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Friday, May 9, 2014

Keeping Net Neutrality

It's important for me to put this out for everyone to see. I'll be brief, as there's enough people yammering on why we need to keep net neutrality (for those who want more information can do so on +Google or Bing in less than a second), and I've made a number of postings of this subject on my Facebook page in addition to my Twitter feed. That being said here's my take.

My thinking for preserving net neutrality is to give everyone the most open source of information and ability to exchange ideas. Letting big companies, such as +Verizon Communications and +AT&T, holding control over this useful utility without some kind of oversight from the Federal Communications Commission, would be able to stifle whatever data traffic comes in from their competitors on the web, and may be able to intimidate social media sites to delete commentary that gives them bad publicity from customer complaints. Both are free speech issues, and censorship is the biggest concern on my end.

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