Being registered with
The Democrats has had me thinking that they were much better to be affiliated with than the corrupt, souless
GOP. Now I'm realizing that that's been a total lie from the beginning. Just like the Repubs, the Dems are taking money from the very same sources in return for political favors. I can't back either side at this point, but if I had to I'd go with the Republicans at this point, as their message of how they'll screw me over when in power is exceedingly transparent. The Democrats, if they nominate
Hillary Clinton, are going to sweet talk me, but then stab me in the back when in office. That's the main difference between the parties. This is wrong and it has to change! This is why I'm praying that if he's nominated,
Donald Trump destroys Hillary in the general election in November. This is not about voting against my own interests, this is about sending a message to the Democratic Party that they're not to take my vote for granted, they have to earn it.
To all those who say that Donald is a loose cannon and a danger to all of us when in
The White House, let me say this: he's more manageable than Hillary will ever be. Hillary is a war waiting to happen. She's too hawkish, and just about every major policy decision she's made, she's been dead wrong about. As I've said on
Facebook and
Twitter, what she's pushing for is exactly what the armaments industry has clamoring for, for years. These same players are openly calling for a nuclear war with Vladimir Putin's Russia. That's the most dangerous and dumbest position to take for this reason: the Russians have the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. What are we going to accomplish with that?
Nothing. To be courting these players is like playing a round of Russian Roulette, meaning that we could pull the trigger at the wrong time. China's another target on their radar. Again this will accomplish nothing. If anything, it turns us into a bully abroad, and we need to get rid of this image.
Toe the line is not something I can do with Hillary as the Democratic nominee, not unless she makes some serious commitments to tackle many of the issues facing my generation and sticks to them. Any straying by Hillary will lead to me voting her out of office in 2020 if she's elected in November. In my eyes, Hillary is the least qualified candidate to be President. This view largely holds true in my generation as well, and to many hard-working Americans who are barely scraping enough money to get by. Being told how to vote by the DNC is not what this country is about. It only strengthens my resolve to fight on for
Bernie Sanders all the way to the convention. The current status quo is not sustainable and everyone gets that. A vote for Hillary is a vote for oligarchy, and it's not too much different with the Republicans (only they're more blatant about it). We need to get rid of Neoliberalism, just like we need to get rid of Neoconservatism.
This should be a wake up call to everyone, including myself. I don't care how much Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz try to rig the primary elections in their favor, they're not getting my vote, or many others' votes for that matter. Paid trolls won't make me change my position that she's unqualified. It's a desparate move to harass her detractors into supporting her. It's not going to work, because it will result in more bad-blood from Bernie's supporters. The time has come to send Hillary and the DNC a clear message: if they want our vote, they need to earn it. Not buy it, not coerce it, earn it, the old-fashioned way. Meaning they have to come to us and tell us their plans of trying to resolve many of the issues we're working with. However, they're too busy enriching themselves and engaging in stale theatrics with the RNC. As repugnant as many of the Republicans' statements are, they're little more than a sideshow distraction from the larger theft going on. Same with the Democrats. We're not all Democrats and Republicans (or whatever other political affiliation), we're Americans. Party affiliation is just a label; nothing more, nothing less.
Also, I'm tired of being condescended upon and dismissed by the same party that wants my vote in November. While I'm one of the luckier stories of not graduating from
San Francisco State University with debt hanging over my head, I know people who were less fortunate than I was. This is for them, when I say get our debt foregiven and removed. This is absolutely stupid that people of my generation have to go into debt just to get an education. It's irresponsible on the part of policymakers and it's not right. To say that our dreams are too pie in the sky is more of a reason not to vote for the establishment, which just wants to profit off of our suffering. Sorry Hillary and Debbie, but incrementalism won't work, especially when we're facing do-or-die circumstances that require drastic action to resolve. Too many of us are drowning, while you and the rest of the DNC continue to engage in a constant cycle of mutual demonization with the RNC, and are calling out for help. That's in addition to a change in tone, where there's more people coming together to try to solve problems, not to enrich themselves and their benefactors, while engaging in devisive rhetoric to keep us out.