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Sunday, February 28, 2016


One of the worst things that I find distasteful is bigotry, and those who argue for making it national policy yet again.

These are tweets I sent earlier to the name on the left, drowning on and on about how the talk of racism is a left-wing/socialist conspiracy that The Democrats are using for political purposes. First of all, the Democrats are right to be campaigning on racism as it's still a massive problem here in America. I've written about its effects extensively on my blog. Especially when it comes to the discrimination and violence that comes along with it. We need to face the elephant in the room here because it's really becoming a problem that's reflecting badly on all of us Americans.

It's time to take a stand against the GOP and say that enough is enough when it comes to exploiting racial anxieties and hatred for political gain. It's sickening to think that in the year 2016 we're still fighting the same battles we fought back in the mid-to-late 1960s. It is time to confront our violent past under the banner of White supremacy and all of the damage it caused here at home.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Seeing The Right Destroy Itself

As primary season heats up, so to will the right-wing's death-spiral. Granted, this is news to no one following the right's internal war, or who relish in our nation's political culture. What was once the party of pragmatism has devolved, and I'd say for the worse, into a fundamentalist know-nothing organization hell-bent on destroying the very nation they profess to save.

Apparently, this internal war has started to drive out mainstream conservatives, and that's beginning to say a lot. To be a Republican these days is to be a fundamentalist hate-filled corporatist who aspires to give all wealth/power to the elites and to create a nation of, by and for White people. It's sickening to think that there are people living here in America that actively cheer as corporations profit off of the suffering of others. Privatized prisons are one shining example.

Apparently this is the new Republican Party. That is unless a fair number of mainstream conservatives can claim the party back and expand the base to different ideologies like Ronald Reagan did back in the 1980s.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Reason To Elect Bernie Sanders As POTUS

Electing Bernie Sanders would do America a lot of favors as he's the only candidate who has any kind of plan for dealing with many of the issues we face today. Moreover, he's shown clearly that he's not letting himself be bought off by Corporate America (note the redonating of Martin Shkreli's donation back in September), nor is he trying to win their affection either.

The fact is that Bernie's plan for helping Americans still struggling to get by is the most feasible and it would help turn things around in the right direction, but it can only happen with the involvement of all of us get involved in the political process. It's on us to pressure Congress to do the right thing, or to elect a Democratic Congress alongside Bernie. We need to make the point clear that we're not going to take anything the GOP throws at us sitting down, not even the most vile of overt racism that we've seen in 5 decades.

Bernie's been the only candidate thus far who's released a plan for putting people back to work by fixing our crumbling infrastructure (all the roads and bridges) and clamping down on the greed and recklessness of not only Wall Street, but the entirety of Corporate America. For too long Corporate America has been cutting corners just to make a quick buck with impugnity, and that needs to change. We need to clamp down on big business and end their attempts to game the markets to their advantage. Bernie's the only candidate with a plan to do just that, as we need to put clear rules in place to govern how the markets function.

For more information on why to elect Bernie as POTUS, check out his website.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Taking On The Establishment

After a couple of hard-won victories in New Hampshire for both Bernie Sanders  and Donald J. Trump for President, it's clear that people have woken up to all the corruption that's manifested itself into the political establishment and they're highly disgusted by it. None of this should come as a surprise, since there's been an enormous amount of anger directed at Washington over the last 40 years. It's only now that we're seeing the anger boil over. This is why we're in for an interesting election should both Bernie and Donald get their parties' nominations this summer.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dispelling The Myth That Racism Is Respectable

I'll be very clear, there are many people in America who absolutely think that racism and race-baiting is respectable. These people in my opinion need to have their heads examined. If anything, we in America are tired of race-based dog-whistle politics and we're tired of it being used as a distractionary tactic from the thievery that's been happening in Washington. Americans are tired of having these Southernized politics for a clear reason, it's an ugly reminder of how horrid we behaved in the past when it came to race.

It's not respectable to go around making dog-whistle calls, or for that matter, start to shout "White Power!" at political rallies. White supremacy has made an ugly stain on our past, and the best way to overcome it is through understanding the experiences of people on the receiving end of its most violent forms. This is why we need to make our voices heard to the racial demagogues and White supremacists that we soundly reject their calls to reestablish a racial caste system yet again.

Let's make 2016 the year that we reject the old racialized establishment we've inherited from our parents and grandparents.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Superbowl 50

I have to say that having Superbowl 50 here in the San Francisco Bay Area is mega sweet. However, I've heard from some people I know that getting around in San Francisco is an absolute nightmare, which is a non-surprise in itself. Granted going anywhere in the city by car can be an obsticle course, but it's crazier now that people are here for the big game on Sunday.

Then again, it does a lot of good for the Bay Area's tourism industry.

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