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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Comcast Needs To Be Put Out Of Business

Comcast has been terribile over the last several months. Overcharging and sidelining consumers, it's the worst company to do business with. They're more interested in illegal profiteering than expanding their broadband service (cable, phone, internet). On top of that they're now looking to limit free speech, and that's not something we need. The FCC should just shut them down asap, for the good of consumers across America.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s Treasonous Comments Is Another Representstion Of The Right-Wing’s Treachery

With all the stories floating around about Donald Trump’s act of treason in Helsinki, it’s important to note that what we saw/heard wasn’t a first by any stretch. The fact is that his conduct was another example in a long established pattern set by the right right-wing (via the GOP) 50 years ago. This article from Alternet gives a detailed description of the right-wing’s treasonous actions
The next time you see, or hear about, any news of Trump’s treason, bear in mind that the story is actually describing the GOP treasonous actions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Republicans Have Just Signed Their Own Death Certificate By Killing Net Neutrality

Apparently the Republicans can’t seem to shake their fixation on killing net neutrality, and today they’ve succeded. This is going to come back to bite them in the butt in November’s midterms. Voters are going to take their fury out on them for giving them higher internet bills.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Low For Donald Trump

There’s no question that Donald Trump is feeling the tightening of the noose that Robert Mueller has tied around him. Several people whom Trump had prior business ties with are being indicted, or already convicted/allocuted, have exposed the web of corruption that surrounds him. Mostly that corruption comes from the Republican Party itself and the various interest groups it has ties with.

That corruption was exploited by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but not necessarily to Trump’s benefit. The fact is that Putin has next to no leverage over Trump, which has been illustrated time after time over the past year or so. The only candidate that Putin would’ve had leverage over was Hillary Clinton, as I’ll explain below.

The reasons that Putin would’ve had leverage over Hillary would be her email server (which was unencrypted for the first 3 months of 2009) and both his and his cronies’ donations to the Clinton Foundation. Donations to the Clinton Foundation would’ve been a backdoor to a President Hillary. Putin knew this and could use both the server and foundation to blackmail her into doing his bidding.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kitten Lady Needs Our Help

I saw that Kitten Lady had posted a video on Youtube about some inhumane practices by the USDA regarding the use of kittens in scientific experiments. We need to help her get this message across to the Department that they need to quit engaging in these practices with our tax dollars. She's given a good link to follow: Also contact your representatives and senators, and have them be a medium of transfering your outrage. The video is posted below.

You can also follow her on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. You can also check out her website.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Donald Trump Deserves Credit For Events Unfolding On The Korean Peninsula

Donald Trump deserves the vast majority of the credit for the events playing out currently on the Korean peninsula. The "Fire and Fury" threat together with the policy of "Maximum pressure" have brought Kim Jong-un to the negotiating table. This is a good thing, as it has the potential of ending the needlessly dangerous 65-year standoff since the conclusion of the Korean War.

Read the article above and/or watch my video bleow and draw your own conclusions. Also hit me up on either FacebookTwitter or Google+.

Source: CNN

Friday, April 20, 2018

Poetic Justice Is About To Hit The Republicans In 2018

After electing Donald Trump president in 2016, the GOP is about to face the biggest payback by the Democrats since their lopsided thumping in 2006. They now are the 1s that will be paying the price after 8 years of holding the American electorate hostage just to give Corporate America full control. 2018 is not going to be a good year for them.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Donald Trump Has Listened To The Neocons By Ordering The Bombing Attack On Syria

This is getting to be way too out of hand, us attacking another country without an of provocation. Granted, Bashar al-Assad is no angel, but there's no excuse for launching the attack. Now unless there's some intel that I or the American people don't know about, this was outright stupid and dangerous.

Donald Trump should not have listened to the Neocons, and is now going to turn America into a target for new terror attacks, as well as potential counterattack by Vladimir Putin's Russia. There's no point in heeding the council of the same people that brought us into Iraq.

I've got a new video up on Youtube, calling on everyone to get in contact with their Representatives and Senators in Congress. You can find their links on these websites:

Also, hit me up on Facebook and/or Twitter, and tell me your thoughts.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Youtube needs to scrap its new TOS for the Youtube Partnership Program and its interest algorhythms

I've been on YouTube as a YouTube Creator for almost 4 years, and now they're making my videos harder to find on their site. I've created a video explaining my frustrations with this, but I'm not the only creator complaining about this issue. I've enlisted 3 other channels on Youtube who've expressed this exact same frustration in that video:

  1. Secular Talk
  2. The Humanist Report
  3. David Pakman Show 

As I've said in the video, if you're a content creator that's experiencing this exact same frustration, hit me up on either Facebook or Twitter. We need to make our voices heard by Youtube (and Google by extension) that their new policies are unrealistic.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Neo-McCarthyism And Russophobia Intertwined

There's been an untold amount of Neo-McCarthyism unfolding before our eyes as a nation, and it's building up to a dangerous level. The reason isn't from the level of Russophobia, even though it's a huge problem; it's from the ultimate conclusion that all dissent is illegitimate as it's all pro-Russian. That conflated conclusion is absolutely absurd beyond reason. I found this article written by Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone explaining how Russiagate exploded from Donald Trump's questionable business ties to numerous Russian oligarchs into a campaign to silence anyone who even bothers to make a minor criticism of how badly the establishment had blown the election in 2016.

Additionally, there's another article on Axios that explains how many of the headlines regarding Robert Mueller's investigation are completely useless and are just flat out wrong. This is another factor of the new wave of McCarthyism's unseemly rise, as it explains the Orwellian overtures through not always checking their facts. That's from the media's use of pseudo-research talking points from organizations like Securing Democracy's Hamilton 68 web page for tracking "Russian trolls/bots". This group has the smells of the same neo-conservatives that got us into Iraq.

By making any and all criticism of the political establishment a worthy charge of treason, it's having the effect of bullying an electorate into compliance. This needs to end before someone gives Donald Trump the bright idea of lobbing a nuke at the Kremlin.

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