the media trying to downplay Tara Reade's credible case of being sexually violated by Biden when he was a Senator back in 1993. Ball was interviewing Juanita Brodrrick about her experience with Bill Clinton, and the similarities and differences with Rede's experience. And on top of that, Broadrrick also informed Ball that she had spoken with Reade on the phone and found Rede's cantation of the event was credible. You can watch for yourself below:

However, that's not Biden's only problem. As Kyle Kulinski points out on his talk show Secular Talk, 51% of Bernie Sanders' base has indicated that they'll likely vote for either a  3rd party or independent candidate, or not vote at all in this year's election. Take a moment to let this sink in, as a good chunk of that base is under the age of 45, a group whose votes Biden needs if his push to unseat President Donald Trump is to be successful. As Kulinski clearly explains, this voting demographic is very clear and consistent in their position that returning to business as usual is not the way to go once Trump's no longer in office. You can find the segment here:

Both of these problems, should they continue going unaddressed, will only hand Trump a 2nd term. Democrats are most likely going to blame the very people whose votes they needed to win for Trump's victory by not turning out. While their accusation will be correct, it also glosses over a whole other problem. This problem is their lack of credibility, as people are just as fed up with their triangulation and bothsidesism ideology as they are with the Republicans' trickle-down economics lie and constant race-baiting to distract from their con job.

Even if an investigation into Reade's accountings exposed that she lied, the fact is that Biden's viability as a candidate would already have been compromised; and another candidate would have to run as his replacement, a candidate with no political base. Dynamics dictate that Biden's replacement on the ticket will most likely be Hillary Clinton. And if she ran this time around, she'd likely lose in a landslide as the electorate had made clear the point of NO MORE CLINTONS back in 2016.

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Friday, March 27, 2020

Vote Blue No Matter Who Is Saying Don't Give Us Change, Give Us More Of The Same

The Vote Blue No Matter Who is a folly at the very get-go. That type of campaign message is just an order from the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) run DNC to support their stooges no matter what. At a moment like the 1 we’re in, we can’t afford to go that route. Their slogan is about pushing the stale byline of, “Don’t give us change, give us more of the same.” Except more of the same is what got Donald Trump elected in the 1st place; the complacence that it lulled us as Americans (let alone Democrats) into.

They’ll be attempting to ram that byline down our throats with making Joe Biden the Democratic nominee for president. But it’s not Biden that should concern us, it’s which NDC stooge the DNC will try to get him to declare as his running-mate. The reason the latter should concern us is that it’s a recipe for getting Trump re-elected. And Trump getting re-elected is the last thing we need.

Vote Blue No Matter Who doesn’t solve our problem of hitting rock-bottom, which is what Trump’s presidency represents. This lesser of 2 evils hogwash is what helped propel Trump into the White House, and it will do the same this time around. So the next time you see that hashtag on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, don’t buy into it. Who the Democratic Party nominates actually does matter, and it’s not just because of turnout. It’s because nominating so-called “moderates” shows that the DNC is clearly not serious about the threat that the Republican Party has truly become. Only by nominating a progressive like Bernie Sanders will show a sharp contrast to Trump, as the only way to defeat a fake populist is with a real 1.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The DNC Is Making The Same Mistake It Did In 2016 By Trying To Ram Joe Biden Through As Nominee

It's not a surprise by any stretch that the Third Way (New Democrat Coalition) controlled Democratic National Committee is trying to ram Joe Biden to the party's presidential nomination; running rough-shod over the protests of the progressive grassroots. But that is a big mistake on the DNC's part, as it's repeating the same mistake it made with Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Before we go into that old tizzy, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

To start with, let's look at how the DNC let complacency take root by forcing Hillary's nomination. They figured, via a pied-piper campaign strategy, that they could get the public to vote for her through their own disgust with Donald Trump's caustic rhetoric; and we all saw how that played out. They also started taking certain constituencies' votes for granted and ran the most tone-deaf campaign, which was also turning off voters. But the biggest mistake it made was that the people wanted continuity, more of the same failed incrementalism that the public was beginning to tire of. For those reasons above, that was what incentivized certain parts of the electorate into either backing Trump (the least qualified presidential candidate in US History) or 3rd-party candidates, or simply staying home and not vote at all. It's undeniable that there were also other factors that played into Hillary's loss; everything from Russian interference in the election to the Republicans cheating by rigging electoral outcomes in their own favor (vote suppression, manipulating voting machines, etc.).

But we shouldn't lose sight of the central premise that the DNC severely miscalculated just how incensed the electorate actually was at the time; incensed with essentially being held hostage (and bullied into voting for the "candidate" [aka Hillary]) and then being left behind once the voting was done. By making so many derisive comments of their own, the Democrats pissed away all the votes they needed in order to win. Calling anyone who didn't vote for Hillary, during both the primaries and the general, mysogynists and "Bernie Bros" created so much ill-will that the progressive grassroots didn't turn out as heavily as they had done in both 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket. Trump and the Republicans exploited this rift to snatch the presidency.

As for the Russians, it's easily confirmable to say that the Republican Party colluded with them in 2016. However, that fits into a larger pattern that's been described on this blog once before. There's a likelihood that they won't be able to play the peripheries in this year's election like they did last time. Not because of Donald Trump's bumbling, but because of the intelligence community and social media giants' due diligence in weeding out potential misinformation campaigns.

All of that said, we can't ignore the other inconvenient fact, which is that the DNC is doubling down on the same failed strategy this time, only substitute Hillary with Biden. The Corporate Dem Establishment is still up to its old antics yet again upon Bernie Sanders. They're trying to do everything humanly possible to undermine his campaign, and if they succede, they'll be setting themselves up to lose. This is why we need to fight them off again, as they shouldn't be given the chance to hold us hostage again.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Joe Biden's Ungodly Praises For Segregationists Has Just Damaged Him

It's no secret that Joe Biden served in the Senate with ardent segregationists like John Stennis and John Sparkman, and was friends with them during their time together. However, hearing his recent praises for them is disconcerting on several levels; especially in a climate as politically charged as it is today in 2019. Don't think that this is the first time that Biden put his foot in his mouth, as it's really not.

The biggest problem with him making comments like that is that it provides fodder for Donald Trump to potentially use against him should he be nominated. The video below sheds light on how Biden may be worse than Hillary Clinton, and that says a lot. Comments like the one she made about anyone not supporting her as being part of Trump's "Basket of deplorables" are easily trumped by Biden's ill-timed commentary.

This type of commentary is the last thing we need from a Democratic presidential candidate. Especially when the stakes are too high for us as Americans, let alone Democrats. This is why Biden needs to drop out of the race, he's continuing to damage his credibility by going after figures that are trying to bring him in line with the party's base. We don't need a candidate who is going to basically hand the election to Trump.

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