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Friday, August 30, 2013

Why I was, am, and always will be a Democrat

For a long time I've been watching the Republican Party let loose a salvo of harmful laws for the American people, and it's gotten to the point of really pissing me off. There's not much to say other than for the past 30 years, the Republicans have been responsible for the biggest redistribution of wealth since the Great Depression, and almost all of it going to the very wealthiest Americans. Additionally, the Republicans have been responsible for keeping us in a Cold War mentality both at home and abroad, and the former Bush Administration is a shining example.

I can't think of one instance in recent times when there's been an example of when the Republicans held the Presidency that they were not engaging in illegal warfare abroad, or picking fights with other countries on an unnecessarily consistent basis, especially when they didn't care for the leader of said nations.

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