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Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Donald Trump And The Republican Party's Race-Baiting Shows

This is a truth lost on no one, which is that Donald Trump is flailing in the various polls that have come out. This would also explain the reason for his and the Republican Party's continual race-baiting; they have nothing to run on, except for that. The economy has gone out the window and with the Trump Administration's bungled response to COVID-19, no one in their right mind would want to keep the Republicans in power. Dishonest, corrupt and incompetent; those are the best words to describe the Republican Party these days. The fact that they're being brazenly open about their not bothering to govern is a travesty in itself.

Trump and the Republicans turning to race-baiting illustrates that they've acknowleged that their credibility has disappeared and that they need a scapegoat of some kind to serve as a perfectly placed distraction. No amount of lying can get them out of the jam they're in, and they know this. The only way for them to save what power they do have is for the Democrats to nominate a candidate that no one wants as an alternative. This is classic Republican campaign tactics at work: make someone else the problem, make something else the issue. This didn't help the Republicans in both the 2006 and 2018 midterm elections, nor in the 2008 presidential election. Those 3 election cycles saw the Republicans take steep losses at the polls from having nothing to campaign on. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bad News That's Going To Plague Joe Biden

The MeToo movement has taken center stage yet again in this year's presidential campaign, and not in a way that's going to help Joe Biden become our next plausible president in November's election. As shown below on Krystal Ball's discussion on The Hill's YouTube channel, the media trying to downplay Tara Reade's credible case of being sexually violated by Biden when he was a Senator back in 1993. Ball was interviewing Juanita Brodrrick about her experience with Bill Clinton, and the similarities and differences with Rede's experience. And on top of that, Broadrrick also informed Ball that she had spoken with Reade on the phone and found Rede's cantation of the event was credible. You can watch for yourself below:

However, that's not Biden's only problem. As Kyle Kulinski points out on his talk show Secular Talk, 51% of Bernie Sanders' base has indicated that they'll likely vote for either a  3rd party or independent candidate, or not vote at all in this year's election. Take a moment to let this sink in, as a good chunk of that base is under the age of 45, a group whose votes Biden needs if his push to unseat President Donald Trump is to be successful. As Kulinski clearly explains, this voting demographic is very clear and consistent in their position that returning to business as usual is not the way to go once Trump's no longer in office. You can find the segment here:

Both of these problems, should they continue going unaddressed, will only hand Trump a 2nd term. Democrats are most likely going to blame the very people whose votes they needed to win for Trump's victory by not turning out. While their accusation will be correct, it also glosses over a whole other problem. This problem is their lack of credibility, as people are just as fed up with their triangulation and bothsidesism ideology as they are with the Republicans' trickle-down economics lie and constant race-baiting to distract from their con job.

Even if an investigation into Reade's accountings exposed that she lied, the fact is that Biden's viability as a candidate would already have been compromised; and another candidate would have to run as his replacement, a candidate with no political base. Dynamics dictate that Biden's replacement on the ticket will most likely be Hillary Clinton. And if she ran this time around, she'd likely lose in a landslide as the electorate had made clear the point of NO MORE CLINTONS back in 2016.

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