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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why Voting For Hillary Cliton Is A Major Step Backward For Women's Rights

There's no disputing the fact that Hillary Clinton's nomination for President was an historic achievement, but it's at the cost of turning back the clock on women's rights for a generation or more. And for what? For lining her own pockets while empowering the strongest voices of male supremacy and holding the nation hostage in the process? Not if we Millennials can help it, or others can help it. Donald Trump may be one of the worst developments in our nation's history, but what he embodies is the very reality that we'll face when women are subjected to second-class citizenship thanks to Hillary's pigheaded corruption.

Hillary's remaining in the 2016 presidential race given the amount of scandals she's involved in is causing many Americans who would think about voting for a female president to have second thoughts about backing another in the future. Again this is because of the horrifyingly sexist "enabler" term, meaning that a woman would be blamed for her husband's infedelity. 

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