God, I know that America has become a nation that honors immense stupidity, but this is the worst. Beck opening a new university is the biggest laugh I can have. Honestly, for a guy who never graduated from college, nor one who's particularly fond of education as it is, happens to be the biggest joke ever. Seriously, it undermines the real prestige of American higher education.
Look, it's nothing more than a scheme of Beck's to grab your money. Not to mention, the rewriting of American history for purposes to advocate violence is undeniably idiotic, and I'm being very kind in saying that. Beck is a business man who goes about scaring you so that you will buy his sponsors' products, i.e., Gold. He's an excellent pitchman, I'll give him that, but for the love of God, actually expand your horizons and listen to other news sources.
How Democrats Should Campaign In 2024
The Democrats are going about campaigning on Joe Biden's behalf against
Donald Trump in the most boneheaded way possible. Painting the latter as
either t...
1 year ago