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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fire Alarms

I don't know how to put this. I'm sitting at work, about to start doing something, then I hear some fire alarms go off. And to think I deal with this on a 6-8 week basis at school, where my ears still ring even with earplugs in after they're turned off. Well, right now it's giving me a massive headache and I wish that SFFD would simply shut them off wherever they're coming from (most likely Westfield). God, they're so flipping annoying. Whatever, I'll end the rant here.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Israel & International Flottila Inquiry

Once again, Israel has proven it's not willing to live up to international transparency standards. It's saddening to think that the land of my ancestors would threaten to return to their boycott of these kinds of international investigations. And yet, it's not surprising either, as they claim bias within the investigations. It's not bias, it's the fact that Israel has a tendency to overreact and blow all kinds of nonsense out of proportion. I don't even believe for a second that Israel acted in self-defense against the pro-Palestine activists, it was more like a case of state-sanctioned piracy and terrorism on the high-seas. This is the 21st Cent., most countries don't engage in this kind of activity any more.

My hope is that Pres. Obama, and his administration, will reign in PM Netanyahu's govt. Not only are they backing down on their promise to let an international investigation look into this, they also promised to participate. I personally think that America should condemn this and let a resolution go through the security council condemning Israel's decision. To let Israel get away with this is completely absurd. They should be held to the same standards as everyone else. America needs to face this fact and get out of the way of any international appeals to reign Israel in.

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