I don't know where to start with this 1, but it's a safe bet to say that Donald Trump's latest threats will not go unanswered in next year's presidential election. He's finally beginning to understand that his days as President are numbered, and that as soon as he's out of office, he'll have to answer for some very serious crimes that he's committed over the years. It's also becoming increasingly clear that he's playing from a point of weakness, which could explain his latest overreach.
Cities like San Francisco and New York City have made it clear that should Trump carry through on his threat, they will only welcome the
undocumented immigrants sent their way and will provide them with sanctuary. This is why Trump's threats will likely backfire on him spectacularly. Trump is absolutely delusional in thinking that he can turn this into a winning issue. The fact is that he has almost nothing to run on, except racism and bigotry. That's a big problem for him going into 2020.