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Showing posts with label Election 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2020. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What To Expect Post-Election

It's no secret at this point that the storm clouds are gathering between now and Tuesday's election. No, you're not nuts about feeling the tension gripping America right now; if you are, QUIT DOING SO! Many political historians (and political scientists) comparing the tension today with that of the 1850's, which, while accurate, isn't telling the whole story at hand.

It's true that Donald Trump is directing his supporters to act violently in helping his Republican allies in Congress and across the country suppress the voices of his opposition, and keeping them away from the ballot box. It's also true that he's calling on his supporters to engage in violence should he win or lose (the latter being more likely). The biggest factor to watch for is how many voices he, his supporters and Republican allies succeded in stifling; especially black and brown voices. This is what we need to vote out, a political party and movement that've been hijacked for the cause of racial supremacy and violence; and that've devolved into cruelly enforced minority rule (including oligarchy), sheer corruption (including nepotism), and, moreover, complete and utter incompetence.

I left out tyranny as it's been thrown out too many times to too many different scenarioes where we've tried to uphold rights for those who've been constantly sidelined in our historic social hierarchy by race, sex, etc. Terror would be a better descriptor, but even that doesn't come close to describing the effects of Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th President of the United States. The Trump administration's unyielding graft/corruption is what affects us, the American electorate, the worst; this is followed by the administration's utter incompetence, and cruel, and often violent, means of enforcing minority rule.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Republican Party's Growing Desperation

I know that in my last posting I was hyperly focused on the plausible likelihood that the Democrats had thrown the election to Donald Trump, and so I think it's only right to balance that with this post. If there's 1 fact that's not lost on the Republicans, it's that they're not going to glide to an easy victory in holding onto the White House this year; they know. This is because of Donald Trump losing more credibility by the second thanks to his continual stream of falsehoods and race-baiting. People can't stand any more of his constant lying and utter imcompetence; especially with his failed response to the COVID-19 outbreak that started in January.

But this is a bigger drain on the Republican Party in the sense that their arguement of making the government small enough to drown in the bathtub has brought about the deaths of almost 200,000 Americans, and has lead to the biggest wealth gap since the roaring '20s. Their inaction illustrates very clearly why we need government, even with its inefficiencies; and why the private sector can not be relied on for certain things. The fact is that the Republican Party has lost its ability to churn out effective policy to benefit people's lives. They have no policy ideas, and their strategy of relying on White Supremacy is starting to fail them as there are fewer older, racist White Americans available to keep them going.

By not having largely expanded their base outside of White America, the Republicans now know that policy and fairly contested elections are not winnable for them. Their platform does not appeal to younger, diverse voters, nor to Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck. But what's killing them even more is that no one is falling for their scare tactics anymore and are actually standing up to them. This was something that they did not expect at all when fielding Trump four years ago. People are on to their tax-and-austerity scam, as they're living it right now. Underneath everything is a body politic that is ready for the type of change the Republican Party is simply not capable of producing.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

1968 Is The Wrong Comparison For 2020

I have no patience for those voices who claim that 1968 is the year for us to compare 2020 to in terms of dynamic similarities, as it's the wrong analogy. The right election years to compare 2020 to are 1980 and 1992. 1980 and 1992 were years of immense change in how certain regions had aligned themselves politically. Some states, like California. were Republican-leaning swing states prior to 1992; while others, such as Texas, had been Democratic-leaning swing states prior to 1980. 2020 is shaping up to be a year along those same dynamics again. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Vote Blue No Matter Who Is Saying Don't Give Us Change, Give Us More Of The Same

The Vote Blue No Matter Who is a folly at the very get-go. That type of campaign message is just an order from the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) run DNC to support their stooges no matter what. At a moment like the 1 we’re in, we can’t afford to go that route. Their slogan is about pushing the stale byline of, “Don’t give us change, give us more of the same.” Except more of the same is what got Donald Trump elected in the 1st place; the complacence that it lulled us as Americans (let alone Democrats) into.

They’ll be attempting to ram that byline down our throats with making Joe Biden the Democratic nominee for president. But it’s not Biden that should concern us, it’s which NDC stooge the DNC will try to get him to declare as his running-mate. The reason the latter should concern us is that it’s a recipe for getting Trump re-elected. And Trump getting re-elected is the last thing we need.

Vote Blue No Matter Who doesn’t solve our problem of hitting rock-bottom, which is what Trump’s presidency represents. This lesser of 2 evils hogwash is what helped propel Trump into the White House, and it will do the same this time around. So the next time you see that hashtag on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, don’t buy into it. Who the Democratic Party nominates actually does matter, and it’s not just because of turnout. It’s because nominating so-called “moderates” shows that the DNC is clearly not serious about the threat that the Republican Party has truly become. Only by nominating a progressive like Bernie Sanders will show a sharp contrast to Trump, as the only way to defeat a fake populist is with a real 1.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Nomination Choice Poll

I placed a poll on Twitter to gauge who you would like to get the Democratic nomination for president. Spread it out to your friends and family.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Impeachment Cries Grow Louder

Given that President Donald Trump has successfully intimidated some key witnesses out of testifying before the House of Representatives with regards to their investigations into potential abuses of executive power, the cries calling for his impeachment have just gotten both louder and crossed the political aisle. Representative Justin Amash (R-MI 3) had made headlines by admitting (unnervingly in the Trump controlled Republican Party's eyes) that Trump had likely commited acts that were probably worthy of impeachment. The biggest impact isn't being felt by Trump; it's being felt by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who just earlier this week threw rank-and-file House Democrats a bone by having a caucus meeting about investigating whether impeachment proceedings were warranted or not.

Still, this doesn't change the fact that Pelosi's obviously discomforted by such chatter, as it could backfire on Democrats in 2020. Trump knows this and has been openly goading House Democrats to file articles of impeachment against him for the last few weeks, hoping that they'll play right into his hands. Should they do so, it could give him some extra ammunition in making the case that the Democratic Party is out of control following Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016, and are only seeking revenge against him. Which is why Pelosi has been rightfully cautious about proceeding forward with impeachment. The facts need to fall into place before going ahead with it.

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