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Monday, April 24, 2017

Why Fears Of A War Breaking Out Between America And Both Russia And China Are Overblown In Regards To The North Korean Nuclear Crisis

There's been a lot of talk in news headlines around the world that America is on a collision course to war with both Russia and China regarding the ongoing crisis with the Kim Regime's Nuclear Program. That's not the case as both the Russians and Chinese's strategic patience has worn almost thin enough to endorse an American-led military strike against North Korea. Even though there have been traded conventional and nuclear war threats between America and North Korea, the fact is that the North Koreans' closest "allies," Russia and China, won't back them up. They'll see giving up the Kim Regime as an evil they can live with if that's the way to get American military hardware out of the region.

Should war break out, the Americans' response to the North's aggression will be several fold stronger than in World War II, especially in defense of both Japan and South Korea. Both the Russian and Chinese leaderships know this, which explains why the likelihood of them retaliating against the Americans is very low. North Korea has long thumbed its nose at international law and has continually shown that it will only settle its disputes with military force. By consistently threatening to engage in preemptive nuclear warfare, it's shown that it has no regard for human life.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Curtail Trump As The 2018 Midterm Nears

I know that for many of us looking to establishment channels to hold Donald Trump accountable, but I need to give a cold shock to that by illustrating just how useless The Democrats and the GOP have become. Neither body wants to change the structural hurdles that we the people have to jump through when they make too much money accepting corporate donations. The only real way to curtail Trump goes as follows.

The way to rein in Trump is to completely bypass the DNC, and instead work to nominate outside candidates with the zeal of taking on the corruption shrouding Washington. In addition, it's also on all of us to protest loudly and strongly to keep our elected officials' feet to the fire when they move to placate their corporate donors. We should also take guidance from Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders about pushing through the agenda set by Our Revolution. Don't worry about the corporatists within the Democratic rank-and-file, as they're completely disinterested in pushing for the kinds of structural reforms that we the people desperately need.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Trumpcare's Demise And What It Means In 2018

Here's the deal with what just happened yesterday: Trumpcare didn't have the support of all of the House Republicans just ahead of its rescheduled votes. Many within the House Republican Conference were not keen on going back to their districts explaining to their constituants why they voted for the American Health Care Act. In addition, they were very uneasy about having to defend Donald Trump in their districts as well. The implications for the GOP at any level of government are not good, not when Trump's approval rating is in the mid-30s. Yesterday's vote was a shining example of the Republicans' utter incompetence at governing.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Reign Of The Incompetent

Seeing that it's been almost a month since Donald Trump's been in office, and it's been nothing but non-stop incompetence. Pitiful, as it makes George W. Bush actually look competent in comparison. Luckily this is temporary, as we got the 2018 Midterm Election coming up in a little more than a year from now. In the meantime, we have to keep organizing and pushing to bring the change we desperately need.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The New Era Dawns

There's no doubt that with Donald Trump as our 45th President that we are entering a new era. It no surprise to hear that because there's united government under the GOP, both House Republicans and the Senate GOP are now drunk with power. Take this article illustrating a recent tussle between Ron Wyden and Pat Roberts from Politicus USA , and it's easy to see how this new direction is about to take us into a period of chaos. This is a reason to keep organizing opposition to the ongoing antics that the Republicans continue to pull. Now hopefully Trump will force them to do right by the oath that they've taken to protect and defend the Constitution, but even that's a low bar to set.

If there's any ideas pushed out by the new Trump Administration to put people back to work, then by all means we should join forces with them to make sure that comes into fruition. Trump's absolutely right in saying that our infrastructure is falling into deep disrepair, and that our foreign and trade policies are a trainwreck that need some deep revisions. I'll go by what Bernie Sanders has said about working with Trump, but I'm not holding my breath.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Why Opposing Donald Trump And The Republicans' Far-Right Wing Is The Easy Part For The Next 4 Years

For all the stories we're hearing in the news how it'll be end times when Donald Trump becomes our 45th President on Friday, the last thing we should do is panic. The fact is that opposing Trump and the GOP's far-right wing is not the hard part of getting by the next 4 years, that surprisingly is the easy part. There's going to be an overreach by the Republicans, and that may happen sooner rather than later. To prepare our opposition we need to organize and continue to press the point that what they're planning to do will actually do more harm than good. Plus we'll have the majority of the people on our side. However, this can only work if the Democrats ditch their corporate-wing, which has been helping the Republicans accelerate the ongoing race to the bottom.

Prying control of the party from the corporate-wing is the hard part, and without doing this, we can't start the process of reversing the worsening effects of social and economic inequality. Those effects are what's driving the power of the far-right, and its quick fixation on scapegoats as a way of directing the people's attention elsewhere. We can't tackle the issue of racial division without simultaneously tackling the issue of class inequality. If we don't resolve both issues at the same time, we're likely to see political figures even more extreme than Trump is possibly entering the presidency.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Why Donald Trump And Benjamin Netanyahu's Meltdown Over The UN Vote Is No Massive Surprise

No one should be shocked by the abhorrent behavior on display by both Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu over the United States' abstention from enabling a UNSC Resolution condemning Israel's continued settlement construction to pass. Both of them are going back to the same tired talking points of why a Palestinian state is too dangerous to enable and that it's Israel's right to continue settlement construction of both the West Bank and East Jerusalem. While this comes as sweet revenge for Barack Obama, the truth of the matter is that the demand that Israel cease settlement construction and follow international law has been U.S. Policy regarding the Mideast going back to Lyndon Johnson's administration and carried on by the 8 presidents that succeeded him. For Obama to order Samantha Powers to abstain displays that it has been an ongoing foreign policy objective to achieve a 2-state solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not some underhanded plot to reject Israel's sovereignty.

So it's no wonder that Netanyahu is exceedingly furious as he and his government are finally starting to be held accountable for their violations of international law. The fact is that the United States can't continue to shield these acts if it's serious about bringing an end to this conflict. There had been ongoing private warnings by Obama and his foreign policy team that there would be consequences for Netanyahu's intransigence, and the abstention was a way of driving that point home. If Israel is really serious about defending a policy that is indefensible, it's only going to isolate itself even further. So to call Obama's order an anti-Semitic act is completely bogus, as the abstention was about upholding international law and the binding agreements to which Israel is a signatory.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

What We're In For With Donald Trump As President

Guaranteed that on day 1 in office, there's going to be multiple conflicts of interest regarding Donald Trump and his various business interests. From an article on ThinkProgress, it's not hard to see how much worse the corruption will end up being because of Trump's decision not to put his various business interests into a blind trust. Go ahead and read it for yourselves, and let me know what you think either on here, or on these sites:

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dakota Access Pipeline Shot Down

While it's heartening to hear that Barack Obama, via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, just denied a permit for  Energy Transfer Partners LP to commence construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock, North Dakota. This was because of efforts by organizations like Move On and The Wilderness Society to join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in protesting ETP's attempt to steal their land to drill for and transport oil. Had a number of veterans not stepped in with their full dress uniforms on, it's very likely that the issue would have not ended in the the Sioux's favor.

Just as an update, ELP has made it clear that they're going to build the pipeline under the Missouri River right by the Sioux's tribal land regardless if it has the permit or not. This is just little more than a clear display of the arrogance that's been on display from many of the largest of corporate titans. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Why Donald Trump's Victory In The Presidential Contest Was No Shock/Surprise

If we all take a look at how badly The Democrats screwed up by nominating Hillary Clinton for president, it'll come as no surprise to see how Donald Trump won. The fact is that Hillary and the Democrats ran the most tone-deaf campaign ever in recent memory, calling basically any and all opposition to Hillary sexism. Not that Trump had a clear plan to begin with, but at least he bothered to talk in language that resonated with the same bloc that Bernie Sanders tapped into as well. The only difference being the directionality of where the voters' anger would go. The point being that Hillary's ad hominem argument that all criticism of her was sexist helped to drive many of the same voters that Barack Obama won in 2012 over to Trump.

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