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Monday, December 3, 2018

Why The Right Should Be Panicking Given The Outcome Of The 2018 Midterm Election

Seeing that the Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and cut down the number of governorships that the Republicans have control over means that the right wing is starting to really panic. They should be because they have absolutely no credibility with their regressive policies and distractionary hatemongering. If the conservatives in Congress and state houses bothered to pass laws that benefit all of us, they'd have a case to run on to hold on to power. Here's the thing, they haven't and that's why their panicking is a good thing for the rest of us. We're likely going to see some laws proposed that are meant to be symbolic as they'll help make the case for the left that the right is no longer interested in policy making and is just drunk on money and power.

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