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Monday, May 27, 2019

Recent Democratic Legal Victories Have Started To Make Further Talk Of Impeachment Moot

A pair of legal victories for the Democrats this week have taken some of the strength out of the argument that they need to immmediately invoke articles of impeachment. Those victories have made the House Democrats’ leadership’s case against immediately pursuing impeachment of Donald Trump a lot more credible. When it comes to the subject of impeachment, there should no rush whatsoever.

This is why everyone within Democratic Party’s base should heed the words of caution from former House Republicans, like Newt Gengrich, when it comes to impeaching a sitting President. They’re right in warning us not to take up the same antics that they did with Bill Clinton in the 1990s; that it could potentially backfire on us like it did to them back in 1998 and 1999. They’re also right to warn that Democrats could take the same type of battering in 2020 congressional elections that Republicans took in both 1998 and 2000.

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