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Monday, April 24, 2017

Why Fears Of A War Breaking Out Between America And Both Russia And China Are Overblown In Regards To The North Korean Nuclear Crisis

There's been a lot of talk in news headlines around the world that America is on a collision course to war with both Russia and China regarding the ongoing crisis with the Kim Regime's Nuclear Program. That's not the case as both the Russians and Chinese's strategic patience has worn almost thin enough to endorse an American-led military strike against North Korea. Even though there have been traded conventional and nuclear war threats between America and North Korea, the fact is that the North Koreans' closest "allies," Russia and China, won't back them up. They'll see giving up the Kim Regime as an evil they can live with if that's the way to get American military hardware out of the region.

Should war break out, the Americans' response to the North's aggression will be several fold stronger than in World War II, especially in defense of both Japan and South Korea. Both the Russian and Chinese leaderships know this, which explains why the likelihood of them retaliating against the Americans is very low. North Korea has long thumbed its nose at international law and has continually shown that it will only settle its disputes with military force. By consistently threatening to engage in preemptive nuclear warfare, it's shown that it has no regard for human life.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Curtail Trump As The 2018 Midterm Nears

I know that for many of us looking to establishment channels to hold Donald Trump accountable, but I need to give a cold shock to that by illustrating just how useless The Democrats and the GOP have become. Neither body wants to change the structural hurdles that we the people have to jump through when they make too much money accepting corporate donations. The only real way to curtail Trump goes as follows.

The way to rein in Trump is to completely bypass the DNC, and instead work to nominate outside candidates with the zeal of taking on the corruption shrouding Washington. In addition, it's also on all of us to protest loudly and strongly to keep our elected officials' feet to the fire when they move to placate their corporate donors. We should also take guidance from Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders about pushing through the agenda set by Our Revolution. Don't worry about the corporatists within the Democratic rank-and-file, as they're completely disinterested in pushing for the kinds of structural reforms that we the people desperately need.

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