Jgsf1987 Cookie Consent

Friday, May 8, 2015

Republicans' Economic Mismanagement & How It's A Massive Con

To say that the GOP has a stronger record of job creation is the biggest joke of a lie ever told. I know, joke of a lie is an oxymoron, but just leave that aside, as it's clear the biggest joke ever known to man-kind is the GOP itself; demanding inhuman capabilities that only cause the economy to crash. Clearly the Democrats have a stronger economic record that leads to job creation, but we'll leave that to the side for the moment.

The Republicans can't get their economic mojo together as they don't spend money on areas that actually create jobs nor do they give a tax-code that incentivizes bigger commercial enterprises to actually sustain it. Think about it, whenever they talk about the "American people" getting their taxes back, they mean the wealthiest .02%, not the other 99.98% of us. Pretty much it's an economy to benefit the very wealthiest among us, not the average mom-and-pop shops. But how do they get away with it? Dog-whistle politics, which they call culture wars, to distract the majority of the electorate from their own dismal record, and the demonization of government.

Actually, let's take a step back here. This mismanagement is actually intentional and it's actually thievery. Even though this is 1 of my posts from 2013, it makes sense today as it shows the give-aways the Republicans hand to big business in the form of our tax-dollars. These con-artists are trying to hand everything over to big business so that we have nothing left to live off of. 

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