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Showing posts with label net neutrality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label net neutrality. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Republicans Have Just Signed Their Own Death Certificate By Killing Net Neutrality

Apparently the Republicans can’t seem to shake their fixation on killing net neutrality, and today they’ve succeded. This is going to come back to bite them in the butt in November’s midterms. Voters are going to take their fury out on them for giving them higher internet bills.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Comcast & Other Big Cable Companies Must Be Nationalized To Save Net Neutrality

For too dang long, big cable companies like Comcast and AT&T have been throwing their weight around and now they're intent on getting rid of net neutrality altogether. They've proven that they're enjoying the threat they pose to free speech on the internet that net neutrality offers, and they need to be stopped. The only way to do so is to nationalize all the big cable companies before they shut down free speech online. Contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress and tell them that you're going to remove them from office next year if they don't pass legislation nationalizing big cable. This isn't about government controlling free speech, it's the American public shutting down a threat to the 1st Amendment right of free speech.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Net Neutrality Holds

I have to say that I'm exceedingly satisfied to share this bit of news. The FCC voted to uphold net neutrality by declaring the internet to be a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that the companies that tried to kill net neutrality like +Comcast+AT&T+Verizon FiOS, etc., will now have to keep all internet traffic flowing at equal bandwith, not more, not less.

Maintaining net neutrality is the base of upholding free speech rights online, and always keep that in mind as the big boys mentioned above try to throw their weight around and looking to profit over allowing those rights.

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