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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Why Donald Trump Needs To Be Checked For His Extreme Rhetoric

It's become apparent that Donald Trump should really temper his words very carefully since he's going into territory that no one's crossed into since the Red Scare of the early-to-mid 1950's. By continuing to spurt out one conspiracy theory after another is actually having the opposite effect of gaining himself some ground with undecided voters. Basically he's scaring voters with his comments as they sound like he's preaching to the crazies on the far-right by making calls to violence. He honestly needs to quit this act, or otherwise someone can get either hurt/injured or killed.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why Voting For Hillary Cliton Is A Major Step Backward For Women's Rights

There's no disputing the fact that Hillary Clinton's nomination for President was an historic achievement, but it's at the cost of turning back the clock on women's rights for a generation or more. And for what? For lining her own pockets while empowering the strongest voices of male supremacy and holding the nation hostage in the process? Not if we Millennials can help it, or others can help it. Donald Trump may be one of the worst developments in our nation's history, but what he embodies is the very reality that we'll face when women are subjected to second-class citizenship thanks to Hillary's pigheaded corruption.

Hillary's remaining in the 2016 presidential race given the amount of scandals she's involved in is causing many Americans who would think about voting for a female president to have second thoughts about backing another in the future. Again this is because of the horrifyingly sexist "enabler" term, meaning that a woman would be blamed for her husband's infedelity. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Why Hillary And Company Will Blame Millennials Should She Lose In November

As Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign continues to implode, there's a realization that she's going to lose in November's election to Donald Trump. When that happens, the first target that both she and the Democrats (along with the corporate mainstream and "progressive" news media) are going to pin the blame on for her loss will be the Millennials. The reason is very clear and simple, Millennials weren't falling for their narrative and scare tactics. Even though a majority of them hold a more unfavorable view of Trump than Hillary, their support for her is dropping. Many young voters are looking into voting for third-party candidates or writing in Bernie Sanders' name to protest their voices being silenced during the primaries and only having their votes taken for granted. Because of their refusal to "get onboard" with a campaign that took their voices from them, Millennials are going to become the target of their elders' rage.

Don't Stay Home In November

There's no other way to put this, staying home on 11/8 is not an option. Doing so only helps to legitimize the ongoing corrupted status quo. Additionally, if you consider yourself as part of the Millennial generation, don't give the corporate mainstream news media the ammunition they crave to demonize us for failing to, "fall in line," with a their pre scripted narrative that this was Hillary's year; thus allowing Donald Trump win the White House. So go vote your conscience in November's election and make your voice heard.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Most Negative Presidential Campaign Since 1884

What we're looking at is the nastiest campaign in over 100 years. No campaign until 2016 can match the ugly presidential race of 1884. The shots fired between S. Grover Cleveland and James G. Blaine through their surrogates made their electoral campaigns about how big of a sleaze-bag the other was, in addition to employing racism as an overall theme. This is the closest possible example in our history to describe the use of racism by Donald Trump's campaign as an electoral strategy is, even if it's completely disgusting and infuriating to most Americans (including the author), a winning one and why Hillary Clinton is powerless to stop Trump from winning.

However, the use of racism is only one of the various themes that make 2016 mirror 1884. Others include reining in the corruption on display in our politics by seeing our elected officials being easily bought by the titans of industry. This is just another example of how 2016 is a near mirror image of 1884. Another factor to take into account is the levels of scandals dogging both major-party candidates. Just as in 1884, the candidates of 2016 have scandals because of their legal ongoing issues. Trump being jammed up for defrauding students at Trump University and plausibly bribing, via political contributions, some state attorneys-general (especially the incumbent Attorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi) to drop any case against him; while at the same time, Hillary getting embroiled in even worse trouble with being the subject of subject of, or an involved party in, ongoing investigations into her using her private email server when handling classified information and family charities for running a pay-to-play scheme.

By trying to paint Trump in a negative light, Hillary's campaign, to its detriment is quickly losing its credibility with various blocs of the electorate whose support Hillary badly needs in order to win in November. The fact remains that Trump has Hillary's number to the tee, which is why attacking him is a losing strategy. When he brings up the fact that he donated heavily to candidates from both parties (including Hillary) and in return he would get political favors, he'll have an easy time explaining how she's only responsive to the donor class and not the American public at-large. Don't take this as a ringing endorsement of Trump or anyone affliated with him, as he, just like Hillary, is running a con job, but one on a completely different level. The fact is that Trump, like Hillary, is only seeking the presidency to enrich himself at our expense.

Recent Shifts In Polls Just 2 Months From Election Day

Shifting polls comes as no surprise as they tend to fluctuate during campaign season. However, what's new about this current fluctuation is that voters are beginning to agree with Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton is too crooked to be President. For many pollsters this seems somewhat unusual, as Trump had been trailing Hillary by almost 10 points because of many of his statements were scaring voters and the internal turmoil that engulfed his campaign. Currently, it seems as if he's gotten back on track and put together a more professional campaign staff. And thanks to more damaging publicity for Hillary, he now has some fresh fodder to attack her with.

Another factor to bear in mind is that both Trump's recent trip to Mexico and his immediate visit to flood victims in Louisiana, while exposing both Barack Obama and Hillary's dithering as the crisis worsened. As for Mexico, the trip was a prime opportunity for Trump to flash his presidential credentials. These actions are what's giving him the moral high-ground in his attacks against both Obama and Hillary.

As for Hillary, the fact that more revelations came out about her email setup while serving as our nation's highest diplomat is really beginning to derail her campaign. There's no question about the fact that the ongoing releases are casting her out to be both a liar and, in some cases, a criminal. It also points to the fact that she doesn't give a damn about us, or our most pressing issues; nor does it show that she's all that concerned about keeping us or our state secrets safe, either. It's only about keeping her family's pay-to-play scheme out of the public record and public's knowledge, cyber security and protecting state secrets be damned. Not the candidate I want in office.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Trump Campaign Imploding

It should shock no one that Donald Trump's seems to be imploding from the inside. Of all the chatter that we've been seeing from the last few weeks, it's plausibly safe to say that we're about to witness the final destruction of the John Birch Society-wing of the GOP. This is the wing that sparked the creation of the House Freedom Caucus, which has been holding us all hostage for the past 7 1/2 years. Additionally, it's also the wing that spat out Trump as the GOP's nominated presidential candidate. The fact that the ongoing implosion of the Trump campaign suggests that he may consider dropping out of the race, and make room for a more "qualified/competent" candidate, which leads to this surprising revelation to many voters: Trump really doesn't want to be President of the United States, which explains a lot about all of his "cartoonish" soundbites. There's an article on Aldipest that explains why he actually ran for President, and the reason is actually infuriatingly stupid. The reason he ran for President was for greater bargaining leverage in contract talks with NBC over his television series, The Apprentice. To translate this: he was never a serious contender, and was really caught off guard when he actually had to start forming a list of policy proposals if elected. Basically he's been looking for a way to bow out for the past several months, and the article covers that point, as well. Anyway go check it out, and share your thoughts.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hillary's New Email Issues

It's not lost on anyone that the recently released batch of emails is about to prove more troublesome for Hillary Clinton's campaign than she and the Democrats were letting on. Because of Judicial Watch's FOIA lawsuit, many of these emails contained information of what's starting to look like a pay-to-play scheme. This means that not only had Hillary lied about steering donations to both the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative in return for political favors, it's becoming clear that she had completely violated federal record-keeping laws and compromised national security in order to cover this scheme up.

When we start hearing press releases from mainstream news media sources like NPR and the Wall Street Journal, this is a sure sign that Hillary's support is beginning to erode with many swing voters. Even with Donald Trump making an idiot out of himself with more absurd claims, the fact remains that he's just starting to gain credibility; and that's beginning to scare the living hell out of the Democratic National Committee. They know that their scheme to push through Hillary as the honest broker has just been undercut yet again, and so their efforts to salvage what's left of her career of public service aren't helping her in the slightest.

When corruption like this is exposed, it's very difficult to win back the electorate's trust. This is the situation that both Hillary and the Democrats are currently facing. It only bolsters both Trump and the GOP's argument that the Democrats are too risky to trust with maintaining our national security, and are too corrupt to be allowed into any levers of power. Even if Hillary and the Democrats are right on a variety of issues, they've now got no credibility for their case for keeping Democratic control of the White House.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Let Us Welcome President Trump

Having heard that Hillary Clinton has chosen Tim Kaine as her running mate is not only an absolute non-surprise, it's also a sign that Establishment Democrats really don't care what the base says since their donors' voices matters more. Anyone with a brain can easily call bullshit on this idiotic mindset. What's clear is that the Democrats have absolutely no plan or vision for the future. Their mindset now is to scare the electorate into voting for Hillary in November by painting Donald Trump as an unhinged lunatic. However, this is not a winning strategy and we're due to see a Trump presidency, like it or not.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why Brexit Could Land Donald Trump In The White House

If anyone has been watching the aftermath of Brexit, should try to understand that it's about to have a profound impact on events here at home. Yeah, I'm referencing the election, since we have a lunatic on the other side that is willing to engage in acts of violence against people who are anything short of a White Supreamcist. I know that I've been going back and forth about why Donald Trump would be many times better than Hillary Clinton as President, but it's important to keep a bit of perspective. I, in no way, endorse Trump or his violence, but his entrance into this year's contest has given us the wake up call we needed that we need to bite the bullet and have the national dialogue on race/race relations. My biggest concern with Hillary, if she is nominated, is that she will not be able to hold back the force Trump brings to the presidential race this fall. Hillary's email scandal is not what I'm referencing to, it's the success that the far-right had in the vote for Brexit last Thursday. The type of right-wing populism that Trump represents could destroy this country from within. Hillary's call for moderation, even if she's right, will simply fall on deaf ears.

In a piece in The New York Times op-ed section, Bernie Sanders makes the case to The Democrats that people are very angry and frustrated that the Washington Establishment has been ignoring their cries for help. People in this country are struggling, and their rage could potentially give the GOP, via Trump, The White House in November's election. So far the DNC has been way too tone-deaf to really do anything about everyone else's cries for help. The biggest faction that's been completely ignored, I realize now, is the White working-class male demographic. Trump has done a good job of exploiting their fury for political gain and it could easily get him into the presidency. To any nay-sayers in Hillary's collumn, I want to extend a word of caution: relying on the minority vote will not be enough in November, and that taking their vote for granted is a massive folly. I'm not saying that they'll jump ship and vote for Trump, but many could potentially withhold their support if a Clinton campaign turns out to be as tone-deaf as it has during the primaries. Let's get clear on something, the disaffected vote is trending in Trump's favor at the moment. Unless Hillary and the DNC can make the case that they hear and understand everyone's anger and frustration, they'll just simply vote for Trump.

Just like the Brexiteers, Trump would be a huge step backward for the American people. Think of the race to the bottom that George W. Bush's administration guided us into, and then think about the fact that Trump's presidency would make Bush's seem like childsplay.

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