Friday, March 3, 2023
The Netanyahu Government Is Turning Israel Into An Apartheid State
Thursday, May 13, 2021
New Exploding War Between Israel & Palestine
This recent violence between Israel and the Palestinian paramilitary organization Hamas is very worrying. It's as if Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist allies have found a new justification to eradicate the Palestinian people in their entirety. Before we get to that though, let's clear something up: Israel, like all nations, does have the right to defend itself against would-be aggressors. However, under Netanyahu's leadership, Israel's response has once again become overkill.
The goal looks to be collective punishment of the Palestinians for standing up to several illegal Israeli settler landgrabs in the 4-5 months prior to the recent outbreak in violence. Instead of blocking action on Israel's overreaction, America should put its foot down and tell it to end its landgrabs for good. This is what's fueling it, and Joe Biden, as America's president, has the clout to do so right now. He (Biden) shouldn't bother listening to AIPAC (which, for the record, is the domestic mouthpiece for Likud in America) with its lectures about how any criticism of Israeli policy is anti-Semitic/anti-Semitism. The 2 are not interrelated, despite what AIPAC says to the contrary. In fact, they're very different from each other.
The Palestinians need a voice at the table, and America would be in a position to facilitate that if it would quit buying into the lie that Israel is the aggrieved victim in this saga when it's very clear that it's the actual aggressor. It's also time for America to quit dragging its proverbial feet in engaging in some tough love on Israel; clearly laying out the law by saying that using the Holocaust to justify genocide and apartheid is wrong. This rings especially true given how modern Israel was born in the wake of the Nazis' nearly successful attempt to exterminate Europe's own Jewish population during WWII. It's not helping Israel's cause in becoming a non-pariah on the world stage.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Republicans And Likud Have Gone Too Far
But what really blows this out of the water is some anti-Semitic comments from Donald Trump himself and the opening that it's given to anti-Semites to come out accusing American Jews of disloyalty to both America and Israel by voting Democratic, and not Republican, electorally. There are going to be more lines like this coming from Republicans over the next several months, primarily those who are either running in their 1st election, or present incumbents running for re-election.
How this ties back to Likud if it's only Republican surrogates campaigning on Trump's behalf is fairly simple: Many of the conspiracy theories being thrown out by Trump's camp have also been used by Likud for years; especially with regards to the question of who is a Jew. The Likud-led governing coalition in Israel has had several rank-and-file memebers come out falsely accusing American Jews of not being Jewish at all, and of being disloyal to their homeland by openly criticizing it. That premise is complete and utter horseshit.
Fuck this putz. Saying that Jews are disloyal for voting Democratic. Both he and the unholy warrior in the White House have no basis for making the implied remark that voting for Democrats is abandoning Israel. #FuckTrump— jgsf1987 (@jgsf1987) August 22, 2019
It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 15, 2019
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