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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Tell Your Senators To Pass COVID-19 Relief As Is

This is about getting your Senators to do the right thing for once. Like and share my video with your friends and family, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Be sure to hit me up on Facebook and Twitter when you've emailed/called your Senators, especially if they're Republicans.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What To Expect After January 20th

Now that the Electoral College has confirmed that Joe Biden has been elected as the 46th President and Kamala Harris as the 49th Vice President, there's no doubt that we'll at least see some actual governance again. But don't take this as the end all and be all just yet, as their inaugurations on January 20th are just another step into getting ourselves out of the hole Donald Trump and Co. dug us into over the past 4 years. We'll also start to see the final destruction of Mitch McConnell's reign of terror and obstruction.

We could also start to see the start of a particularly bad schism among Republicans between the MAGA (Make America Great Again) crowd and the Never-Trumpers that's going to get ugly fast. While this trend may mean short term gains for the Democrats, this isn't viable long-term. We need a party that can tilt leftward, and the only way to do that is to have a center-right political party to balance a center-left one. We can't have this dynamic between a center-right party (Democratic Party) and a far-right one (Republican Party). This type of dynamic ensures that reforms don't get implemented when they're badly needed. The political and social structures we have are not functioning properly, and it's only breeding more radicalism.

We need to ensure that we fight like hell to keep Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, together with Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi, don't lead us back to business as usual. We're still going to be fighting against the same powerful corporate interests that allowed Donald Trump to become president in the first place. They're not going to give up their spoils without a loud fight. If anything, we need to ensure that we tackle the causes of the radicalization that followed Barack Obama's departure from the presidency back in January 2017.

1 other dynamic to watch after January 20 is the interactions between Russia and China. Despite Vladimir Putin's bluster, the 2 countries are not as united as he claims they are. The reason is very simple, Xi Jin-ping is pissed at Putin for meddling in China's economic relations with America by egging on Trump's trade war for the last 2 years. As stated before watch the Russia-China diplomatic relationship carefully from the time Biden and Harris are inaugurated.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

YouTube Is Having A Major Shutdown

It looks as if YouTube got hit by some type of cyber attack. This wouldn't be the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. Don't worry, the company is aware of the service freeze and is working to address it. Have some faith and patience.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What To Expect Post-Election

It's no secret at this point that the storm clouds are gathering between now and Tuesday's election. No, you're not nuts about feeling the tension gripping America right now; if you are, QUIT DOING SO! Many political historians (and political scientists) comparing the tension today with that of the 1850's, which, while accurate, isn't telling the whole story at hand.

It's true that Donald Trump is directing his supporters to act violently in helping his Republican allies in Congress and across the country suppress the voices of his opposition, and keeping them away from the ballot box. It's also true that he's calling on his supporters to engage in violence should he win or lose (the latter being more likely). The biggest factor to watch for is how many voices he, his supporters and Republican allies succeded in stifling; especially black and brown voices. This is what we need to vote out, a political party and movement that've been hijacked for the cause of racial supremacy and violence; and that've devolved into cruelly enforced minority rule (including oligarchy), sheer corruption (including nepotism), and, moreover, complete and utter incompetence.

I left out tyranny as it's been thrown out too many times to too many different scenarioes where we've tried to uphold rights for those who've been constantly sidelined in our historic social hierarchy by race, sex, etc. Terror would be a better descriptor, but even that doesn't come close to describing the effects of Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th President of the United States. The Trump administration's unyielding graft/corruption is what affects us, the American electorate, the worst; this is followed by the administration's utter incompetence, and cruel, and often violent, means of enforcing minority rule.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Far-Right Is In Full Panic As It Should Be

There's no denying 1 thing about the election campaign for 2020 thusfar, the far-right is in full on panic mode as we speak. Their panic is caused by the fact that they're aware of the probability of losing not just power, but influence over our body politic at this point. After having successfully regaining entry into the Conservative Movement back in 2009, they're now getting a taste of what real power feels like and they don't want to give it up after having been banished to the fringes. Their ideology of hate and racial supremacy is not resonating with the electorate at-large as its newest members are a lot more diverse than older generations where their ideology resonates more soundly.

Their panicking is also causing the Republican Party itself to panic, too. The party's been severely weakened among the electorate from the far-right's egging on Donald Trump's racist (also sexist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic) rhetoric, which is aleniating most of the electorate. The party is also losing support for its unwillingness to throw an electorate a financial lifeline after having bailed out big business.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Orange Sky

Orange sky outside my window; unspeakably apocalyptic. I'm just amazed by how dark the smoke has made everything. It's like it's nightime, yet these were shot at around 1:00 this afternoon.

The Republican Party's Growing Desperation

I know that in my last posting I was hyperly focused on the plausible likelihood that the Democrats had thrown the election to Donald Trump, and so I think it's only right to balance that with this post. If there's 1 fact that's not lost on the Republicans, it's that they're not going to glide to an easy victory in holding onto the White House this year; they know. This is because of Donald Trump losing more credibility by the second thanks to his continual stream of falsehoods and race-baiting. People can't stand any more of his constant lying and utter imcompetence; especially with his failed response to the COVID-19 outbreak that started in January.

But this is a bigger drain on the Republican Party in the sense that their arguement of making the government small enough to drown in the bathtub has brought about the deaths of almost 200,000 Americans, and has lead to the biggest wealth gap since the roaring '20s. Their inaction illustrates very clearly why we need government, even with its inefficiencies; and why the private sector can not be relied on for certain things. The fact is that the Republican Party has lost its ability to churn out effective policy to benefit people's lives. They have no policy ideas, and their strategy of relying on White Supremacy is starting to fail them as there are fewer older, racist White Americans available to keep them going.

By not having largely expanded their base outside of White America, the Republicans now know that policy and fairly contested elections are not winnable for them. Their platform does not appeal to younger, diverse voters, nor to Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck. But what's killing them even more is that no one is falling for their scare tactics anymore and are actually standing up to them. This was something that they did not expect at all when fielding Trump four years ago. People are on to their tax-and-austerity scam, as they're living it right now. Underneath everything is a body politic that is ready for the type of change the Republican Party is simply not capable of producing.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Has Potentially Cost The Democrats The Election

I don't know how to make any sense of Nancy Pelosi's recent actions, but I can say that it's done an unnecessary amount of damage to the Democratic Party heading into the homestretch before the election. The last thing we as Americans need is to have someone give something to Donald Trump as a path to reelection. Trump, as i've noted on here on more than a few occasions, is the most corrupt and incompetent president in my lifetime, but Nancy's actions are just inexcusable. She is the fricking Speaker of the House of Representatives, the third-highest ranking official in the federal government. This could potentially cost the Democrats the support they had from Independent (no party affiliation) voters, and make Joe Biden's job of unseating Trump that much harder. This is exactly why we need new leadership in the Democratic Party as the current leadership is badly out of touch with the rest of the electorate. We cannot endure another 4 years of Trump or 6 years of Mitch McConnell.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Almost Pulled The Plug

On Saturday, I was whacked out after my girlfriend gave me a thorough talking-to about how I need to think more broadly about employment opportunities (which she's right about) and to keep the blog going as a hobby. I then decided that on Sunday morning I would pull the plug on the blog and take it down for good, and instead go for an insurance license so that I could take ownership of my family's insurance brokerage. The thought in my head at the time was it was time to face the music, and instead of pursuing a crapshoot pipe-dream, and accept the fact that I needed to sell insurance policies for the rest of my life. Here are some open secrets about why I would fail in doing that:
  1. I'm terrible at standardized tests and would probably do poor on the tests to first get the license and then the CE (Continuing Education) tests for its annual renewal
  2. I'm too honest and can't bullshit people for the life of me
  3. I don't have a seller's mentality
  4. I get frustrated way too easily, especially when filling out forms
  5. I don't have the patience to deal with the insurance companies when they try to weasel out of doing their job
  6. I find insurance to be exceedingly depressing
Luckily, both she and my mom were able to talk me out of it as it's still up and functioning, but I need to find a way to get some means of an income. 

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