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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reasons for Why Not to Elect Republican Congress

The Republican Party, has over the last year, been going balls to the wall over its hatred of our President. Let's face it, a Southernized Congress will only try to bring back Jim Crow and look to make America a Christian nation, with no room for free expression. This is not what we need, as they are nothing more than extremists. It's only their way or nothing, and if you don't like that, go elsewhere.

At the same time, their economic policy is you are on your own if you can't find work. We need to extend permanent tax-breaks to our corporate cronies and keep the offshoring break legal. It's wealthfare for the top. Don't worry, you will be subsidized if you are in the wealthiest 1-5%. This is just ludacris!

We need to keep the Democrats in charge for another 2 years. They're the ones with the ideas, not the Republicans. The Republicans only want to piss you off to the point that you'll give up your rights. Also, they wish to enshrine division & hatred.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I've been talking to friends and lately they've been sayin a lot how they feel burnt out. I happen to sympathize with them since I feel like my drive is also burning out, even though I'm very close to being done with my General Education units.

Well hopefully, I might find a way to make sure I can stay on track and not get too lost in the drama of college. I've had too many things get in the way, that's holding me up. Most notably is my inability to pass English 214. I've always had problems with that class and found someway to screw myself over (be it a bad match with a professor, or just simply me not being able to get to class on time). Mainly the situation has been the latter, but I guess I had trouble with 1 professor's teaching style. Another problem that I have with English is that I have no love for the subject, period. I never have and probably never will, but my university makes too big a deal out of that requirement, even though I know it's important to be able to write clearly. Sometimes, I feel that I can't get all the rules in that subject and therefore cannot always see what I need to look for. No matter what I keep doing, I can't ever make it good enough for professors. Some of them, happen to be assholes, but that's beside the point. Most are actually quite good with working with students that have learning disabilities. That's the situation with my current English professor and I give him/her a lot of credit for that. I personally think that the people who run universities should hire professors like mine. It will actually let students have a more level playing field.

I've also figured out that my burnout had been from me taking on too many classes and working myself through an entire summer without ever taking time off for myself or finding another way to occupy my time. The result of the burnout has been that I was on the internet for too many hours. Now I see what it has done to my GPA. I think that now, since I got the internet problem out of the way, I can take a fresh look at my course work and can better concentrate on taking care of the business of getting my GPA up to about a 2.70 by the end of the year. Hopefully, when I'm out of my college, I'll have a 3.50 GPA***.

***GPA stands for Grade Point Average***

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Recent inauguration of Pres. Obama

As many of you are aware, Barack Obama has recently become the 44th President of the United States of America. Although it is early in his term, I think we can expect great things from him and hold true to his enthusiasm that if we're doing community service, that we can do just about anything. My only hope is that he can keep us inspired to what we, as Americans, can do to get ourselves out of this whole we're in. If it's done at the microeconomic level and expanded upwards, I think that that may do the trick. You can't do it from the top down.

The good part is that partisan politics is now a thing of the past, and lately I've seen both political parties go more towards a bi-partisan path to solving the nations problems, even if they don't agree on some of the details.

To Pres. Obama: I hope that with your guidance, we can find a new way to define the United States of America as a nation and who we are as a people. I find that you are on the ball when you said that we will not apologize for our way of life. I agree whole-heartedly with you on that statement. Mr. President, your election has inspired such good-will and hope from both within and for our nation. You have become the very calming of the storm that is needed after the turbulence of the 1990s and the Bush years.

To my friends here and abroad: I think that with this underway, we shall see a small era of peace and hopefully a new vision of how the United States of America will in fact define itself as this century unfolds itself. I think that we shall see the USA start to regain its reputation after being humbled down. You may not see the US Military dictate US Foreign Policy as much and that it will be instead be dictated by the US State Dept, which is where that responsibility belongs, more often.

Just to be clear, I don't know how these years will turn out, but I have a sense everything will get back to normal. I think that Pres. Obama will do whatever he can to make sure this country can be all that it can. If you are worried that the Republican party will make some surprise comeback, I do not see that happening in 2010. The most likely time the Republicans will come back is maybe around 2016, maybe later. As long as Pres. Obama holds the White House, I think the Republicans will be reassessing their values and their core beliefs of low taxes and limited government. I now think that the Republican party will have to move towards the center, as the Democrats have under our president, in order to make themselves electable.

Then again, we shall see what the future bestows on us.

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