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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why We Need To Pull Together For Net Neutrality, Our Civil/Voting Rights, And Cracking Down On Corporate Tax-Cheating/Tax-Dodging

Everyone, this is almost do-or-die time, as the election on November 4 is coming up very soon, in a little more than 2 months. I have 3 important issues that I think need to come under consideration here, and why they need to be our driving force to vote.

To start off, we need to understand as to why we need Net Neutrality. Various groups like the +Electronic Frontier Foundation+Fight for the Future+rootsaction, and +Netroots Nation have been fighting tooth and nail to preserve reliable access to all content across the internet and are teaming up with other various groups like +People For the American Way and +Common Cause, to preserve a balanced playing field. If companies like +Comcast and +AT&T continue their war on net neutrality and succeed, it has the potential of causing the economy to come to a virtual standstill. To put it in a simpler way: a lot of business is currently conducted on the internet, and slow speeds will have an adverse affect of causing small businesses and independent entrepreneurs (i.e., musicians like +Connie Lim and +KatieColeOfficial) to lose more opportunities to conduct sales and/or be able to make ends meet.

Next, I think this is an issue that really needs to come up, and come up with a strong sense of urgency. For those who've read and/or watched the news on Michael Brown/Ferguson, I'm sad to say that it's not a one-time incident to see a young African American (Black) gentleman killed by a cop, especially one who is European American (White), or that young Black men are grouped together as a class of criminals. Let me say this, most are not. However, the most disgusting part of the whole picture is that this overblown police militarization has also started showing signs of returning White supremacy. This is completely bogus and is starting to head into the area of bringing the Black community back into second-class citizenship. No way is this a form of progress.

The incident in Ferguson gave us a real wake-up call following the Trayvon Martin murder simply by giving us an insight into how badly we've strayed from our core value of equality under the law. We still have ways to go, and it's telling us that we need to fight to reclaim our civil rights. It's also exposed the true character of the +GOP in that they've started moving towards re-implementing Jim Crow. Part of this is through vote suppression, which we've seen in states like Texas and Florida.

Lastly, we need to start doing something about corporate inversion, specifically to dodge US corporate income taxes. As we've all seen, +BURGER KING just inverted its corporate citizenship to Canada. This practice needs to be reined in now! We can't get anywhere to solving this with the +House Republicans holding control of the House of Representatives.

This is +Jgsf1987 with a simple message: Go Vote This November 4.

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