The more I hear about
The Democrats' ongoing internal troubles, the more I'm beginning to think that the current DNC Chair,
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is setting the party up to lose the election in November. It's not hard to see why, with the debate schedule to the lax security around donor info makes me really uneasy about what other troubles could be plaguing the DNC. This does not inspire confidence, especially in the party that has great ideas. Furthermore, she is a huge supporter of
Hillary Clinton, and does owe her career in Congress to the Clintons, but I'm getting concerned that she's putting that loyalty ahead of objectively monitoring the race. But as I've said numerous times on the blog as to why I think nominating Hillary is a mistake, the biggest reason being that she's uninspiring and too many base Democrats see her as being dishonest. If we don't get a new DNC chair, we're not going to see another Democratic President again once
Barack Obama leaves office in a year. This would be the likely scenario should Hillary be nominated for President, as the nation as a whole would vote to elect Donald Trump as President (that would be bad news in more ways than anyone can imagine).
Furthermore, I don't understand Schultz's decision to contract out the maintenance of the Democrats' donor database out to the company
NGP VAN, which apparently cannot hold secure donor information between various campaigns. Granted what
Bernie Sanders' campaign did was horrifying, but it highlights the problem of contracting out that kind of work. It lead to lax security measures for holding on to people's private information. I have yet to hear anything coming out of an inquiry as to why this happened and how to prevent it. If I do, I'll share my thoughts on here.