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Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Donald Trump's Federal Indictment Won't Change His Winning Trajectory

Even with former US President Donald Trump having been indicted for having stolen classified presidential records from the White House, it won't change his full trajectory to victory for the Republicans' presidential nomination and the presidency itself next year. Current US President Joe Biden, even while projecting broader confidence, isn't going to know what'd hit him and the Democratic Party writ-large to knock them well out of power so quickly. Part of the reason would be the total thining out of their base; as well as the Supreme Court gearing itself up to chuck out both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in their full entireties. By the close of 2023, these laws won't even be in effect any further.

The first priority for the Republicans upon taking total congressional control in January 2025 is to repeal both those aforementioned laws from the federal dockets so completely before even passing out tax cuts for the yet wealthiest American individuals and enterprises. Now the reason for doing it in that order is that it will utterly kill off a blue-colored wave election in 2026, and quite fully allow the GOP to continue imposing its will on us with complete impunity. It will also mean that Trump'll have the space he needs to change the Constitution just to his own benefit. His first target: that's the fuller 22nd Amendment. Ditch that and he (or thus another family member) will be in office forever.

Quite thus then, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. For the faction trying to regain the power which it'd lost is the very same one that tore the whole country apart back during the American Civil War. So granted the issues aren't the very same as then, but yet the attitude and animosity absolutely are.

More specifically, the faction I'm so referring to is that of the old plantation owners, who today are yet mostly corporate titans. Its overtly racialized reactionism and total dedication to White Supremacy is what's broken now back into the mainstream again after being quite sidelined for a good nearly 70 years.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Donald Trump Will Be Elected President In 2024

A lot of people need to avoid falling into a false sense of confedence that Joe Biden, or whomever runs in his place on the Democratic national ticket, will be (re)elected in 2024. NO HE/THEY WON'T! Donald Trump will be "elected" (more like implanted) in 2024 instead.

Trump is going to become president through a combination of cheating from vote suppression and legislative undermining of popular will. We can fight this to the nth degree, but it's not going to change the reality that Trump is going to win and by a bigger margin in the electoral college than he did in 2016; although with a smaller percentage of the popular vote. This is not so much minority rule as it is White Supremacist reign returning. Returning after a nearly 60-year hiatus.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1968 Is The Wrong Comparison For 2020

I have no patience for those voices who claim that 1968 is the year for us to compare 2020 to in terms of dynamic similarities, as it's the wrong analogy. The right election years to compare 2020 to are 1980 and 1992. 1980 and 1992 were years of immense change in how certain regions had aligned themselves politically. Some states, like California. were Republican-leaning swing states prior to 1992; while others, such as Texas, had been Democratic-leaning swing states prior to 1980. 2020 is shaping up to be a year along those same dynamics again. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The DNC Is Making The Same Mistake It Did In 2016 By Trying To Ram Joe Biden Through As Nominee

It's not a surprise by any stretch that the Third Way (New Democrat Coalition) controlled Democratic National Committee is trying to ram Joe Biden to the party's presidential nomination; running rough-shod over the protests of the progressive grassroots. But that is a big mistake on the DNC's part, as it's repeating the same mistake it made with Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Before we go into that old tizzy, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

To start with, let's look at how the DNC let complacency take root by forcing Hillary's nomination. They figured, via a pied-piper campaign strategy, that they could get the public to vote for her through their own disgust with Donald Trump's caustic rhetoric; and we all saw how that played out. They also started taking certain constituencies' votes for granted and ran the most tone-deaf campaign, which was also turning off voters. But the biggest mistake it made was that the people wanted continuity, more of the same failed incrementalism that the public was beginning to tire of. For those reasons above, that was what incentivized certain parts of the electorate into either backing Trump (the least qualified presidential candidate in US History) or 3rd-party candidates, or simply staying home and not vote at all. It's undeniable that there were also other factors that played into Hillary's loss; everything from Russian interference in the election to the Republicans cheating by rigging electoral outcomes in their own favor (vote suppression, manipulating voting machines, etc.).

But we shouldn't lose sight of the central premise that the DNC severely miscalculated just how incensed the electorate actually was at the time; incensed with essentially being held hostage (and bullied into voting for the "candidate" [aka Hillary]) and then being left behind once the voting was done. By making so many derisive comments of their own, the Democrats pissed away all the votes they needed in order to win. Calling anyone who didn't vote for Hillary, during both the primaries and the general, mysogynists and "Bernie Bros" created so much ill-will that the progressive grassroots didn't turn out as heavily as they had done in both 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket. Trump and the Republicans exploited this rift to snatch the presidency.

As for the Russians, it's easily confirmable to say that the Republican Party colluded with them in 2016. However, that fits into a larger pattern that's been described on this blog once before. There's a likelihood that they won't be able to play the peripheries in this year's election like they did last time. Not because of Donald Trump's bumbling, but because of the intelligence community and social media giants' due diligence in weeding out potential misinformation campaigns.

All of that said, we can't ignore the other inconvenient fact, which is that the DNC is doubling down on the same failed strategy this time, only substitute Hillary with Biden. The Corporate Dem Establishment is still up to its old antics yet again upon Bernie Sanders. They're trying to do everything humanly possible to undermine his campaign, and if they succede, they'll be setting themselves up to lose. This is why we need to fight them off again, as they shouldn't be given the chance to hold us hostage again.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why We Should Still Turn Out Regardless Of What The Republicans And Their Far-Right Goons Do To Keep Us Away From The Polls

From voter suppression to voter intimidation, it’s pretty clear to see that the Republican Party is growing desperate to hang on to their status as America’s majority party. That reason alone is exactly why we need to still come out and make our voices heard in the upcoming midterm election in 2 weeks. If you live in a Republican-controlled state, don’t let yourself be intimidated out of exercising your right to vote.

As Barack Obama correctly pointed out in a video on Youtube, voting is the only way to improve our already dire circumstances. Now is not the time to become disengaged. Let’s answer his call by heading out to the polls on November 6.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Seeing The Right Destroy Itself

As primary season heats up, so to will the right-wing's death-spiral. Granted, this is news to no one following the right's internal war, or who relish in our nation's political culture. What was once the party of pragmatism has devolved, and I'd say for the worse, into a fundamentalist know-nothing organization hell-bent on destroying the very nation they profess to save.

Apparently, this internal war has started to drive out mainstream conservatives, and that's beginning to say a lot. To be a Republican these days is to be a fundamentalist hate-filled corporatist who aspires to give all wealth/power to the elites and to create a nation of, by and for White people. It's sickening to think that there are people living here in America that actively cheer as corporations profit off of the suffering of others. Privatized prisons are one shining example.

Apparently this is the new Republican Party. That is unless a fair number of mainstream conservatives can claim the party back and expand the base to different ideologies like Ronald Reagan did back in the 1980s.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Admission For Bringing Back Jim Crow

I have to say I've been expecting this, some right-wing blow-hard calling for the return of Jim Crow's voting regulations. As the article from Addicting Info makes clear, this is entirely expected for the right to say. My only question is, what took you boneheads so dang long? I have to admit, even I'm amazed that the circular firing squad that the GOP's base has turned into has really taken this much time to really let the most overt demand for racial discrimination out and through vote disenfranchisement. In fact in my last post, I said something about it, how there seems to be a massive push by the right to bring back Jim Crow in some aspects. This just proves my point in its entirety.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Paul Krugman And The Republicans Hatred Of The Unemployed

Here's something I'm trying to understand, how is it that the +GOP continues to think they have no open microphone to the public whenever they make racist or other hate-filled comments about the unemployed? This never seizes to intrigue me.

Look, everyone knows this as an unwritten rule about interacting with others, going back to at least middle school: never kick someone when they're down. That's like one of the many unwritten rules that governs our lives. Apparently, I have to see the +GOP get that memo. More on that another time.

Anyway, I read an Op-Ed article on +The New York Times written by +Paul Krugman, attempting to explain the raging hate of the unemployment by the right-wing. Read it for yourselves, and repost it. Also go to Paul's page on either +Google++Facebook, or +Twitter, and tell him what you think.

This is +Jgsf1987 

Friday, August 22, 2014

KKK Infilitrates Republican Party & Tea Party

From reading an article on +Addicting Info, it seems like the +Ku Klux Klan's official platform has become intertwined with the +GOP and +The Tea Party's official platforms. How can one be surprised by this development? Anyway, read the article for yourselves and don't be too shocked on its content. Think of all the b******t you hear from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bachmann. This is where it comes from.


Original Source: +Addicting Info

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