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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Both Donald Trump And The NDC-Controlled DNC Are Beginning To Panic

It's no secret that both Donald Trump and the NDC-controlled DNC are beginning to panic given how the electorate has largely discredited them. People want action not platitudes, as that's what put Trump in the White House in the 1st place. The reason for Trump's panicking is that he's losing ground in polls posted by Fox News, his main media outlet. As for the DNC, the fact that it's losing ground with the party's progressive grassroots and unable to control the "narrative" is making them panic. They also are losing ground with the electorate at large, just like Trump.

NDC - New Democrat Coalition
DNC - Democratic National Committee

Friday, June 21, 2019

Joe Biden's Ungodly Praises For Segregationists Has Just Damaged Him

It's no secret that Joe Biden served in the Senate with ardent segregationists like John Stennis and John Sparkman, and was friends with them during their time together. However, hearing his recent praises for them is disconcerting on several levels; especially in a climate as politically charged as it is today in 2019. Don't think that this is the first time that Biden put his foot in his mouth, as it's really not.

The biggest problem with him making comments like that is that it provides fodder for Donald Trump to potentially use against him should he be nominated. The video below sheds light on how Biden may be worse than Hillary Clinton, and that says a lot. Comments like the one she made about anyone not supporting her as being part of Trump's "Basket of deplorables" are easily trumped by Biden's ill-timed commentary.

This type of commentary is the last thing we need from a Democratic presidential candidate. Especially when the stakes are too high for us as Americans, let alone Democrats. This is why Biden needs to drop out of the race, he's continuing to damage his credibility by going after figures that are trying to bring him in line with the party's base. We don't need a candidate who is going to basically hand the election to Trump.

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mitch McConnell Going Full Racist

Just when we've thought that we already hit rock bottom with regards to Mitch McConnell, he always manages to prove us wrong. Yesterday, apparently, was no exception. In the video below, you'll see just how low he managed to sink.

In the end, it really comes as little surprise that he decided to go with that racist low-blow. Don't assume that this is a first for McConnell because sadly it isn't by any stretch. The fact remains that he's one of those, as I like to call them, Cranky Old White Guys (Translation: Angry Old White Men). If you run a search on either Google or Bing, you can find several million examples of McConnell engaging in racist conduct.

If McConnell's commentary illustrates anything, it's that the Republican Party at-large has a racism problem. This is also a sign that the party is dying from within after having moved so far to the right that it's no longer within the mainstream anymore. We're likewise seeing the conservative movement coming apart at the seams, too.

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