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Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Donald Trump's Federal Indictment Won't Change His Winning Trajectory

Even with former US President Donald Trump having been indicted for having stolen classified presidential records from the White House, it won't change his full trajectory to victory for the Republicans' presidential nomination and the presidency itself next year. Current US President Joe Biden, even while projecting broader confidence, isn't going to know what'd hit him and the Democratic Party writ-large to knock them well out of power so quickly. Part of the reason would be the total thining out of their base; as well as the Supreme Court gearing itself up to chuck out both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in their full entireties. By the close of 2023, these laws won't even be in effect any further.

The first priority for the Republicans upon taking total congressional control in January 2025 is to repeal both those aforementioned laws from the federal dockets so completely before even passing out tax cuts for the yet wealthiest American individuals and enterprises. Now the reason for doing it in that order is that it will utterly kill off a blue-colored wave election in 2026, and quite fully allow the GOP to continue imposing its will on us with complete impunity. It will also mean that Trump'll have the space he needs to change the Constitution just to his own benefit. His first target: that's the fuller 22nd Amendment. Ditch that and he (or thus another family member) will be in office forever.

Quite thus then, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. For the faction trying to regain the power which it'd lost is the very same one that tore the whole country apart back during the American Civil War. So granted the issues aren't the very same as then, but yet the attitude and animosity absolutely are.

More specifically, the faction I'm so referring to is that of the old plantation owners, who today are yet mostly corporate titans. Its overtly racialized reactionism and total dedication to White Supremacy is what's broken now back into the mainstream again after being quite sidelined for a good nearly 70 years.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Donald Trump's Increasingly Violent Rhetoric Will Undermine Republicans In 2022

As the 2022 midterm election draws closer, the Republicans are looking less likely to retake Congress. The reason is simple, Donald Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric, which is leaving them dangerously exposed. One example is the recent pledge to pardon all participants in the attack on the Capitol on 01/06/2021. The message that sends is: Be as violent as possible for me and I'll ensure your lack of any accountability.

It's this rhetoric that is  worsening just about everyone's fury of our current system of both government and governance, albeit in the most misguided way possible. By continuing to sow doubt and chaos, Trump is still consistently sending (conscientiously/subconscientiously or not — a very interesting debate at that) overtures to some of the most violent White Supremacy and White Power extremists. He's signaling them that they should be ready to act upon his cue to snuff out any opposition by Americans at-large.

What this means for the Republicans is that their chances of victory on 11/08/2022 are slipping away from them due to the electorate being turned off by Trump's rhetoric. He's doing this by inserting himself as the sole focus of the party's campaign instead of President Joe Biden. Using this as a platform for lying about how 2020 was stolen from him, he's alienating the very swing voters who the party's desparately trying to court for the general election.

Trump is attempting to use the midterm campaign to exact revenge against those who voted to impeach him early last year, and continue to call for him to face any kind of accountability. That drive for exacting revenge in Republican primaries means that the party will field his handpicked extremists as their general election candidates, which will hurt the party itself in the end. This is a final result of the John Birch Society's newest reincarnation, the MAGA movement, taking over the Republican Party.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Donald Trump Will Be Elected President In 2024

A lot of people need to avoid falling into a false sense of confedence that Joe Biden, or whomever runs in his place on the Democratic national ticket, will be (re)elected in 2024. NO HE/THEY WON'T! Donald Trump will be "elected" (more like implanted) in 2024 instead.

Trump is going to become president through a combination of cheating from vote suppression and legislative undermining of popular will. We can fight this to the nth degree, but it's not going to change the reality that Trump is going to win and by a bigger margin in the electoral college than he did in 2016; although with a smaller percentage of the popular vote. This is not so much minority rule as it is White Supremacist reign returning. Returning after a nearly 60-year hiatus.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

We Need To Pass The For The People Act

 The For the People Act is the best means of combating the Republicans' vote suppression schemes prior to the 2022 midterm and 2024 presidential elections, and it needs to pass as soon as possible. Besides putting the Republicans in their place, the act is also what America needs to maintain its democratic system of governance. Think about having a 232-year-old democratic system collapse and become a new normal of violence by a faction that's so hell-bent on suppressing your voices just to keep power. The thought of that is too terrifying to think of. If you live in a state/district represented by a Republican, call/email them, or hit them up on social media, and tell them to get behind the bill and pass it asap.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Resist The Republicans Effort To Disenfranchise Us

 The Republicans are looking to take away your voice to get back at you for taking out their dear leader in last year's presidential election. So far we have 361 bills in 47 states being considered for becoming law. We need to do everything to keep this from coming into fruition. If you're able, get into the streets and demand that the Republicans quit trying to silence you. We're all part of the whole system of self-governance, so let's make some noise about it. Keep up the pressure on companies like The Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico, demanding that they use their influence to rein the Republicans' effort in before it turns our nation into an oligarchy.

By the way, those same 47 states are going to turn into 50. It's a matter of when, not if. The Republicans' efforts to silence us might not work for 2022, but it certainly will for 2024. We need to be doing everything we can to make noise! So let's get to it!

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