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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Biggest Blunder By The Mainstream Media Since 1948

To hear media figures like Andrea Mitchell, say that they got they got it wrong is a gross understatement. This is their worst slip-up since 1948. They missed the entire surge of populist anger that had fueled both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump's campaigns. So their confusion is understandable, but their miss is completely inexcusable. Their miss has completely shot their credibility. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An Unsettling Confirmation Of Predicting Hillary's Electoral Loss

I remember that I wrote on here back in April that Hillary Clinton would lose in next week's election, and what's more unsettling is that my prediction was completely accurate. Seeing the whole house of cards come down is just another way of exposing the overall point that Hillary was not fit for office by any means. Yeah, I'll admit she's the most qualified on paper, but the fact is that she's got horrible judgment that's led her to make even worse decisions. We can't have that in a president. Now this isn't to say that Donald Trump is any better, because let's face it, he's too incompetent to be president from being unable to stick to any of his decisions. The fact that he's made openly bigoted and insulting commentary is another reason to disqualify him, too. But we've now got the least competent candidate possible heading into White House, where he shouldn't be in or anywhere near.

But this would not have been the case if The Democrats hadn't been so pigheaded about lining their pockets at the expense of the electorate. That's exactly what happened when they nominated Hillary, a candidate who in reality is even more unqualified than Trump is. And now look at the upcoming aftermath, especially at what will be the complete tarnishing of Barack Obama's legacy when he leaves office in January. And for what? To bring in a major pay-to-play scheme that threatens to undermine American sovereignty just so a newly elected president can line their pockets? Who wants this? Unbelievable! Maybe now with the GOP in complete control, the Democrats will wise up and start to bring down the corruption that's tainted them in the eyes of the American electorate.

The DNC should take to heart that in no way should they take their base's vote for granted. This cuts especially true with progressives and other core constituencies. Without the base, the party can't win elections. This proved true back in 2000, and it's proving true today in 2016.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Why The Arguement That Wikileaks Is An Agency Of The Russian Government Is Bogus

Okay, how many more conspiracy theories being spread by the Clinton campaign am I going to have to disprove tonight? It's like the people in Hillary Clinton's inner circle are looking to release talking points that are absolutely absurd from the very outset and trying to pass them as fact. Which leads to my next point, where's there any proof that Wikileaks is a Russian government agency? Last time I checked, Julian Assange's never revealed any kind of documentation that the Russian government hired him to publish all the material Wikileaks has released thus far. Nor is it relevant, as there's a more likely chance that an insider contacted him as a whistle-blower seeking to expose illegal activity. What is relevant is the documents that Wikileaks has published so far are completely authentic as no one seems to be denying that they're real.

Anyway, the point I'm making is that there's no proof. And the people contacting Assange are doing so to expose a potential cover-up by the Obama Administration to protect Hillary from indictments from violating the Espionage Act regarding her use of a private email server while handling highly classified information when she was the Foreign Secretary (Secretary of State), and themselves from the fact that they knew that she was doing this. So put this on the list of false talking-points being released by the Clinton Campaign, together with both the DNC and its campaign arms, and the White House.

Why The Argument That The Russians Are Trying To Undermine American Sovereignty To Help Donald Trump Win The Election Is Specious

If you've been reading up on the latest stories of how the Russians have been working diligently at undermining American sovereignty and that they're doing so to help Donald Trump win the election in November, I'm afraid that the aforementioned argument is incredibly specious on all accounts. However, before I start breaking down how this argument is specious, I need to give a brief apology as this is the Historian inside of me that's going to be blabbering on. I'll try to make it as brief and concise as I can.

The aforementioned arguement is so badly flawed as it doesn't take into account the successful Illegals program the Russians executed with almost flawless precision during the Cold War and are currently executing in the post-Soviet era. Which begs the question, where's the proof that they're even involved to begin with? Because they execute their spying operations with such precision, they're very careful not to leave any kind of papertrail, or electronic footprint. And it's for this reason that it's never a simple process of tracing any kind of activity back to them.

So unless Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and/or the White House can offer some hard proof that the Russians are working with Wikileaks to get Trump elected, this is yet another conspiracy theory being perpetuated as fact. So keep this in mind as you decide who to vote for on November 8. 

Why Donald Trump Needs To Be Checked For His Extreme Rhetoric

It's become apparent that Donald Trump should really temper his words very carefully since he's going into territory that no one's crossed into since the Red Scare of the early-to-mid 1950's. By continuing to spurt out one conspiracy theory after another is actually having the opposite effect of gaining himself some ground with undecided voters. Basically he's scaring voters with his comments as they sound like he's preaching to the crazies on the far-right by making calls to violence. He honestly needs to quit this act, or otherwise someone can get either hurt/injured or killed.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why Voting For Hillary Cliton Is A Major Step Backward For Women's Rights

There's no disputing the fact that Hillary Clinton's nomination for President was an historic achievement, but it's at the cost of turning back the clock on women's rights for a generation or more. And for what? For lining her own pockets while empowering the strongest voices of male supremacy and holding the nation hostage in the process? Not if we Millennials can help it, or others can help it. Donald Trump may be one of the worst developments in our nation's history, but what he embodies is the very reality that we'll face when women are subjected to second-class citizenship thanks to Hillary's pigheaded corruption.

Hillary's remaining in the 2016 presidential race given the amount of scandals she's involved in is causing many Americans who would think about voting for a female president to have second thoughts about backing another in the future. Again this is because of the horrifyingly sexist "enabler" term, meaning that a woman would be blamed for her husband's infedelity. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Why Hillary And Company Will Blame Millennials Should She Lose In November

As Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign continues to implode, there's a realization that she's going to lose in November's election to Donald Trump. When that happens, the first target that both she and the Democrats (along with the corporate mainstream and "progressive" news media) are going to pin the blame on for her loss will be the Millennials. The reason is very clear and simple, Millennials weren't falling for their narrative and scare tactics. Even though a majority of them hold a more unfavorable view of Trump than Hillary, their support for her is dropping. Many young voters are looking into voting for third-party candidates or writing in Bernie Sanders' name to protest their voices being silenced during the primaries and only having their votes taken for granted. Because of their refusal to "get onboard" with a campaign that took their voices from them, Millennials are going to become the target of their elders' rage.

Don't Stay Home In November

There's no other way to put this, staying home on 11/8 is not an option. Doing so only helps to legitimize the ongoing corrupted status quo. Additionally, if you consider yourself as part of the Millennial generation, don't give the corporate mainstream news media the ammunition they crave to demonize us for failing to, "fall in line," with a their pre scripted narrative that this was Hillary's year; thus allowing Donald Trump win the White House. So go vote your conscience in November's election and make your voice heard.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Most Negative Presidential Campaign Since 1884

What we're looking at is the nastiest campaign in over 100 years. No campaign until 2016 can match the ugly presidential race of 1884. The shots fired between S. Grover Cleveland and James G. Blaine through their surrogates made their electoral campaigns about how big of a sleaze-bag the other was, in addition to employing racism as an overall theme. This is the closest possible example in our history to describe the use of racism by Donald Trump's campaign as an electoral strategy is, even if it's completely disgusting and infuriating to most Americans (including the author), a winning one and why Hillary Clinton is powerless to stop Trump from winning.

However, the use of racism is only one of the various themes that make 2016 mirror 1884. Others include reining in the corruption on display in our politics by seeing our elected officials being easily bought by the titans of industry. This is just another example of how 2016 is a near mirror image of 1884. Another factor to take into account is the levels of scandals dogging both major-party candidates. Just as in 1884, the candidates of 2016 have scandals because of their legal ongoing issues. Trump being jammed up for defrauding students at Trump University and plausibly bribing, via political contributions, some state attorneys-general (especially the incumbent Attorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi) to drop any case against him; while at the same time, Hillary getting embroiled in even worse trouble with being the subject of subject of, or an involved party in, ongoing investigations into her using her private email server when handling classified information and family charities for running a pay-to-play scheme.

By trying to paint Trump in a negative light, Hillary's campaign, to its detriment is quickly losing its credibility with various blocs of the electorate whose support Hillary badly needs in order to win in November. The fact remains that Trump has Hillary's number to the tee, which is why attacking him is a losing strategy. When he brings up the fact that he donated heavily to candidates from both parties (including Hillary) and in return he would get political favors, he'll have an easy time explaining how she's only responsive to the donor class and not the American public at-large. Don't take this as a ringing endorsement of Trump or anyone affliated with him, as he, just like Hillary, is running a con job, but one on a completely different level. The fact is that Trump, like Hillary, is only seeking the presidency to enrich himself at our expense.

Recent Shifts In Polls Just 2 Months From Election Day

Shifting polls comes as no surprise as they tend to fluctuate during campaign season. However, what's new about this current fluctuation is that voters are beginning to agree with Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton is too crooked to be President. For many pollsters this seems somewhat unusual, as Trump had been trailing Hillary by almost 10 points because of many of his statements were scaring voters and the internal turmoil that engulfed his campaign. Currently, it seems as if he's gotten back on track and put together a more professional campaign staff. And thanks to more damaging publicity for Hillary, he now has some fresh fodder to attack her with.

Another factor to bear in mind is that both Trump's recent trip to Mexico and his immediate visit to flood victims in Louisiana, while exposing both Barack Obama and Hillary's dithering as the crisis worsened. As for Mexico, the trip was a prime opportunity for Trump to flash his presidential credentials. These actions are what's giving him the moral high-ground in his attacks against both Obama and Hillary.

As for Hillary, the fact that more revelations came out about her email setup while serving as our nation's highest diplomat is really beginning to derail her campaign. There's no question about the fact that the ongoing releases are casting her out to be both a liar and, in some cases, a criminal. It also points to the fact that she doesn't give a damn about us, or our most pressing issues; nor does it show that she's all that concerned about keeping us or our state secrets safe, either. It's only about keeping her family's pay-to-play scheme out of the public record and public's knowledge, cyber security and protecting state secrets be damned. Not the candidate I want in office.

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