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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Petition: Demand That Donald Trump Order William Barr To Release The Mueller Report

I've started a new petition on Move On to demand that Pres. Trump do the right thing by ordering the disclosure of the Mueller Report. Please sign and share with your friends and family on all social media. Thanks.

Also, let me know your thoughts on  Facebook and/or Twitter

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Corporate Media Is Back To Its Old Antics Again

I can't put this anymore plainly, the corporate media here in America is back to its old antics yet again. And by old antics, I'm talking about their idiotic parroting of Clintonist talking points about how evil progressives like Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard are. I get it, they're pissed about the fact that they lost in 2016, but give us break about how Hillary had nothing to do with her loss to Donald Trump. Like how it's someone else's fault that she was too clueless to actually talk to people on the campaign trail. These people are FUCKING MORONS!

These people are also complete jackasses as well, but that's a small sidenote. The media needs to quit giving all of Hillary Clinton's most hard-hitting surrogates anymore airtime as they're basically trying to stifle any debate about how to effectively deal with the buffoon-in-chief so that they can get their central stooge (aka Hillary) a redo of 2016. I've written extensively about how that was a losing proposition a fair number of times during that election cycle. I'm not going to bore you all with all those unnecessary explanaitions, so I'll sum it up this way: Those who don't learn from their mistakes in the past are bound to repeat them in the present and/or future.

Now if the Clintonists try to force the Cult of Hillary on us, just like the far-right did with the Cult of Trump, they shouldn't expect to get our support in next year's election. Just like the Republicans, these Third-Way Democrats are also bankrupt of ideas, too. Because of this, they're resorting to ad homonym attacks, which makes them sound just like the Republicans at times. This is why it's all of our responsibility to make our voices heard both during the primaries and the general election. 2020 isn't a year that we can afford to forced to sit out because of these jackasses and their enablers in the corporate media. So anytime you see/hear the progressive smear campaign take flight, remember that this is Third-Way and the far-right panicking like hell. If you want to get the actual facts on the ground, go around the corporate media: they're too tightly beholden to the Clintonist wing of the Democratic Party.

Don't let yourself be intimidated into doing their work for them. These Clintonist smartasses will try to scare you into compliance with their agenda for America. You have the right to tell them HELL NO and QUIT BROWBEATING ME! If they try to do so, then get them where it hurts the most: THEIR WALLETS. Just turn them off and go to alternate news sites, like Truthdig and The Intercept. They gave very good coverage of the primaries and general election back in 2016, and they're setting themselves up to do so again for 2020. There are plenty of others: Bill Palmer being yet another example.

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