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Showing posts with label White Supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Supremacy. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why We Should Still Turn Out Regardless Of What The Republicans And Their Far-Right Goons Do To Keep Us Away From The Polls

From voter suppression to voter intimidation, it’s pretty clear to see that the Republican Party is growing desperate to hang on to their status as America’s majority party. That reason alone is exactly why we need to still come out and make our voices heard in the upcoming midterm election in 2 weeks. If you live in a Republican-controlled state, don’t let yourself be intimidated out of exercising your right to vote.

As Barack Obama correctly pointed out in a video on Youtube, voting is the only way to improve our already dire circumstances. Now is not the time to become disengaged. Let’s answer his call by heading out to the polls on November 6.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

White Supremacists Come To San Francisco

Just when I thought that things couldn't get any crazier, I've been proven wrong yet again. Apparently, what was once the laughable anecdote about White supremacists coming to San Francisco and making idiots of themselves has now become a frightening reality. The National Park Service, unsurprisingly, approved a staging permit for many different elements of the White supremacy movement (Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates, Oath Keepers, etc.) to hold a rally in Chrissy Field. My advice to anyone and everyone coming to visit San Francisco over the weekend: stay away from Chrissy Field and the Marina District! There's no reason to engage a rally of White supremacists looking to incite violence.

If you have any further questions for me, hit me up on either Facebook and/or Twitter.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dispelling The Myth That Racism Is Respectable

I'll be very clear, there are many people in America who absolutely think that racism and race-baiting is respectable. These people in my opinion need to have their heads examined. If anything, we in America are tired of race-based dog-whistle politics and we're tired of it being used as a distractionary tactic from the thievery that's been happening in Washington. Americans are tired of having these Southernized politics for a clear reason, it's an ugly reminder of how horrid we behaved in the past when it came to race.

It's not respectable to go around making dog-whistle calls, or for that matter, start to shout "White Power!" at political rallies. White supremacy has made an ugly stain on our past, and the best way to overcome it is through understanding the experiences of people on the receiving end of its most violent forms. This is why we need to make our voices heard to the racial demagogues and White supremacists that we soundly reject their calls to reestablish a racial caste system yet again.

Let's make 2016 the year that we reject the old racialized establishment we've inherited from our parents and grandparents.

Friday, August 22, 2014

KKK Infilitrates Republican Party & Tea Party

From reading an article on +Addicting Info, it seems like the +Ku Klux Klan's official platform has become intertwined with the +GOP and +The Tea Party's official platforms. How can one be surprised by this development? Anyway, read the article for yourselves and don't be too shocked on its content. Think of all the b******t you hear from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Michele Bachmann. This is where it comes from.


Original Source: +Addicting Info

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