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Showing posts with label GoVote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GoVote. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why We Should Still Turn Out Regardless Of What The Republicans And Their Far-Right Goons Do To Keep Us Away From The Polls

From voter suppression to voter intimidation, it’s pretty clear to see that the Republican Party is growing desperate to hang on to their status as America’s majority party. That reason alone is exactly why we need to still come out and make our voices heard in the upcoming midterm election in 2 weeks. If you live in a Republican-controlled state, don’t let yourself be intimidated out of exercising your right to vote.

As Barack Obama correctly pointed out in a video on Youtube, voting is the only way to improve our already dire circumstances. Now is not the time to become disengaged. Let’s answer his call by heading out to the polls on November 6.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dispelling The Myth That Racism Is Respectable

I'll be very clear, there are many people in America who absolutely think that racism and race-baiting is respectable. These people in my opinion need to have their heads examined. If anything, we in America are tired of race-based dog-whistle politics and we're tired of it being used as a distractionary tactic from the thievery that's been happening in Washington. Americans are tired of having these Southernized politics for a clear reason, it's an ugly reminder of how horrid we behaved in the past when it came to race.

It's not respectable to go around making dog-whistle calls, or for that matter, start to shout "White Power!" at political rallies. White supremacy has made an ugly stain on our past, and the best way to overcome it is through understanding the experiences of people on the receiving end of its most violent forms. This is why we need to make our voices heard to the racial demagogues and White supremacists that we soundly reject their calls to reestablish a racial caste system yet again.

Let's make 2016 the year that we reject the old racialized establishment we've inherited from our parents and grandparents.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reason To Not Vote Republican In Election

I'm aware that the election is coming up very soon, and that we're in for a really wild outcome. One thing to bear in mind this time is why we need to refrain from voting for the +GOP this time. Let's bear in mind the fact that the Republicans want to turn America into an oligarchic kleptocracy, like Vladimir Putin runs in Russia, and wants to roll back the clock to about the 1830s. We don't need to go back that far, and we need a government that's transparent and accountable to the voting public. And by rolling the clock back to about the 1830s, I'm saying that they want to disenfranchise everyone, but White, Protestant men and strip away all other rights. Additionally, they're looking to start a campaign of genocide against those who are non-White (think of who's a part of the +GOP base - it'd be a non-surprise to know that many happen to be from the White supramcist movement), and don't be too shocked if they try to carry through with it. Many of the folks in +The Tea Party (a good chunk of the +GOP base), also fall into the category of White supremacy advocates and followers, and come from groups that advocate such positions like the +John Birch Society and the +Ku Klux Klan.

In terms of economic policy, many of these same people are looking to drive everyone into a financial hole just to allow big companies like +McDonald's+BURGER KING+Koch Industries, etc., to make a quick buck with our tax dollars and get a bigger break in their on-going scam of evading taxes. We can't continue on this path, and we need to grow the economy in order to get ourselves out of the mess left behind by +george w bush's administration.

So just to recap if you would like more racism/more legislated hate, more corruption, more inequality, vote for the +GOP. If you'd like to make more progress (despite it being frustratingly slow), vote for +The Democrats.

A message from +Jgsf1987

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Understand That Racism Plays A Part In The Right's Campaign This Year

Let me just make a note of the fact that we should be trying to fight as hard as possible to make our voices heard. From the events in Ferguson to the silencing of all our voices by the Koch Brothers, we need to understand what it is that makes this cycle that much more important. We're in for a world of hell should the Republicans take the Senate in November, as they'll be leading us down to a path of fascism not seen since the Nazis had control of Germany back in the 1930s and 1940s. No, I'm not equating ALL REPUBLICANS to being fascists, just the more extreme ones. Most Republicans are kind of like my Pop in this sense, not really all that concerned with someone being gay, or being whatever, and mainly with keeping the government from making a real mess of the economy.

It's the extremists that have hijacked the party and are now leading us down a path to fascism, due to their consistant lust for war and conquest, and their need to manufacture crises at home just to scare the living heck out of all of us. Basically, they continue to view the White Race as the master race, and all others as infestations. The racial community that always gets the worst of it - the Black community. Let me tell you all something, their struggles here in America are like the Jews' struggles in Europe. My ancestors went through the Romanovs' constant pograms, and I see a lot of that happening today with the Black community, many times in the hearts of our big cities. It needs to end, and it needs to change. How? Education of what the community's experience is like from one day to the next.

For those who are from other racial/ethnic communities, I will not discount your experiences either with the worst of White America's racism. Take Arizona's SB 1070, the Papers Please Act, which is completely about racial profiling of Spanish-speaking Americans living in the state. Additionally, it's time to end the usage of the word "illegals" when talking about the Spanish-speaking community at-large. The vast majority of them are here legally, and many are even born here. Another aggrivating example is the stop and frisk and/or warrantless bugging of Muslims and Mosques. This goes beyond common sense and is a knowing willful violation of the 4th Amendment and the 14th Amendment. First of all, the vast majority of Muslims, both in America and around the world, are not JIHADISTS. Those that are Jihadists are a very tiny minority, I'd doubt even 10% of all the world's Muslims.

My point is simple, just because we're from a different background doesn't mean we should be having to deal with disrespect and indignity while trying to get through day to day life.

Think about this when you go to the polls on November 4.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Note To Readers

I want to start off with a heartfelt apology to everyone about sounding like a broken record saying GO VOTE constantly. I want all to understand that voting in a midterm election is as important as voting in a presidential cycle.

Even if you don't support President Obama, or you do, it's no reason to stay home. We need to understand that by not voting we're giving our silent approval to let Washington remain broken and ineffective, and this is what many on the right want, unfettered access for corporate special interests.

They've done very well, these corporate special interests, and it's time for us to stand up and say HELL NO to these interests who will continue to racebait in order to distract us.

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