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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Republican Attempts To Suppress The Vote Just Before the Election Arrives

This is not a new issue, but more of an ongoing theme. The real reason for the need of voter ID laws as stringent as those in states governed by the +GOP: to prevent likely-to-hardcore Democratic voters (youth, minorities, single women, etc.) from going to the polls. This is one of the clearest forms of cheating in the history of election rigging.

This is not a surprise, but it's aggrivating to know that the Republicans will quit at nothing to dilute and ultimately destroy +The Democrats, and what they stand for. It's also happening, as demographics in our democratic/federal system are not on the Republicans' side. White (European) Americans are becoming a shrinking demographic in America, and other racial minorities are becoming the new majority. This is a massive problem for the Republicans in the sense that they count on the support of European Americans to keep them in power.

Additionally, the Republicans have no ideas for moving this country forward. Because they lack ideas, they can't compete for power against the Democrats, in the arena of politics and policymaking. They know this, and their way of making sure they stay in power: voter suppression. By suppressing the vote, and making voting more confusing for the electorate at-large, the Republicans can count on a low-to-very-low voter turnout. Only in low-turnout elections do Republicans perform very well.

Just remember this if you're in a state with a Republican Governor. Don't be surprised if you find yourself being intimidated to vote Republican if you want to remain alive.


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