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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tell Congress Do Not Repeal The Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990

The ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017 is a naked attempt by the GOP-controlled 115th Congress to repeal the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This would put an onerous burden on Americans with disabilities to have equal access to all public accommodations as had been spelled out in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many business owners still refuse to follow the law claiming financial burden. That's fine and dandy, but it's no justifiable reason for noncompliance. If there's a heavy burden, then have Congress set up a tax-credit system for incentivizing business owners to make the necessary accommodations to allow disabled consumers to fully access their goods or services.

Tell your members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate that their vote to pass will mean your vote to remove them from office in November's midterm election (GOP) or the primaries (Democrats). Calling for the right to discriminate based on disability to be enshrined in law is just wrong. There's no reasonable justification for doing so. Take that message with you to the polls.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Donald Trump And Republicans Are World Class Putzes If They Think They Can Successfully Undercut Robert Muellers Investigation

I don't know how to put that more diplomatically. It's not lost on anyone, including this author Jgsf1987, that Donald Trump and his GOP allies in Congress think they have the perfect plan for getting rid of Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. These people are morons!

Honestly though, none of this is really that shocking or surprising. Some of the Republicans in Congress, like Devin Nunes for example, have been preparing to release a blatantly one-sided memo that completely puts the onus on Trump's political opponents in the National Security apparatus and the FBI to prove that they hadn't colluded with The Obama White House to swing the election to Hillary Clinton in 2016. Especially through allegedly illegal spying.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Losing Revenue Source On Youtube

I get it when it comes to YouTube trying to keep its Youtube Partners program intact, but they're unnecessarily killing newcoming content creators. I made a video of this on my personal Youtube Channel (see above). I hope that Youtube sees the errors of its policy, as this will have the effect of stifling new content creation.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Summary Of How Veterans In California Are About To Be Screwed Over

I saw this article by the Sacremento Bee on Google's search engine regarding how California's veterans have been screwed over by the GOP's tax scam bill. Read it for yourselves and let me know what you think.  

Make 2018 Our Year Of Rage

There's nothing to disprove the fact that the GOP's far-right-wing has chosen the party's donors over the American people. None of this is a massive surprise, as it's what they campaigned on. Now is the time to get our rage together so that we'll boot the far-right-wing out of power on Capitol Hill and across the states. Their tax-scam isn't going to give us jobs, it's just a ruse while they line their pockets with our tax dollars. Susan Sarandon was right in saying that Donald Trump would bring us Bernie Sanders' revolution that much faster.

Don't let the Democrats' congressional and party leadership lull you into a false sense of complacency as we still need to kick out the corporatists within their ranks as well. It's time to tell Nancy Pelosi to step aside for real progressives to take over the House Democrats' leadership. For now let's just hold Chuck Schumer's feet to the fire so that progressive policies go through the ranks of the Senate Democrats. He's been good about keeping an open mind and has been somewhat responsive to progressives within the grassroots.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why We Need To Ditch The DNC For Next Year's Midterm

Given the bombshell revelation by Donna Brazille about The Democrats rigging the primaries last year, it's more of a reason to go around the DNC for the midterms next year. That deal they made with Hillary Clinton in 2015 about giving her complete control of their primary process was shameful and shortsighted. Granted the party was in terrible debt after Barack Obama's re-election back in 2012, but that was no excuse to sell their moral compass to a candidate who was so universally disliked and was being investigated for possible treason, via the Espianoge Act, in addition to various other crimes. Additionally, that was no reason to carry out a new wave of McCarthyism following Hillary's loss to Donald Trump.

However, the biggest reason to ditch the DNC is that it's clearly lost touch with the progressive grassroots and the country as a whole. That's why for our purposes it's better to go through Our Revolution. The DNC will never listen to us progressives, and would rather let themselves be steamrolled by the GOP than to concede that we're right on the merits. We can thank Donna Brazille for making our point for us, and many others who have bravely come forward to put an end to the Clinton Dynasty's holding us hostage.

What Next Year Holds In Terms Of Healthcare, Taxes, Et Al.

By all means are we going to see the collapse of what's left of our restored economy next year, and won't get it back again in our lifetimes should the GOP get its way with "Tax Reform." It's made even more aggrivating that the Vice President told Congressional Republicans and their billionaire donors to move quickly to bully the American electorate into supporting this nakedly upward transfer of wealth. How this connects to health care is that there's a complete scrapping of all American's ability to write off medical expenses for tax purposes. That's an additional tax that approximately 90-100% of the people cannot afford. Raising taxes on the poor to subsidize the rich is the most ass-backward approach to retaining a sustainable economy.

Do yourselves a massive favor by using this link to contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress (especially if they're Republicans) and tell them to ditch this plan fast: I can't stress this enough, as it's not right nor sustainable.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Donald Trump Doesn't Understand Nor Support Freedom Of Expression Unless For His Alt-Right Base

The last couple of weeks has shown that Donald Trump clearly doesn't understand the premise that freedom of expression is not exclusively applicable to his alt-right base, nor does he support it for anyone who's not from his alt-right base. If he thinks that using intimidation tactics, via Twitter, he's making a big mistake. People aren't falling for the threats. The president has done more to embolden White Supremacists and encourage their acts of violence than many of his predecessors had. This type of Nixon-esque bullying has no place in our political discourse.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Donald Trump's Latest Tone-Deaf Remarks On Twitter Regarding Aid To Puerto Rico

It's not lost on anyone, including me, that Donald Trump has been a little too trigger happy when it comes to his tweets. The biggest problem is that many of them have been so tone-deaf that they're alienating the very professionals needed to help those in disaster in Puerto Rico. Going after local officials isn't helping in coordination for even the most mild of criticism.

Again, these examples speak for themselves.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

North Korea's Kim Jong-Un Is Dumber Than I Realized

North Korea has just shown its sheer level of stupidity. As it turns out, their moron leader, Kim Jong-Un, has made clear just how suicidal and apocalyptic he is. If he thinks that we won't bother to retaliate should he launch a missile at Guam, he's definitely smoking some bad weed. The same also holds true if he thinks that Russia and China will back him up, should he go on the offensive. It's like I just described in my latest video on Youtube, and on my Facebook page and Twitter feed, he's in for a nasty surprise when that happens. Russia and China have made their point of absolute neutrality should North Korea fire the first shot pretty clear.

This latest nuclear test has just gotten both the Russians and the Chinese into the stage of considering their most beneficial outcome, and that outcome looks good for neither North Korea nor Kim Jong-Un himself. There on notice that America is ready to flex its diplomatic and economic muscles with both of them, and they both know that being on good terms with America is a much better deal for them. This is primarily why both Russia and China are now beginning to think with their wallets. They both know that coughing up North Korea's Kim Regime may be a worthwhile down payment in a much more lucrative investment in America's profitable markets.

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