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Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The BCRA's Failure To Pass Is A Welcome Reprieve

Seeing that the bill pushed by the Senate GOP failed its vote for passage is a tell-tale sign that the BCRA is dead (or on life-support). If 9 Republicans jumped ranks when the vote came up, it means that more will begin to cave as pressure from their constituents increases. 1 of the Republicans that voted against it, Dean Heller (R-NV), is up for re-election in next year's midterm and he's representing a state that voted for Hillary Clinton in last year's presidential race. This shows that popular opposition is enough to overcome big money's beckoning.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tale Of A Pissed Off Blue Shield Of California Customer

I can think of nothing more aggrivating than having my health insurance pulled out from under me. Let me say this, Blue Shield of California has a terrible problem with lining policies up, particularly policy numbers and the payments for them. If someone's paying them to provide them with basic coverage for their medical expenses, it should be a common knowledge that they should be able to keep track of those payments and not denying people coverage because of a clerical on their end. That was experience I had, and I can tell you, this is completely unacceptable. I can't think of any reason why a company like Blue Shield can't line up 2 pieces of paper, but apparently they can't for the life of them. I'll be happy when Open Enrollment comes up in November, as that's the first chance I'll get to switch carriers to Blue Cross of California. i'm not saying that Blue Cross is any better than Blue Shield, but it should end this nightmare that I've been having with them since last year.

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