After hearing that Gen. Rick Shinseki resigned as VA Secretary, it saddened me to think that a man of such valor would have to walk away from the post that he worked so hard to restore some sense of honesty. However, such valiant efforts went out the window, as there's still some lingering problems that predate the Obama Administration that are a lasting confirmation of the sheer incompetence of the Bush Administration (2001-9) in even provinding our nation's veterans with the very medical care that they need. It's so infuriating to think that many administrators in the +Veterans Health Adminstration and other senior staff in that agency could be that careless about the very people they're supposed to serve, and that they ordered their subordinates to simply falsify figures to increase their ever increasing bonuses. I have to say that is the most bogus directive I've heard of. It does hearten me that President +Barack Obama is fully on this issue, and is about to try to tackle this so that it disappears permanently. Yet at the same time, Obama is ultimately responsible for this as +President Of The United States. He needs to get this out of the way and at least give our vets the benefits they've earned fighting for our freedom.
How Democrats Should Campaign In 2024
The Democrats are going about campaigning on Joe Biden's behalf against
Donald Trump in the most boneheaded way possible. Painting the latter as
either t...
1 year ago