Watching Bernie Sanders speak to Rachel Maddow at the First in the South Presidential Forums only confirmed one thing about the GOP and their vote suppression activities. They have no courage to face the voters due to their bankrupt ideas and rush to return to our racist past, and instead attempt to make the electorate as small as possible so that they can impose their ideology on all of us. Bernie's right to call their activities out into the open and to call them cowards about losing their seats. Watch the video in its entirety and it'll be easy to see why we need Bernie as our next President.
How Democrats Should Campaign In 2024
The Democrats are going about campaigning on Joe Biden's behalf against
Donald Trump in the most boneheaded way possible. Painting the latter as
either t...
Brand New Music Video From Skaz One
Skaz One tries his hand at comedy rap in this new hit song, My Fidget
Spinner Matches My Jordan's.
IG: @skaz1official
Use 404 or Lazy Tips to finding XSS
In my opinion usefulness of an XSS on a random website is next to nothing.
What are you going to do with XSS on your local school website? Stil da
*Lessons Learned*.
After it became clear that President Obama would win the Electoral College
vote handily and garner a bare majority of the national popu...
The Ultimate True Objective in Life
Your success in life depends on your behaviors and on how you look at and
understand the real dimensions and sides of life. Most people see only the