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Monday, December 17, 2018

The Right-Wing And Corporate America Are In For A Nasty Surprise Come January

The newly elected class of House freshmen are about to give the Right and Corporate America numerous headaches when they're sworn into office on January 3. Many of these freshmen are progressive insurgents who got into office by knocking down a few incumbents in the primaries. They've shown that they're not only listening to the progressive grassroots, they're channeling their energy into forcing the Democratic House leadership to partially abandon their attempt to knee-cap any progressive priorities. This doesn't mean that they'll win on ending the practice of PAYGO (Pay As You Go), but it does mean that they've got the leadership on notice that they're ready to be headache inducing back benchers if they feel like they[re not being listened to.

For Corporate America, it means that they are now dealing with a class of freshmen incumbents who largely won't play by their rules. This is an absolute nightmare for them, as they'll have no control. For the rest of us, it'll be a good thing, as it will finally start breaking Corporate America's 50-year coup and war of attrition on all of us. This may mean that some corporate excesses could be reined in to a degree. Example: Just look at the skyrocketing prescription drug prices, that'll likely be a top agenda item. Seeing some legislation passed on curbing the pharmaceutical industry's ongoing and absurd price gouging is very likely to happen.

There are numerous other examples of Corporate America's excessive political power. The bottom line is that there will be some more new faces in Congress who've got a massive incentive on reining this excess in. That's the impact of the progressive wave is having on the order of the day in Washington.

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