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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Stupid Season Returns

For a lot of reasons beyond my comprehension, it seems like "stupid season" is back again. By stupid season, I'm talking about the run-up to the GOP's presidential primaries, of which are guaranteed to be quite colorful and in some cases heavy on the stupid factor (the second one is 100% guaranteed).

I can't quite tell yet if he's running or not, but Rick Santorum has certainly done some good work in making himself look like a complete dumbass as you'll see in this video. As you can clearly see, not only is he making some insanely racist commentary, he's also flat-out got his facts wrong and he ought to rethink how immigrants are stealing jobs here. Xenophobia doesn't cut it, Rick. You ought to open a history book sometime, brother, and you'll see that embracing xenophobia actually hurts the economy more than it helps. You'd think the Gilded Age would have let that lesson be known, but apparently you missed that lesson in high school or lecture in college. (Video credit to Right Wing Watch) You can find the original article about this here and why Rick's completely being a moron who's off-target here.

Anyway, remind me why I'm here correcting the mind of a simpleton, again. Not worth the wasted paragraph, but truth be told, there's not much else you can do, when stupid season fires up. Such is the way with Republicans, it's always a race to the bottom. Somehow, they pride themselves in getting F's on everything that requires a modicum of intelligence and/or knowledge of what the heck they're doing (don't count on them having that ability).

At least in Rick's case, he's harmless, albeit dishonest, but harmless as he's not likely to get the nomination in 2016, just like he failed to do so in 2008 and 2012. I've got in mind people who are actually more dangerous than he is. Take Ted Cruz for example, this guy is a nuclear apocalypse waiting to happen, and that's just on foreign policy. On domestic policy, this guy wants to take away all of our rights and silence us to the point that we dare not have any independent thinking. This guy is an absolute lunatic and he's the most dangerous from the fact that he's the leader of the last government shutdown (October 2013). Ted's been engaging in several conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama and on the Democrats destroying the country, along with the Democratic base. The fact is that if Ted's president, or any of the other extremists are president, expect a massive uptick in the harassment of Democratic voters. I'm talking African Americans, Young Americans, Spanish-speaking Americans, Middle Eastern Americans, Women, etc. Of these groups, African Americans would bear the worst of any Republican administration's wrath.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why I Distrust Netanyahu

I'll admit to the whole world and even to my readers (you folks are awesome enough to inspire me to continue on), I don't trust Benjamin Netanyahu to provide any sense of security for the Jewish people. All this huffing and chest-thumping is only emboldening Israel's enemies. It's also inviting a Third Intafada from the extreme elements among the Palestinians, who are gaining more credibility as Mahmoud Abbas continues to look weak at the negotiating table.

I want people to understand that I could immediately recognize that Bibi was trouble when Likud was able to win a mandate to govern back in 2009, especially knowing how much he was against any form of Palestinian statehood. Over the past 6 years, my instincts were right. Bibi's on an apocalyptic drive that could trigger WWIII. Perhaps, he should take a lesson from history, the persecuted should never become the persecutors.

Let me put it in a more plain way, let the words “Never again” be universal.   

Monday, May 11, 2015

New Single From Katie Cole

Hey all, I got wind that Katie Cole's got a new single out, and from the bit that I've listened to, it's powerful. Props to Katie for putting this out as it sends the message of you're not alone when you feel like you're trapped within yourself. Watch the music vid and tell Katie what you think of her new hit on FacebookTwitterMyspace or Google+. Just let her know that I told you to hit her up if she asks any questions.

Netanyahu's Shock For Israel

Seeing how Benjamin Netanyahu has successfully placed together a far-right government in Israel, it's a sobering reminder that the Israeli electorate has been duped. They don't know it yet, but they've just put in power the most heavily war-mongering governing coalition that is deadset on committing an act of genocide of nearly biblical proportions. I do remember writing on this a few times on here. Although, it doesn't do much to really solve the ongoing crisis that Netanyahu and his criminal cohorts hope to manufacture. Seeing as their lobbied poison pills failed in Congress, it's not really a massive shock for me to hear Moshe Yaalon making a boastful promise for genocide through the use of nukes on Iran and on full-scale bombing of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in areas of heavy population density.

To call me an anti-Semite for accusing the Israeli state and government of genocide is ludicrous for this reason:  I'm Jewish. I personally find it absurd to equate criticizing Israel with anti-Semitism, as it's a simpleton's tactic to stifle anything meaningful. By meaningful, I'm talking actually calling out war crimes when they happen, whomever they affect. 

My thing here is that I don't trust Netanyahu on multitude of reasons. The biggest 1 by far is that he's an advocate of war on Palestinian civilians, many of whom have nothing to do with Hamas or many of the other militant groups in the area. The fact is that those same groups do nothing to help the cause for Palestinian statehood.

By viewing the ongoing conflict as needing a military solution is exceedingly boneheaded. This is no military conflict, it's a humanitarian crisis, for crying out loud. This can only be abated through a political solution, via an accord.

Under Netanyahu's governance, I've only seen Israel rip up the accords it's entered into over the last 2 decades. For what? I'm not sure I'll ever know.

What I do know is this: it's any wonder that Barack Obama wants nothing to do with Netanyahu at this point.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Republicans' Economic Mismanagement & How It's A Massive Con

To say that the GOP has a stronger record of job creation is the biggest joke of a lie ever told. I know, joke of a lie is an oxymoron, but just leave that aside, as it's clear the biggest joke ever known to man-kind is the GOP itself; demanding inhuman capabilities that only cause the economy to crash. Clearly the Democrats have a stronger economic record that leads to job creation, but we'll leave that to the side for the moment.

The Republicans can't get their economic mojo together as they don't spend money on areas that actually create jobs nor do they give a tax-code that incentivizes bigger commercial enterprises to actually sustain it. Think about it, whenever they talk about the "American people" getting their taxes back, they mean the wealthiest .02%, not the other 99.98% of us. Pretty much it's an economy to benefit the very wealthiest among us, not the average mom-and-pop shops. But how do they get away with it? Dog-whistle politics, which they call culture wars, to distract the majority of the electorate from their own dismal record, and the demonization of government.

Actually, let's take a step back here. This mismanagement is actually intentional and it's actually thievery. Even though this is 1 of my posts from 2013, it makes sense today as it shows the give-aways the Republicans hand to big business in the form of our tax-dollars. These con-artists are trying to hand everything over to big business so that we have nothing left to live off of. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mandatory Voting & Some Potential Issues

I'll start off by saying that Mandatory Voting is not a bad idea in itself, but the implementation of it may be more problematic than President Obama originally anticipated. The reason is summed up in 3 simple letters: G-O-P. I know, what the heck does the GOP have to do with this? It's actually very simple, but be warned, it's also exceedingly infuriating. More on the infuriating part later.

The reason I say that mandatory voting may be a good idea is that it'll help to increase our widely known abysmally low turn-outs when it comes to elections. By getting more voters to the polls would mean more accurate results, instead of partially accurate results as we saw in 2014. It could also mean that by having people participate it will mean that their voices will be heard through the ballot box.

However, there's a more sinister side to this and here's where the GOP comes in. The fact is that, the since the Republicans' base is primarily in the South, it's a sure enough way to engage in a racially-motivated law-enforcement. What's infuriating about this part is that the way the GOP will apply the law across the South is to specifically target Blacks, especially those who are excluded due to felony convictions, but also those who don't fit the proper racial description of what it means to be a "Real American". By "Real Americans", you know they mean Whites. The other infuriating problem with this kind of law is that it will give them a new excuse to continue with mass incarceration, especially since Southern Republicans will use these laws to place even more Blacks in prison, thus continuing the same discriminatory public policies that have existed since the turn of the 20th Century.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Reason For Body Cameras

After seeing and hearing about the riots in Baltimore on the news, I'm becoming more convinced that body cameras on cops is a good idea. Now this isn't to say that all cops are racist, as most aren't and aren't selective about how they enforce the law. For the unfortunate few that are, this will weed them out, as they're the ones that give law enforcement a bad name. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Koch Brother's Troubles

For all my rants on here about how the Koch Brothers are the biggest source of mass suffering here in America, well here's something solid to back that up. The post enclosed is what I wrote on Daily Kos (you can subscribe to me here) after seeing an article on PoliticusUSA documenting that Greenpeace USA discovered malfeasance on the part of the Koch Brothers as per a FOIA request and made a request to the IRS to investigate, via this letter, whether the Charles G. Koch Foundation violated IRS regulations specifically banning political lobbying and campaigning for specific political candidates. This is what the Koch Brothers are notorious for doing when it comes to the GOP;s candidates for public office.

Anyway, the IRS has told Greenpeace that if they turn over more documentation they'll start to investigate. This is a good thing, for all of us. It's not just from an environmental stand-point, it's also from a political stand-point as well. Not because it will crush the Republicans and help the Democrats, it will allow our political culture to remain intact without creating an oligarchy. We've had this happen thrice in our nation's history. The first 2 are called the Gilded Age and the Roaring 20s, the last being the lost decades (1980s, 1990s, 2000s) due to Reganomics (supply-side economics). If this proves anything, it proves that conservatism is a big lie when fully revealed and is only meant to help those at the very top of the income bracket or can be used as a means to launch a campaign of violent hate (i.e., culture wars).

Now in terms of keeping our political culture intact, it will diminish any more attempts by the Kochs, via the American Legislative Exchange Council, to introduce more vote-suppression schemes into law and other attempts to bring more John Birch Society-type laws that are meant to ignite further "Culture Wars", in addition to more attempts to legislate hate and other means of controlling people referred to as the "Other" (i.e., racial minorities, specifically African Americans, who the Right holds its largest hatred towards).

Hopefully at the conclusion of the IRS' investigation the Justice Department will launch a criminal investigation into the activities of both Charles and David Koch.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Suicide Barriers on BART

Okay, let me start by saying that I really don't wish to continually broach this subject, but I need everyone's help to make the BART board of directors make suicide barriers inside every station a top priority. Just this year, an engineer for the system informed me, there's been a total of 6 suicides so far. These tragic events impact everyone, especially when the BART system gets shut down to clean up the mess left behind.

While we should be heartened that BART is doing something about this problem, we need to keep up the pressure. This problem is only going to get worse down the road, especially when the suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge is complete.

So please, go to +BARTable's page on +Google+, or on Facebook or Twitter, and make tell them to make this a priority. ASAP.

Additionally, hit me up on either Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or Google+ if you'd like to pool ideas to get this going as fast as possible.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Star Wars Episode

Turns out that on +Facebook there's buzz about a new +Star Wars episode called The Force Awakens, which opens in Theaters on Friday, December 18, 2015. This is post-+Return of the Jedi, and the only sad part is that George Lucas isn't directing it (he said he's done with making Star Wars Films), but at least he's guiding its production. Still, it sucks though, since he's made it a franchise and very lucrative one. Enclosed is a teaser clip from the Star Wars channel on +YouTube

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