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Saturday, March 14, 2020

The DNC Is Making The Same Mistake It Did In 2016 By Trying To Ram Joe Biden Through As Nominee

It's not a surprise by any stretch that the Third Way (New Democrat Coalition) controlled Democratic National Committee is trying to ram Joe Biden to the party's presidential nomination; running rough-shod over the protests of the progressive grassroots. But that is a big mistake on the DNC's part, as it's repeating the same mistake it made with Hillary Clinton back in 2016. Before we go into that old tizzy, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

To start with, let's look at how the DNC let complacency take root by forcing Hillary's nomination. They figured, via a pied-piper campaign strategy, that they could get the public to vote for her through their own disgust with Donald Trump's caustic rhetoric; and we all saw how that played out. They also started taking certain constituencies' votes for granted and ran the most tone-deaf campaign, which was also turning off voters. But the biggest mistake it made was that the people wanted continuity, more of the same failed incrementalism that the public was beginning to tire of. For those reasons above, that was what incentivized certain parts of the electorate into either backing Trump (the least qualified presidential candidate in US History) or 3rd-party candidates, or simply staying home and not vote at all. It's undeniable that there were also other factors that played into Hillary's loss; everything from Russian interference in the election to the Republicans cheating by rigging electoral outcomes in their own favor (vote suppression, manipulating voting machines, etc.).

But we shouldn't lose sight of the central premise that the DNC severely miscalculated just how incensed the electorate actually was at the time; incensed with essentially being held hostage (and bullied into voting for the "candidate" [aka Hillary]) and then being left behind once the voting was done. By making so many derisive comments of their own, the Democrats pissed away all the votes they needed in order to win. Calling anyone who didn't vote for Hillary, during both the primaries and the general, mysogynists and "Bernie Bros" created so much ill-will that the progressive grassroots didn't turn out as heavily as they had done in both 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was at the top of the ticket. Trump and the Republicans exploited this rift to snatch the presidency.

As for the Russians, it's easily confirmable to say that the Republican Party colluded with them in 2016. However, that fits into a larger pattern that's been described on this blog once before. There's a likelihood that they won't be able to play the peripheries in this year's election like they did last time. Not because of Donald Trump's bumbling, but because of the intelligence community and social media giants' due diligence in weeding out potential misinformation campaigns.

All of that said, we can't ignore the other inconvenient fact, which is that the DNC is doubling down on the same failed strategy this time, only substitute Hillary with Biden. The Corporate Dem Establishment is still up to its old antics yet again upon Bernie Sanders. They're trying to do everything humanly possible to undermine his campaign, and if they succede, they'll be setting themselves up to lose. This is why we need to fight them off again, as they shouldn't be given the chance to hold us hostage again.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Keep The Pressure Up On Preventing Another War With Iran.

We've done well in getting Congress to make sure that President Donald Trump doesn't get us into another war of choice with Iran. However, our job isn't done just yet; we need to keep the pressure up if we're going to stop this war from getting started. There's a couple of videos from Facebook I made to press this point home.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Personal News

Hey all, I know I've been writing a lot of political screeds on here as of late, and they'll continue for the forseeable future. I wanted to take a second to make a personal announcement: I'm finally buckling down on writing a book about my past and use it as a means of helping others get through many of the challenges I face. I'll keep you all informed as much as I can.

In the meantime, if you have any questions/comments about my take on President Donald Trump's impeachment, hit me up on either Facebook and/or Twitter. I'll try to post as extensively as I can on my Youtube channel, too.

Tell Donald Trump Hell No To War With Iran

I can’t stress this enough, what President Donald Trump is doing with Iran is reckless. The last thing we need is a new war to fight. What’s worse is that Trump is threatening to commit war crimes in our names. We need to make clear to the crminal-in-chief that we’re not going to allow this to happen, and that he’ll pay a steep price (i.e., not win re-election in November) for doing so. Call/email the President and make your opposition heard. It’s bad enough that we’re fighting 2 wars in the Middle East, so we don’t need a 3rd war.

Additionally, call/email your Representatives and Senators in Congress, and tell them to sponsor and pass legislation blocking the President from launching a war with Iran. At the same time, make it clear that you will vote them out of office if they block such legislation. It’s a matter of life and death, not left vs. right. We can’t have a President or Congress in office that doesn’t take the aforementioned distinction seriously. Sadly, the President and Congressional Republicans have demonstrated that they don’t.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Impeachment Is In Full Swing

There's no denying that Donald Trump and the House Republicans are largely powerless to stop the impeachment train set in motion by the House Democrats. I'll be candid in saying that I was skeptical of any impeachment proceedings and viewing them as a waste of time, given that we're about to hold an election next year. I'll say right now that I was wrong in saying that the Democrats wouldn't find anything, as the whole business with Ukraine blew that door wide open to mapping out various gross abuses by the president of his office, and those of his closest surrogates. It also is going to extend out to Senate Republicans many of whom may also be ensnared.

Making the whole scandal that much more interesting is that the House Republicans' ranking member on the Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes (R CA-22), is part of it, too. How many other Republicans get ensnared remains to be seen, but it is sufficient to say that Ukraine-gate definitely goes well beyond Trump and Nunes. Trump, and many of the heads in his orbit, are just the tip of the iceberg. When watching the whole saga play out, keep in mind that it's not just Trump whose on trial; it's also the Republican Party at-large having been caught red-handed colluding with foreign actors and rigging the districting maps in their favor.

Nancy Pelosi is right in saying that President Trump's actions have left the House of Representatives with no other choice, but to draft and vote on articles of impeachment. This is because of the President's abuses of his office's powers by getting foreign actors involved in next year's election and using his office to continually violate the Constitution's Emoluments Clause. Those reasons are in addition to his continued ordering of all staffers and appointees to ignore lawfully drafted subpoenas by Congress to investigate the role that Russia and other foreign and corporate actors have played not just in 2016 and 2018 (to a degree), but also what role they'll play in next year's election.

As for the Senate, watch what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) does when he recieves the articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives. He's going to try to make the trial go both as long and as short as possible. Long enough to muck with the schedule of the Democratic presidential primaries, but short enough so as to not imperil his and other Republican Senators' primaries for their re-election bids next November. He's most likely going to try to make the impeachment trial as brief as possible because the longer it drags out, the more likely McConnell's going to get ensnared, too.

Many talking heads will tell you that America is the biggest loser in this whole saga. That notion is both absurd and flat-out false as they'll be directing your attention in the wrong place. The biggest loser in this whole saga is the very man who they keep falsely claiming has leverage on Trump: Russia's Vladimir Putin. Putin will be the biggest loser as his strategy of playing the peripheries has backfired. As I've said in a couple of posts, Putin has nothing on Trump, and it's Trump who's got Putin by the balls. Putin needs Trump in order to solidify his dominance back home in Russia, while Trump can go elsewhere in terms of foreign leaders and actors to help him keep his office by meddling in the election on his behalf. To put it simply: Trump doesn't exactly need Putin in order to remain in office. There's always China's Xi Jin-Ping, or Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whom he can turn to in his time of need.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What The Results Of This Year's Elections Tell Us

With the Democrats taking 2 of the 3 gubernatorial races and control of the Virginia State Legislature in this year's elections, they're now in a much stronger position to fight the effects of Trumpism and ultraconservatism coming from the Republicans. This means that for average Americans, the assault on their basic rights as citizens will no longer be under attack and that their voice in government will be much stronger.

The results are also indicating a problem for Trump and the Republican Party, and that problem is that their lies are no longer being believed by the American people. That realization should scare them, as they have no further credibility as time goes on. With the exception of Gerald Ford, each Republican president over the last 50 years has gotten into office by colluding with a foreign actor. The party itself hadn't gotten caught doing so until mid-September in the form of Ukrainegate.

The fact that Kentucky's Republican governor Matt Bevin lost on November 14 is enough to show that Trumpism has finally started being rejected by some portions of Trump's base. It's also a signal to Trump himself that he's in real electoral trouble going into next year's presidential election. The same can be said for Mitch McConnell, whose incumbency is in peril, too.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Nomination Choice Poll

I placed a poll on Twitter to gauge who you would like to get the Democratic nomination for president. Spread it out to your friends and family.

House Republicans Have Some Explaining To Do

On Wednesday, several House Republicans led by their #2, Steve Scalise (R-LA 01), stormed a closed-door hearing with witnesses for the House of Representatives' ongoing impeachment inquiry, and doing so with their telephones recording everything. The whole charade delayed the hearings for 5 hours. This is the biggest display of witness intimidation, and for what? To make the point that presidential impeachment only applies when Democrats hold the presidency? That's bogus!

They better have a good explanation for why their party has so openly resorted to engaging with foreign powers to attain and maintain power. Just to be clear, this is not the 1st time that the Republican Party has done this. It's been their M.O. for at least 50 years (going all the way back to Richard Nixon in 1968; Gerald Ford and Bob Dole are the sole exceptions in both 1976 and 1996, respectively). That's in addition to trying to fix elections and manipulate redistricting through gerrymandering.

That's at the heart of Ukraine-gate, the Republican party getting caught with its pants down. They have no basis for arguing about the lack of fairness in being held accountable for their actions, nor do they have any ground in attempting to scare voters into letting them continue to violate federal election laws with impunity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hillary Clinton And Third-Way Democrats Have Some Explaining To Do

There's no reason for Hillary Clinton to go around calling Tulsi Gabbard a foreign asset, given that Tulsi's worn our nation's uniform while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Likewise, there is no reason for centrist Third-Way Democrats to be insinuating that progressives are foreign assets just because they didn't actively support Hillary either during the primaries or the general election campaigns back in 2016. Bernie Sanders put the case very plainly, and he's right to call out Hillary and demand that she apologize to Tulsi. Even the New York Times should come out with an apology, too.

Both Hillary and the Third-Way Democrats owe not just progressives, but the American electorate at-large a good explanation as to why they're continuing on with their charade after it's been proven time and again that not everyone who voted against Hillary in 2016 is a Russian and/or foreign asset.

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