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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why Brexit Could Land Donald Trump In The White House

If anyone has been watching the aftermath of Brexit, should try to understand that it's about to have a profound impact on events here at home. Yeah, I'm referencing the election, since we have a lunatic on the other side that is willing to engage in acts of violence against people who are anything short of a White Supreamcist. I know that I've been going back and forth about why Donald Trump would be many times better than Hillary Clinton as President, but it's important to keep a bit of perspective. I, in no way, endorse Trump or his violence, but his entrance into this year's contest has given us the wake up call we needed that we need to bite the bullet and have the national dialogue on race/race relations. My biggest concern with Hillary, if she is nominated, is that she will not be able to hold back the force Trump brings to the presidential race this fall. Hillary's email scandal is not what I'm referencing to, it's the success that the far-right had in the vote for Brexit last Thursday. The type of right-wing populism that Trump represents could destroy this country from within. Hillary's call for moderation, even if she's right, will simply fall on deaf ears.

In a piece in The New York Times op-ed section, Bernie Sanders makes the case to The Democrats that people are very angry and frustrated that the Washington Establishment has been ignoring their cries for help. People in this country are struggling, and their rage could potentially give the GOP, via Trump, The White House in November's election. So far the DNC has been way too tone-deaf to really do anything about everyone else's cries for help. The biggest faction that's been completely ignored, I realize now, is the White working-class male demographic. Trump has done a good job of exploiting their fury for political gain and it could easily get him into the presidency. To any nay-sayers in Hillary's collumn, I want to extend a word of caution: relying on the minority vote will not be enough in November, and that taking their vote for granted is a massive folly. I'm not saying that they'll jump ship and vote for Trump, but many could potentially withhold their support if a Clinton campaign turns out to be as tone-deaf as it has during the primaries. Let's get clear on something, the disaffected vote is trending in Trump's favor at the moment. Unless Hillary and the DNC can make the case that they hear and understand everyone's anger and frustration, they'll just simply vote for Trump.

Just like the Brexiteers, Trump would be a huge step backward for the American people. Think of the race to the bottom that George W. Bush's administration guided us into, and then think about the fact that Trump's presidency would make Bush's seem like childsplay.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Message To All The Hillbots

If you think that by telling me that only Hillary Clinton is our savior, you're going to hit a brick wall. I find it sad that you are allowing yourselves to be brainwashed into mindless sheep. Learn to think for yourselves, not whatever the new talking points that Correct The Record feeds you.

I know of your masters dirty tricks and I'm not falling for them. Not by a longshot. It's not lost on me that she is the biggest threat to all humanity, much more so than Donald Trump is. Trump may be a racist and would be happy to take us back to the 1830s, both of which are not lost on me, but your candidate 100% guarantees he will be our president on Friday, January 20, 2017. The words will be "Mister President" not "Madam President".

Now about Hillary's inevitability; what's inevitable is the fact that she will more likely be indicted by the DOJ than be nominated for President. You don't believe me? You can look it up on either Google or Bing. Hell use Yahoo if you want. The point is that it doesn't very long to see that she's just playing you all for suckers. Let me show a couple of examples. The first is this article from He gives a rather stark explanation how Hillary basically violated the Espionage Act of 1917 by transfering emails with either a Top Secret (as was the case with 22 emails), or a higher level of classification, Special Access Program, for which there were some nearly 2,200 emails. If that isn't enough for you sheep, then read this. It's a recent post to Daily Kos on the fact that a Federal magistrate (aka judge) confirmed that the investigation into Hillary's emails is in fact a criminal investigation. Now what does that tell you? It says she is going to be arrested and tried, and very plausibly convicted. Think of the damage that would do to the party.

That's only the surface of what's going on. If Trump, despite many of his unfiltered racist or other hate-driven outburts, were to run against Hillary in the fall, he's going to very successfully paint her as being a crook. I know, I know, he's also under a criminal investigation into his potential fraud through Trump University, but that's not all that relevant to Hillary's legal troubles. I'm not lost on the fact that The Donald is a con man, but his con job, via Trump University, did not put intelligence agents and their sources' lives at risk. You can point how Trump is a danger to this country til the cows come home, and how he's too incompetent to be President, but don't give me the whole song and dance that we have to trust Hillary to be our savior. Let me be very clear, even though Trump is highly unqualified to be President and is too incompetent to the point of being unable to stick to any of his decisions, Hillary leaves a lot to be desired. How can anyone trust her if she's going to most likely continue to receive and keep highly classified information on a private server and potentially make our state secrets well known to the rest of the world? How can anyone trust her to keep us safe if she calls for a war with Russia if Vladimir Putin doesn't submit to her will about implementing a no-fly zone in Syria and to remove Assad from power? Let me ask you this, how badly do you want your candidate to start WWIII? I can assure you all, a war between the United States and Russia will end very badly for both sides. Let me remind you of one other fact, both the US and Russian stockpiles contain 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. So let me ask this again, how smart would it be to engage the Russians militarily? I don't know about any of you mindless sheeps, but I certainly don't want to go through that scenario.

Also, let me touch on another thing, you idiots! Hillary has not won, and nor will she win, the nomination. Now repeat after me, she won't win the Democratic nomination for President. And she has not assumed the title, Presumptive Nominee. Not so by the Democratic Party. This isn't over until the Superdelegates vote on July 25. Just remember that there will be a cloud over Hillary if she is nominated, and this will only grow bigger the closer we get to election day. The only way to make sure the party has a sure chance of winning is to nominate Bernie Sanders. Go look at the general election polls, he polls much stronger than Hillary ever will. So this myth that Hillary is the inevitable savior just doesn't hold any water. Nor does it hold any water to say that she won, unless she had the decked stacked in her favor by the DNC Chair. Don't believe me, then take a look at this. It's a clear indication that the DNC had been colluding with both the Clinton campaign and the media to get her coronated. It's not lost on anyone who was either a Sanders supporter, or with a brain. Think about a few of my videos that I have on my Facebook page, one of them is a clear promise to Hillary and the DNC not to turn out in their favor if they keep ignoring our issues. And it could not be anymore clear to us, that you favor a continued pay-to-play, identity and dogwhistle type of politics. We're saying enough. Come on, you guys are much smarter than this. Can't you understand that Hillary is screwing you over? Let me give a few examples. Fracking - for it, pushed it when Secretary of State. Private Prisons - for them, won't do crack down on them while they prey on primarily Black and Latino men. Think about this.

So let me make this clear to all of you, grow some brains and do your actual research. Don't give me the same tired talking points that Hillary or Correct The Record gave you. Btw, Hillary is the embodiment of the current race to the bottom, with the same holding true for Trump. Example: take the TPP and TTAP. They both will give away our sovereignty to Corporate America. So don't be a tool and vote away your rights. If you want to keep yourself from getting massively screwed over, then quit defending the corruption she embodies. Seriously, come join with us in saying that we won't give into hatred, or allow ourselves to be screwed over. You want someone who's with the people? I can assure you dumbbells that it's not Hillary. That would be Bernie. We are going to have the revolution, like it or not, because we cannot continue maintaining the status quo. That and gradualism is not the answer. We need radical change and we need it now! While I see that taking down DWS was your first peace offering, it's not enough to win us back. We as progressives are watching very intently at what happens, but any sense we get that the DNC establishment is about to screw us over, we will bolt. This is your candidate's last chance to make right, but be warned we will not back her up if she maneuvers to stab us in the back. That I can easily promise you. And don't pull the Ralph Nader in 2000 crap with us, because by ignoring us progressives, your candidate's campaign is literally asking for a repeat of 1968. This is not shaping up to be the monumental blowout the Democrats suffered in 1972. I've written a few posts on how this is case, and I encourage you to go read them.

Oh, and one last point, explain this. These Bernie Sander's Glowsticks. Are you really serious? What planet are you people on sending out these do-it-yourself instructions for building a chlorine bomb? I will admit, there's never a dull moment with you, but really? You honestly want us to kill ourselves just because we decided to back Bernie over Hillary? It's not lost on me or anyone else who backs Bernie Sanders, that you don't want us voting unless it's for Hillary. And by the way, who was it that came up with this meme? This is unacceptable, and it only strengthens my resolve to make sure that Hillary, like Trump, is never elected at all. So think about what I said on Twitter, and heed that as a call to cut the crap, or we're not going to turn out. And to tell us that our issues are going on the backburner, or that our choice has been made for us, come on! Honestly, quit allowing your candidate and the various Super-PACs that back her to quit calling on the DNC higher ups to communicate to us in a very condescending tone. Quit trivializing and patronizing us.

Now as for myself personally, those same lines above apply to me. I will not be cowed into giving my vote to someone who I don't feel represents me. If you continue to try to harass me, or any other supporters of Bernie Sanders, I will promise you this: I will report and block you, for the useless spam you are.

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