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Monday, May 4, 2015

Mandatory Voting & Some Potential Issues

I'll start off by saying that Mandatory Voting is not a bad idea in itself, but the implementation of it may be more problematic than President Obama originally anticipated. The reason is summed up in 3 simple letters: G-O-P. I know, what the heck does the GOP have to do with this? It's actually very simple, but be warned, it's also exceedingly infuriating. More on the infuriating part later.

The reason I say that mandatory voting may be a good idea is that it'll help to increase our widely known abysmally low turn-outs when it comes to elections. By getting more voters to the polls would mean more accurate results, instead of partially accurate results as we saw in 2014. It could also mean that by having people participate it will mean that their voices will be heard through the ballot box.

However, there's a more sinister side to this and here's where the GOP comes in. The fact is that, the since the Republicans' base is primarily in the South, it's a sure enough way to engage in a racially-motivated law-enforcement. What's infuriating about this part is that the way the GOP will apply the law across the South is to specifically target Blacks, especially those who are excluded due to felony convictions, but also those who don't fit the proper racial description of what it means to be a "Real American". By "Real Americans", you know they mean Whites. The other infuriating problem with this kind of law is that it will give them a new excuse to continue with mass incarceration, especially since Southern Republicans will use these laws to place even more Blacks in prison, thus continuing the same discriminatory public policies that have existed since the turn of the 20th Century.

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