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Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2020

Vote Blue No Matter Who Is Saying Don't Give Us Change, Give Us More Of The Same

The Vote Blue No Matter Who is a folly at the very get-go. That type of campaign message is just an order from the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) run DNC to support their stooges no matter what. At a moment like the 1 we’re in, we can’t afford to go that route. Their slogan is about pushing the stale byline of, “Don’t give us change, give us more of the same.” Except more of the same is what got Donald Trump elected in the 1st place; the complacence that it lulled us as Americans (let alone Democrats) into.

They’ll be attempting to ram that byline down our throats with making Joe Biden the Democratic nominee for president. But it’s not Biden that should concern us, it’s which NDC stooge the DNC will try to get him to declare as his running-mate. The reason the latter should concern us is that it’s a recipe for getting Trump re-elected. And Trump getting re-elected is the last thing we need.

Vote Blue No Matter Who doesn’t solve our problem of hitting rock-bottom, which is what Trump’s presidency represents. This lesser of 2 evils hogwash is what helped propel Trump into the White House, and it will do the same this time around. So the next time you see that hashtag on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, don’t buy into it. Who the Democratic Party nominates actually does matter, and it’s not just because of turnout. It’s because nominating so-called “moderates” shows that the DNC is clearly not serious about the threat that the Republican Party has truly become. Only by nominating a progressive like Bernie Sanders will show a sharp contrast to Trump, as the only way to defeat a fake populist is with a real 1.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The DNC Is Making The Same Mistake It Did In 2016 By Trying To Ram Joe Biden Through As Nominee

It's not a surprise by any stretch that the Third Way (New Democrat Coalition) controlled Democratic National Committee is trying to ram Joe Biden to the party's presidential nomination; running rough-shod over the protests of the progressive grassroots. But that is a big mistake on the DNC's part, as it's repeating the same mistake it made with Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Before we go into that old tizzy, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

To start with, let's look at how the DNC let complacency take root by forcing Hillary's nomination. They figured, via a pied-piper campaign strategy, that they could get the public to vote for her through their own disgust with Donald Trump's caustic rhetoric; and we all saw how that played out. They also started taking certain constituencies' votes for granted and ran the most tone-deaf campaign, which was also turning off voters. But the biggest mistake it made was that the people wanted continuity, more of the same failed incrementalism that the public was beginning to tire of. For those reasons above, that was what incentivized certain parts of the electorate into either backing Trump (the least qualified presidential candidate in US History) or 3rd-party candidates, or simply staying home and not vote at all. It's undeniable that there were also other factors that played into Hillary's loss; everything from Russian interference in the election to the Republicans cheating by rigging electoral outcomes in their own favor (vote suppression, manipulating voting machines, etc.).

But we shouldn't lose sight of the central premise that the DNC severely miscalculated just how incensed the electorate actually was at the time; incensed with essentially being held hostage (and bullied into voting for the "candidate" [aka Hillary]) and then being left behind once the voting was done. By making so many derisive comments of their own, the Democrats pissed away all the votes they needed in order to win. Calling anyone who didn't vote for Hillary, during both the primaries and the general, mysogynists and "Bernie Bros" created so much ill-will that the progressive grassroots didn't turn out as heavily as they had done in both 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket. Trump and the Republicans exploited this rift to snatch the presidency.

As for the Russians, it's easily confirmable to say that the Republican Party colluded with them in 2016. However, that fits into a larger pattern that's been described on this blog once before. There's a likelihood that they won't be able to play the peripheries in this year's election like they did last time. Not because of Donald Trump's bumbling, but because of the intelligence community and social media giants' due diligence in weeding out potential misinformation campaigns.

All of that said, we can't ignore the other inconvenient fact, which is that the DNC is doubling down on the same failed strategy this time, only substitute Hillary with Biden. The Corporate Dem Establishment is still up to its old antics yet again upon Bernie Sanders. They're trying to do everything humanly possible to undermine his campaign, and if they succede, they'll be setting themselves up to lose. This is why we need to fight them off again, as they shouldn't be given the chance to hold us hostage again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hillary Clinton And Third-Way Democrats Have Some Explaining To Do

There's no reason for Hillary Clinton to go around calling Tulsi Gabbard a foreign asset, given that Tulsi's worn our nation's uniform while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Likewise, there is no reason for centrist Third-Way Democrats to be insinuating that progressives are foreign assets just because they didn't actively support Hillary either during the primaries or the general election campaigns back in 2016. Bernie Sanders put the case very plainly, and he's right to call out Hillary and demand that she apologize to Tulsi. Even the New York Times should come out with an apology, too.

Both Hillary and the Third-Way Democrats owe not just progressives, but the American electorate at-large a good explanation as to why they're continuing on with their charade after it's been proven time and again that not everyone who voted against Hillary in 2016 is a Russian and/or foreign asset.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Seeing The Left Destroy Itself

I know that I wrote about how the Right was destroying itself last year, but I think it's time to give the Left its due. The biggest problem is that the "leadership" is doing everything humanly possible to prevent anything meaningful from being enacted. This is a massive problem when the Democrats are holding America hostage just to fatten Corporate America's wallet (the GOP notwithstanding), while only pretending to care about the issues that actually matter to the electorate. At this point the Democratic National Committee has lost its mind, only carrying on (until about last week or so) Hillary Clinton's post-election media tantrum. Be it about Donald Trump's supposed connections to Russia, or how everyone who voted for someone other than Clinton as a mysogynist. That's just a couple of examples, but it paints the picture of how badly out-of-touch the "Left" (and I'm being very generous to the Democratic Party's current leadership) has become. Until there's a revolt from within, there's no way for the left to actually assert itself in America's political dialogue. Especially when we're fighting the very worst elements of the far-right.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Trump's Obsession With Bringing Back Jim Crow And Democrats' Lacklustered Noncommitted Response

It's no secret that Donald Trump has been on the move towards bringing back Jim Crow, but the Democrats' lackluster response is going to ensure that Trump succedes. Their platitudes are just simply lip-service as the DNC has had no interest of doing anything to rectify any of the underlying issues that are driving this recent push. We need to continue to show the DNC that if it wants our support, it needs to act on the issues affecting all of our lives. Otherwise it gives the current demagogues in control of the GOP their blank check to continue to use non-Whites as scapegoats for the public's problems.

It's time for them to grow a pair and start actively opposing this new push for social injustice. It's time for them to stand up and fight back. Anyone within the Democratic ranks that refuses to fight back should be primaried and removed as they're part of the problem.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Curtail Trump As The 2018 Midterm Nears

I know that for many of us looking to establishment channels to hold Donald Trump accountable, but I need to give a cold shock to that by illustrating just how useless The Democrats and the GOP have become. Neither body wants to change the structural hurdles that we the people have to jump through when they make too much money accepting corporate donations. The only real way to curtail Trump goes as follows.

The way to rein in Trump is to completely bypass the DNC, and instead work to nominate outside candidates with the zeal of taking on the corruption shrouding Washington. In addition, it's also on all of us to protest loudly and strongly to keep our elected officials' feet to the fire when they move to placate their corporate donors. We should also take guidance from Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders about pushing through the agenda set by Our Revolution. Don't worry about the corporatists within the Democratic rank-and-file, as they're completely disinterested in pushing for the kinds of structural reforms that we the people desperately need.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Taking On The Establishment

After a couple of hard-won victories in New Hampshire for both Bernie Sanders  and Donald J. Trump for President, it's clear that people have woken up to all the corruption that's manifested itself into the political establishment and they're highly disgusted by it. None of this should come as a surprise, since there's been an enormous amount of anger directed at Washington over the last 40 years. It's only now that we're seeing the anger boil over. This is why we're in for an interesting election should both Bernie and Donald get their parties' nominations this summer.

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