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Sunday, December 30, 2018

We Can’t Afford To Get Complacent After The Democrats’ Victory In November

We should take a moment to reflect on the fact that we’ve partially shut down the Right’s ability to cause more damage than they’ve done already, but we shouldn’t get complacent. Just because the Democrats will control the House of Representatives starting Thursday is not a reason to become inactive. We still have too many members of the House Democratic Caucus that are under the control of Wall Street, and are ardent defenders of Third Way politics of the 1990s. These Corporate Democrats need to go.

This is precisely why we need to lean hard on the Democrats. The last thing we need is for the Democrats cave to the corporate media’s pressure to fulfill Wall Street and Corporate America’s rediculous demands. They don’t need more money and power; if anything, they need to be stripped of it. We need to make the point clear to them that we’re going to hold them accountable if they think they can get away with for more corporate welfare. It’s time to end this charade.

2019 Is Going To Be 1 Hell Of An Interesting Year

There’s no denying that because of the outcome of the 2018 midterms, 2019 is shaping up to be a real interesting ride now that Donald Trump is practically cornered. How much more mayhem he’ll cause is still a massive unknown, but 1 thing is definitely clear, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. What happens now is dependent on what he chooses to use next as a conveniently placed distraction.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Why Donald Trump's Contract With Andrey Rozov May Not Be The Evidence To Prove Collusion And Could Possibly Land Him In Prison

Given the release of the contract between Donald Trump and Andrey Rozov by CNN, this means that Trump, while certainly guilty of perjury with regards to the Trump Hotel in Moscow, is not likely going to face his political demise. Make no mistake, it doesn't look good for him by any stretch; however, proving whether or not this led to collusion is going to be much more difficult. Intent is the determining factor, and much of the evidence for that would likely be in Russia (No, Vladimir Putin and his goons/cronies won't give it up; it makes them look bad). If anything, it illustrates Trump's business relations with several Russian Oligarchs (including the amount of leverage he had over them), while also proving just how much of a liability he's become.

In so far as Robert Mueller's probe is concerned, the contract may not be the investigation's smoking gun. What ultimately will be is hard to say. Rest assured, Mueller most likely has other evidence lined up that's even more damning than that contract. But given the course of the investigation since March 2017, there's been a constant theme: no hard evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to win the presidency. The only case that's been proven is that Trump had engaged in several illegal business practices before entering office, but even that's been common knowledge for years. The fact is that his actions are catching up to him, and, while it still questionable as to whether or not he's going to be impeached, they will likely land him in prison once he's out of office.

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Right-Wing And Corporate America Are In For A Nasty Surprise Come January

The newly elected class of House freshmen are about to give the Right and Corporate America numerous headaches when they're sworn into office on January 3. Many of these freshmen are progressive insurgents who got into office by knocking down a few incumbents in the primaries. They've shown that they're not only listening to the progressive grassroots, they're channeling their energy into forcing the Democratic House leadership to partially abandon their attempt to knee-cap any progressive priorities. This doesn't mean that they'll win on ending the practice of PAYGO (Pay As You Go), but it does mean that they've got the leadership on notice that they're ready to be headache inducing back benchers if they feel like they[re not being listened to.

For Corporate America, it means that they are now dealing with a class of freshmen incumbents who largely won't play by their rules. This is an absolute nightmare for them, as they'll have no control. For the rest of us, it'll be a good thing, as it will finally start breaking Corporate America's 50-year coup and war of attrition on all of us. This may mean that some corporate excesses could be reined in to a degree. Example: Just look at the skyrocketing prescription drug prices, that'll likely be a top agenda item. Seeing some legislation passed on curbing the pharmaceutical industry's ongoing and absurd price gouging is very likely to happen.

There are numerous other examples of Corporate America's excessive political power. The bottom line is that there will be some more new faces in Congress who've got a massive incentive on reining this excess in. That's the impact of the progressive wave is having on the order of the day in Washington.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Why The Right Should Be Panicking Given The Outcome Of The 2018 Midterm Election

Seeing that the Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and cut down the number of governorships that the Republicans have control over means that the right wing is starting to really panic. They should be because they have absolutely no credibility with their regressive policies and distractionary hatemongering. If the conservatives in Congress and state houses bothered to pass laws that benefit all of us, they'd have a case to run on to hold on to power. Here's the thing, they haven't and that's why their panicking is a good thing for the rest of us. We're likely going to see some laws proposed that are meant to be symbolic as they'll help make the case for the left that the right is no longer interested in policy making and is just drunk on money and power.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Vladimir Putin Losing Ground With The Russian People

An article came out on the AP earlier today regarding Vladimir Putin's approval rating among the Russian people. Turns out that his approval numbers have just dropped below the 60% threshold. What this translates into is that Putin's stranglehold on power is beginning to come apart. This doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be under 50% by the time his term expires in 2024, and there's still a strong probability that his numbers won't get to that point. Go ahead and read the article for yourselves, and hit me up on either Facebook or Twitter with any of your own thoughts.

What I'm Thankful For

I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my family, friends and loving lady. That's what I most thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

What To Plan For Should The Republicans Quash The Democrats

My latest reaction to the possibility of the Republicans absolutely quashing the Democrats in tomorrow's Midterm elections:

Some other progressive talkers like both Farron Cousins of The Ring Of Fire Radio and David Pakman have also shared their concerns about this as well:

Friday, October 26, 2018

Bomb Suspect Caught

Thank God Caesar Sayoc was caught so quickly by the FBI in Plantation, Florida. It turns out the guy has a history of criminally violent conduct. The most disconcerting factor is his level of political radicalization; together with his readily available access to the materials needed to construct the bombs.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why We Should Still Turn Out Regardless Of What The Republicans And Their Far-Right Goons Do To Keep Us Away From The Polls

From voter suppression to voter intimidation, it’s pretty clear to see that the Republican Party is growing desperate to hang on to their status as America’s majority party. That reason alone is exactly why we need to still come out and make our voices heard in the upcoming midterm election in 2 weeks. If you live in a Republican-controlled state, don’t let yourself be intimidated out of exercising your right to vote.

As Barack Obama correctly pointed out in a video on Youtube, voting is the only way to improve our already dire circumstances. Now is not the time to become disengaged. Let’s answer his call by heading out to the polls on November 6.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My #MeToo Story

The MeToo movement has been showing a lot of traction on social media recently, and I feel the need to tell my story. I faced verbal/emotional abuse on 2 separate occasions. The first time was in kindergarten, while the second happened in 6th grade. Both times left me scarred emotionally, with exceedingly bad social anxiety and suicidal depression. I have the most impossible time actually trusting authority figures because of both experiences.

The first time that the abuse happened was in kindergarten came from a teacher who used fire alarms to scare us kids into compliance, and went completely ballistic over me scribbling when engaging in art. Who does this to a 6-year-old? If you're that young, scribbling is completely expected. There's no reason for someone to scream about something as minor as that. Thank God my parents got me out of there. I can't stress enough about speaking up, especially when going through an experience like this.

The second time was in 6th grade, with a 1-to-1 para-professional being verbally abusive towards anyone that he felt disrespected him, which included the vice-principle. He baited me at times and humiliated me with unnecessary screaming fits in front of my classmates. I really felt guilty whenever a classmate decided to risk a detention just to tell him off. The worst came in the form of him bad-mouthing me in his native language (which was Spanish, 1 of the 3 languages I can speak conversationally. Really stupid on his part.), not realizing that I knew what he was saying. The good news was that the district was aware of his actions and was in the process of getting him terminated.

Those times were incredibly difficult to get through, but their effects have made my life a living hell at times. Being bullied by the adults who were charged with ensuring that I was in a safe environment was the worst kind of bullying to have gone through. It's not an experience I wish on my fans and/or detractors. If you have any stories make them known, and keep in mind that you're not alone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Comcast Needs To Be Put Out Of Business

Comcast has been terribile over the last several months. Overcharging and sidelining consumers, it's the worst company to do business with. They're more interested in illegal profiteering than expanding their broadband service (cable, phone, internet). On top of that they're now looking to limit free speech, and that's not something we need. The FCC should just shut them down asap, for the good of consumers across America.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s Treasonous Comments Is Another Representstion Of The Right-Wing’s Treachery

With all the stories floating around about Donald Trump’s act of treason in Helsinki, it’s important to note that what we saw/heard wasn’t a first by any stretch. The fact is that his conduct was another example in a long established pattern set by the right right-wing (via the GOP) 50 years ago. This article from Alternet gives a detailed description of the right-wing’s treasonous actions
The next time you see, or hear about, any news of Trump’s treason, bear in mind that the story is actually describing the GOP treasonous actions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Republicans Have Just Signed Their Own Death Certificate By Killing Net Neutrality

Apparently the Republicans can’t seem to shake their fixation on killing net neutrality, and today they’ve succeded. This is going to come back to bite them in the butt in November’s midterms. Voters are going to take their fury out on them for giving them higher internet bills.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Low For Donald Trump

There’s no question that Donald Trump is feeling the tightening of the noose that Robert Mueller has tied around him. Several people whom Trump had prior business ties with are being indicted, or already convicted/allocuted, have exposed the web of corruption that surrounds him. Mostly that corruption comes from the Republican Party itself and the various interest groups it has ties with.

That corruption was exploited by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but not necessarily to Trump’s benefit. The fact is that Putin has next to no leverage over Trump, which has been illustrated time after time over the past year or so. The only candidate that Putin would’ve had leverage over was Hillary Clinton, as I’ll explain below.

The reasons that Putin would’ve had leverage over Hillary would be her email server (which was unencrypted for the first 3 months of 2009) and both his and his cronies’ donations to the Clinton Foundation. Donations to the Clinton Foundation would’ve been a backdoor to a President Hillary. Putin knew this and could use both the server and foundation to blackmail her into doing his bidding.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kitten Lady Needs Our Help

I saw that Kitten Lady had posted a video on Youtube about some inhumane practices by the USDA regarding the use of kittens in scientific experiments. We need to help her get this message across to the Department that they need to quit engaging in these practices with our tax dollars. She's given a good link to follow: Also contact your representatives and senators, and have them be a medium of transfering your outrage. The video is posted below.

You can also follow her on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. You can also check out her website.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Donald Trump Deserves Credit For Events Unfolding On The Korean Peninsula

Donald Trump deserves the vast majority of the credit for the events playing out currently on the Korean peninsula. The "Fire and Fury" threat together with the policy of "Maximum pressure" have brought Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table. This is a good thing, as it has the potential of ending the needlessly dangerous 65-year standoff since the conclusion of the Korean War.

Read the article above and/or watch my video bleow and draw your own conclusions. Also hit me up on either FacebookTwitter or Google+.

Source: CNN

Friday, April 20, 2018

Poetic Justice Is About To Hit The Republicans In 2018

After electing Donald Trump president in 2016, the GOP is about to face the biggest payback by the Democrats since their lopsided thumping in 2006. They now are the 1s that will be paying the price after 8 years of holding the American electorate hostage just to give Corporate America full control. 2018 is not going to be a good year for them.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Donald Trump Has Listened To The Neocons By Ordering The Bombing Attack On Syria

This is getting to be way too out of hand, us attacking another country without an of provocation. Granted, Bashar al-Assad is no angel, but there's no excuse for launching the attack. Now unless there's some intel that I or the American people don't know about, this was outright stupid and dangerous.

Donald Trump should not have listened to the Neocons, and is now going to turn America into a target for new terror attacks, as well as potential counterattack by Vladimir Putin's Russia. There's no point in heeding the council of the same people that brought us into Iraq.

I've got a new video up on Youtube, calling on everyone to get in contact with their Representatives and Senators in Congress. You can find their links on these websites:

Also, hit me up on Facebook and/or Twitter, and tell me your thoughts.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Youtube needs to scrap its new TOS for the Youtube Partnership Program and its interest algorhythms

I've been on YouTube as a YouTube Creator for almost 4 years, and now they're making my videos harder to find on their site. I've created a video explaining my frustrations with this, but I'm not the only creator complaining about this issue. I've enlisted 3 other channels on Youtube who've expressed this exact same frustration in that video:

  1. Secular Talk
  2. The Humanist Report
  3. David Pakman Show 

As I've said in the video, if you're a content creator that's experiencing this exact same frustration, hit me up on either Facebook or Twitter. We need to make our voices heard by Youtube (and Google by extension) that their new policies are unrealistic.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Neo-McCarthyism And Russophobia Intertwined

There's been an untold amount of Neo-McCarthyism unfolding before our eyes as a nation, and it's building up to a dangerous level. The reason isn't from the level of Russophobia, even though it's a huge problem; it's from the ultimate conclusion that all dissent is illegitimate as it's all pro-Russian. That conflated conclusion is absolutely absurd beyond reason. I found this article written by Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone explaining how Russiagate exploded from Donald Trump's questionable business ties to numerous Russian oligarchs into a campaign to silence anyone who even bothers to make a minor criticism of how badly the establishment had blown the election in 2016.

Additionally, there's another article on Axios that explains how many of the headlines regarding Robert Mueller's investigation are completely useless and are just flat out wrong. This is another factor of the new wave of McCarthyism's unseemly rise, as it explains the Orwellian overtures through not always checking their facts. That's from the media's use of pseudo-research talking points from organizations like Securing Democracy's Hamilton 68 web page for tracking "Russian trolls/bots". This group has the smells of the same neo-conservatives that got us into Iraq.

By making any and all criticism of the political establishment a worthy charge of treason, it's having the effect of bullying an electorate into compliance. This needs to end before someone gives Donald Trump the bright idea of lobbing a nuke at the Kremlin.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Overreach By The Trump Administration When It Comes To Suing California Over Its Self-Declared Sanctuary-State Status

The Trump Administration is showing classic overreach in its attempts to nullify California's status as a sanctuary state when it comes to immigration law. The lawsuit filed by the Justice Department only places law enforcement in the cross fire over a political question of how to deal with the immigration system that's been broken for years. At the same time, the Trump Administration has gone about solving the problem in the most inhumane way possible; and that is to enforce the law by unnecessarily breaking up families.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tell Congress Do Not Repeal The Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990

The ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017 is a naked attempt by the GOP-controlled 115th Congress to repeal the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This would put an onerous burden on Americans with disabilities to have equal access to all public accommodations as had been spelled out in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many business owners still refuse to follow the law claiming financial burden. That's fine and dandy, but it's no justifiable reason for noncompliance. If there's a heavy burden, then have Congress set up a tax-credit system for incentivizing business owners to make the necessary accommodations to allow disabled consumers to fully access their goods or services.

Tell your members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate that their vote to pass will mean your vote to remove them from office in November's midterm election (GOP) or the primaries (Democrats). Calling for the right to discriminate based on disability to be enshrined in law is just wrong. There's no reasonable justification for doing so. Take that message with you to the polls.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Donald Trump And Republicans Are World Class Putzes If They Think They Can Successfully Undercut Robert Muellers Investigation

I don't know how to put that more diplomatically. It's not lost on anyone, including this author Jgsf1987, that Donald Trump and his GOP allies in Congress think they have the perfect plan for getting rid of Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. These people are morons!

Honestly though, none of this is really that shocking or surprising. Some of the Republicans in Congress, like Devin Nunes for example, have been preparing to release a blatantly one-sided memo that completely puts the onus on Trump's political opponents in the National Security apparatus and the FBI to prove that they hadn't colluded with The Obama White House to swing the election to Hillary Clinton in 2016. Especially through allegedly illegal spying.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Losing Revenue Source On Youtube

I get it when it comes to YouTube trying to keep its Youtube Partners program intact, but they're unnecessarily killing newcoming content creators. I made a video of this on my personal Youtube Channel (see above). I hope that Youtube sees the errors of its policy, as this will have the effect of stifling new content creation.

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