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Showing posts with label connecttheleft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label connecttheleft. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Reason To Not Vote Republican In Election

I'm aware that the election is coming up very soon, and that we're in for a really wild outcome. One thing to bear in mind this time is why we need to refrain from voting for the +GOP this time. Let's bear in mind the fact that the Republicans want to turn America into an oligarchic kleptocracy, like Vladimir Putin runs in Russia, and wants to roll back the clock to about the 1830s. We don't need to go back that far, and we need a government that's transparent and accountable to the voting public. And by rolling the clock back to about the 1830s, I'm saying that they want to disenfranchise everyone, but White, Protestant men and strip away all other rights. Additionally, they're looking to start a campaign of genocide against those who are non-White (think of who's a part of the +GOP base - it'd be a non-surprise to know that many happen to be from the White supramcist movement), and don't be too shocked if they try to carry through with it. Many of the folks in +The Tea Party (a good chunk of the +GOP base), also fall into the category of White supremacy advocates and followers, and come from groups that advocate such positions like the +John Birch Society and the +Ku Klux Klan.

In terms of economic policy, many of these same people are looking to drive everyone into a financial hole just to allow big companies like +McDonald's+BURGER KING+Koch Industries, etc., to make a quick buck with our tax dollars and get a bigger break in their on-going scam of evading taxes. We can't continue on this path, and we need to grow the economy in order to get ourselves out of the mess left behind by +george w bush's administration.

So just to recap if you would like more racism/more legislated hate, more corruption, more inequality, vote for the +GOP. If you'd like to make more progress (despite it being frustratingly slow), vote for +The Democrats.

A message from +Jgsf1987

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blue Shield And Prop 45

I found the mail I got yesterday on the dinkng room table, and next thing I see, a flier addressed to me saying, "Vote No On 45". So naturally, it'd be wise to look at who's funding that flier, and unsurprisingly, 1 name shows up: Blue Shield of California. This is a complete non-surprise as the company's looking to avoid any kind of premium rate regulation so that it continue bilking us at almost 3-5x the inflation rate. Do yourselves a favor and vote Yes On 45. Your wallets will thank you.

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